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高中英语人教版必修第三册 uni4 单词检测(含答案)

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Book3 unit4

1. ___________________adj.精神的:思想的____________________adj.身体的:物质的

2. metre n.米:公尺_________________ n.厘米.公分,_______________千米:公里

3.intelligence n.智力:才智,__________________adj.有才智的:聪明的

4.front n.前面:正前方______________n.边界:边缘________________n.领域

5._______________n.交通工具:车辆 ____________________n.路上行驶的车辆:交通

6. universe n..宇宙:天地万物 _____________the universe在宁宙中

a _________________event 一个宇宙事件

7. determine联决定_________________n.决心:果断决定_______________to do sth.下决心做某事_____________________下定决心做某事

8.launch v.开始从事,发起,发动launch an________________发起进攻 launch a _______________ 发射火箭

9. man n.男人:人类_____________n.人类human n.人___________________ n.人

10.disappoint以使失望 _______________adj.失望的_______________adj.令人失望的

11.independent adj.独立的:自主的;自治的______________n.独立:独立性:自主

12. signal n.信号:标志.________________n. 迹象:标牌______________n.象征:符号

12. recycle回收利用:再利用_______________adj.回收的:再用的

14.otherwise adv.否则:不然除此以外____________(表示威胁)否则的话,要不然的话

15.solar system n.太阳系:类太阳系solar______________阳能solar___________太阳风16.current adj.流通的:流行的________________ adv.现时,目前____________________ adj.流行的:受欢迎的

17.facility n.设施:设备 _______________n,器械:仪器:器具____________n.设备:配备:装备18.globe n.地球仪;地球 _________________ adj 全球的:全世界的

19.argue v.争论:争吵:争辩____________n.争论:争吵:争辩____________ v.&n.口角,争吵;拌嘴 20.shallow adj.浅的;肤浅的 ________________ adj.深的:厚

21.pattern n.模式:范例_____________ n.模型:样式________________n.例证:榜样 __________________n..例子 v.举例

22.regular adj.规则的,有规律的________________adv.有规律地


21. limit n.限度:限制 v.切限制________________adj.有限的______________adj.无限制的 24.attach vt.系:绑:贴attach..._____________把...绑(贴)在...上..

___________....to....把....栓在 ....上 _________ ... to.... .把...贴在...上 .

25.desire n.渴望 v,渴望desire_________渴望做某事desire_________sth渴望得到某物be eager__________渴望做某事 be eager_______sth.渴望得到某物be___________to do sth.急于做某事 be anxious______________渴望:担忧

26.carry on继续,坚持.carry ___________doing sth.=___________on doing sth.

=___________doing sth.继续、持续做某事 _________on_________sth.=________on with sth =_________________with sth.继续进行=go on _____________=continue_______________ sth 接下来做某事carry _________ 实施:执行 27.on board在火车(或轮船、飞机等)上_______ on board上火车(或轮船、飞机等)火车(或轮船、飞机等)上______________on board在火车(或轮船、飞机等)上

28.in the hope________doing怀.....的希望hope___________希望做某事________to do sth,希望做某事

28. so as to do sth.为了:以便 ________________为了做某事

30. figure out想出;理解:弄清 _____________ sth clear 弄明白.搞清楚某事

31. result in导致:造成_______________ to通向,导致________a result因此32. provide sth.___________ sb =provide sb ________ sth供给某人某物 ___________ sb ___________ sth =___________ sth to/for sb 为某人供应某物 offer sb sth 主动提供某物 offer ________________主动提出做某事 33. in closing最后 ________the end最后_______last终于:最终 ________adv,.最后:最终

34. run out被用完:耗尽run out___________用光....


1. mental physical 2. centimeter kilometre 3. intelligent4. frontier field 5. vehicle traffic 6. in universe 7. determination determined make up one s mind to do sth. 8. attack rocket 9. mankind human being 10. disappointed disappointing

l1. independence 12 sign symbol 13 recycled 14 or else 15 energy wind 16. currently 17. instrument equipment 18. global 19. argument quarrel

18. deep 21. model example instance 22. regularly 23 limited unlimited

24 to tie stick 25 to do sth for to do sth for anxious for 26 on go continue 27. Ge be 28 of to do sth wish 29. in order to do sth 30. make 31. lead 32 for with supply with supply to do sth 33. in at finally 34 of


高中英语人教版必修第三册 uni4 单词检测(含答案)


