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A. he doesn’t know the world is so big B. he doesn’t know he can jump high C. he doesn’t know the sky is blue

( )5. The best(最好的)Chinese title of the story is A. 青蛙和乌鸦B. 青蛙看天空C. 井底之蛙


阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T,F来表示. A fox was looking for food. He was very hungry. Then he saw a lot of nice grapes at the top of the tree. “ How nice they are! I want to eat them.” The fox jumped and jumped, but the tree was too high. He could not get the grapes. The fox went away and said. “ I don’t like grapes. They ‘re not good to eat.”

( ) 1. The fox was playing near the tree.

( ) 2. There were many grapes at the top of the tree. ( ) 3. The fox did not like the grapes.

( ) 4. The fox went away because (因为) the grapes were not good to eat.


Look up into the sky. What can you see? You can see the sun. At night, you can see the moon and many, many stars. The moon is nearer us

than the sun. The sun is much farther. The moon looks almost as large as the moon. But the sun is really much larger. The sun is a star. It is a big ball of fire. It sends out light. The moon is a satellite(卫星). It doesn’t send out light. There isn’t any air on the moon. There are no trees, grass or water on the moon. During the day it is very hot, but at night it can be -129℃.

( )1.The moon is as large as the sun. ( )2. The sun is a big ball of fire. ( )3. The moon sends out light.

( )4. There aren’t any trees on the moon. ( )5. On the moon, it is very cold all the day.


There is a car race (比赛)near our town every year. In 2000, there was a very big race. There were hundreds of people there. My friend ad I were there, too. You could see us in the crowd.() We stood on the left. There were twenty cars in the race. They were from different countries. It was very exciting.(兴奋) No. 15 car ran faster than other cars. It was first. The winner (胜利者)was Billy. On the way home, my friend said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly! It’s not a car race.” ( )1. When was the great car race? .

A. 1998. B. 1999 C. 2000

( )2. There were in the race in 2000.

A. hundreds of cars B. twenty cars C. five cars ( )3. Who was the winner? . A. I B. My friend C. Billy ( )4.Which car was Billy in? . A. No.15 B. No. 5 C. No. 20

( )5. My friend and I were the race at that time. A. having B. losing C. watching


A man was very hungry , and he went to buy cakes at a snack bar. When he ate(吃) a cake, he found (发现) he was still hungry, and so he ate a second one. He felt (感觉) so hungry. After seven cakes , he was not hungry. Suddenly, he had an idea. “Ah, if(如果) I eat the seventh one first, I only need to buy one cake, and I can save six yuan.”

( )1. The man bought (买) cakes. A. one B. seven C.six

( )2. After the man eating five cakes , he was still . A. not hungry B. thirsty C. hungry

( )3. One cake is yuan. A. six B. seven C. one

( )4. Was he full(饱) if he ate only one cake?

A. Yes, he was. B . No, he wasn’t. C. Yes, he was right. ( )5. The title(题目)is “ .” A. A man and a snack bar B. One cake and seven cakes C. A foolish (愚蠢的)man


Of all the teachers, we love our English teacher best.(最) He is a very good teacher and about thirty years old. We all call him Mr Liu. He is not tall but a little fat. In his class, we feel very happy. He always makes his English lessons interesting. Sometimes he let us watch the video. Sometimes he teaches us English songs. He often shows us how to learn English well. He asks us to do more listening, speaking, reading and writing. After class, we often talk with him in English. He is always happy to help us.

One day, one of classmates, Li Tong had a bad cold. He took her to see a doctor, and got some medicine for her. When Li Tong stayed at home, Mr Liu went to her home and helped her with her lessons. Several

days later(几天后), she went back to school. This is our English teacher. What do you think of him? ( )1. Mr Liu is .

A. short but thin B. short but a little fat C. tall but fat

( )2. The students feel very happy in Mr Liu’s class, because(因为) . A. English is difficult(困难)

B. Mr Liu’s lessons are always interesting C. he is a serious(认真的) man ( )3. Who had a bad cold? A. A girl B. A boy C. A teacher

( )4. What did Mr Liu do first when Li Tong had a bad cold? A. Took her to see the doctor. B. Took he home. C. called her parents. ( )5. What did Mr Liu do after Li Tong stayed at home? A. He took some flowers to her. B. He got some medicine for her. C. he helped her with her lesons.



