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知识点归纳六年级下册英语素材-小学英语语法总复习知识点归纳 外研版(三起)

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归纳 外研版(三起)


一、时态 1.一般现在时

(1)表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用 “usually通常, often常常, every…每…, sometimes有时,always总是,”等词。


主语I / You / We / They /He / She / It 肯定句:主语+ 动词原形或动词第三人称单数形式

否定句:主语+ don’t + 动词原形 或者doesn’t + 动原 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Do… ? Yes, I do. No,I don’t.

Does…(动词原形)…? Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesn’t.

特殊疑问句 What do …? How does she…(动词原形)…? (3) 动词第三人称单数形式(同名词单数变成复数方法相同)

1. 一般情况 +s 如:walk-walks

2. 辅音字母+y结尾 去y +ies fly-flies 3. 结尾是 s, x, sh, ch +es watch-watches 4. 结尾是0 +es do-does, go-goes 5. 特殊 have-has


(1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now现在, look看,linsen听”. (2)基本形式: be + 动词-ing

*..**..**..**..**..*eg: I am(not) doing my homework.

You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating. What are you doing? Is he reading? (3)动词的现在分词形式(动词+ing) 一般情况 +ing walk—walking

结尾是不发音的 e -e + ing come—coming 重读闭音节 双写最后一个字母+ing swim-swimming run-running

3. 一般过去时

(1) 表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用 “last …上一个…, just now刚才, many years ago许多年前, yesterday昨天”等词。

*..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..(2) be 动词的过去式: am/is—was are—were (3)过去式基本结构

肯定句:主语+ 动词过去式 I went shopping last night. 否定句:主语 + didn’t + 动词原形

I didn’t go shopping last night. 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Did …+ 动词原形…?

Did you go shopping last night? 特殊疑问句(wh-) What did…+ 动词原形…? What did you do last night? (4)动词过去式的变化: 规则动词的变化:

(1)一般动词 +ed planted,watered,climbed

(2) 以不发音的e结尾 +d liked tied

(3)辅音字母加y结尾 -y+ ied study—studied, cry- cried *..**..**..**..**..*(4)重读闭音节单词,末尾只有一个辅音字双写最后一个字母+ed plan – planned stop –stopped 不规则动词的变化:

原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式 am /is was are were go went

*..**..**..**..**..*do did find found buy bought eat ate feel felt drink drank*..**..**..**..**.. teach taught take took read read*..**..**..**..**..* give gave have had put put *..**..**..**..**..*sing sang drive drove meet met

*..**..**..**..**..* cut cut begin began make made

*..**..**..**..**..*let let ring rang write wrote see saw run ran ride rode

*..**..**..**..**..* come came draw drew sit sat *..**..**..**..**..*tell told learn learnt get got*..**..**..**..**..carry carried study studied 4.一般将来时

一般将来时表示将来打算做的事或将要发生的事情。常常与tomorrow, next Sunday 等时间状语连用。

*..**..**..**..**..*结构:be going to +动词原形或will +动词原形 例如:I’m going to visit my grandpa next week.



主格 I we you he she it they 宾格 me us you him her it them

*..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..*形容词性物主代词 my our your his her its their

*..**..**..**..**..*名词性物主代词 mine ours yours his hers its theris (注:介词,动词后面跟宾格。后面没有名词时用名词性物主代词。)


1.一般名词: + s book –books

2.辅音字母加y结尾: - y+ ies story—stories

3.以s, x,sh, ch ,结尾: + es glass—glasses; a watch-watches 以o结尾:1)有生命的 +es potato-potatoes

2) 无生命的 +s photo-photoes

4.以f或fe结尾: - f 或fe 变为ves knife –knives; shelf-shelves 5.特殊的名词复数:

*..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..**..*man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth

fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, 四、不可数名词(没有复数形式)

bread, rice, water, juice,milk,tea,coffee 五、缩略形式

*..**..**..**..**..*I’m = I am you’re = you are she’s = she is he’s = he is hasn’t = he has(got) it’s = it is who’s =who is can’t =can not isn’t=is not didn’t=did not

*..**..**..**..**..* weren’t=were not wasn’t=was not let’s=let us I’ll=I will 六、a. an .the的用法

1.单词的第一读音是辅音读音:a book, a peach, a “U” 单词的第一个读音是元音读音:an egg, an hour, an “F” 2.the要注意的:球类前面不加the,play football 乐器前面要加the,play the piano 序数词前面要加the, the second 七、介词

1.表示方位:on, in ,in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.,under

*..**..**..**..**..* 2.表示时间:

(1)at : 几点前面用at如:at six o’clock, 没有day的节日前用at如 :at Christmas, 固定词组 at the weekends ,at night

*..**..**..**..**..*(2)on: 用于星期,日期,某一天的上午、下午、晚上(指具体的某一天时) on Sunday在星期天 on Sunday morning 在星期天的上午 on March 8 在3月8日; 带有Day的节日前用on 如: on National Day

*..**..**..**..**..*(3)in: 早晨,中午,晚上前用in:in the morning ,in the afternoon ,in the evening , 月份前用in ,如in December ;季节前用in ,如 winter;年份前用 in,如 in 1999


知识点归纳六年级下册英语素材-小学英语语法总复习知识点归纳 外研版(三起)


