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2018外研版英语七年级下册Module 2《What can you do》主题阅读练习

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Module 2 What can you do?


(A) A Great Club Do you want to be an artist? Come to our club. We have lessons about the guitar, the drum, the violin, and the piano for just ¥ 20 each. You can also learn to sing, to dance for ¥20 each. If you like painting, you can be satisfied (满意的) , too. It’s just for ¥25! 1. How much is it for the piano lesson? It’s ______. A. ¥25 B. ¥20 C. ¥30 D. ¥40

2. We can’t learn about ______in the club. A. music B. painting C. singing D. swimming

3. If you want to learn about violin and dance, you will pay______. A. ¥20 B. ¥30 C. ¥40 D. ¥50

4. What does “lesson” mean in the ad? A. 老师 B. 课程 C. 教室 D. 费用

5. How many instruments (乐器) do you know in the ad? A. Five. B. Four. C. Six. D. Seven. (B)

My name is Joe. Do you want to know my hobby (爱好)? I like music very much. There are many clubs in our school and I want to join the Music Club.

Lisa and Linda are my friends. Lisa is a girl and she likes playing chess very much. She wants to join the Chess Club. Do you know Linda’s hobby? Well, let me tell you. Linda’s favourite sport is swimming. But she doesn’t want to join the Swimming Club. She wants to join the Music Club. Why? Because she wants to be in the same club with me.

David is also my friend. He likes English and he wants to join the English Club.

1. What does Joe like?

A. He likes music. B. He likes chess. C. He likes sports. D. He likes swimming.

2. How many friends are mentioned (提到) in the passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 3. What club does Lisa want to join?

A. The Music Club. B. The Chess Club. C. The Swimming Club. D. The English Club. 4. Who wants to join the English Club? A. Joe. B. Lisa. C. Linda. D. David.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Joe likes playing chess.

B. Lisa’s favourite sport is running.

C. Lisa wants to be in the same club with Joe. D. David likes English. (C)

Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for your letter. You want to know about my favourite sport and instrument. Now let me tell you. I like swimming very much. Swimming is my favou-rite sport. My favourite instrument is the violin. I like playing the violin every weekends. What about you? What’s your favourite sport? Who’s your favourite player? Please tell me. I want to hear from you again. Yours, Mary

根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1. Who is the letter from?

______________________________________ 2. Who is the letter to?

______________________________________ 3. What does Tom want to know?

______________________________________ 4. What does Mary like?

______________________________________ 5. What does Mary want?



(A) 1—5 BDCBB (B) 1—5 ABBDD

(C) 1. From Mary. 2. To Tom.

3. He wants to know about Mary’s favourite sport and instrument. 4. Swimming and playing the violin.

5. She wants to hear from Tom again and know something about his favourite sport and player.

2018外研版英语七年级下册Module 2《What can you do》主题阅读练习


