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江苏省连云港市赣榆县智贤中学高中英语 Unit 3 Amazin

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Unit 3 Amazing people 同步练习(十四)

Period 5 Word power (2)

预习作业 一、单词拼写 (每题3分, 共18分)

1. The over 21 hours’ journey into space made Yang Liwei China’s first a__________. 2.Trembling with excitement, theyoung boy set out on his most a__________ journey, because he liked to visit new places.

3. People in that street were d_________ by the heavy truck traffic every night and they even could go to sleep.

4. He is a good manager who o_________ his workers’ time well and they speak highly of him.

5. Years of hard work made him a s__________ man.

6. We should make better use of the natural ________(财富). 课堂作业 二、单项填空 (每题3分, 共42分)

1. _______your exercises ______ Jack’s and you’ll realize you should work harder. A. Compare, with B. Compare, to C. Comparing, with D. Comparing, to 2. He’s famous_____the film”Hero” _____ a film director. A. for, as B. for, for C. as, as D. as, for

3. When I was planting trees, I discovered a pot ______ a lot of coins. A. that contained B. that is contained C. that is included D. where had 4.One week _____, I heard the _____news about him.

A. later, late B. late, latest C. later, latest D. latest, later

5. The two teams are obviously of different class. How can they _______ each other? A. suit

B. match

C. fit

D. compare

6. The police are searching _______ every house _______ the thief. A. for; for B. of; of A. in 1990

C. /; for D. of; for

C. of 1990s

D. of the 1990s

7. The young people _______ are free to choose their favorite jobs.

B. in the 1990

8. _____ the yard, I found it _____ with lots of _____ leaves. A. Entering;covering;falling B. Entering; covered;fallen C. Entering;covering;fallen D. Having entered;covered; falling 9. He said he made a living ___ driving passengers and his car was made ____ hand. A. with / with B. with / by C. by / by D. by / with 10. I don’t understand how John could have made _____ in his judgment .

A. such big mistake B. such a big mistake C. so a big mistake D. so big mistake

创新作业 三、翻译下列句子(每题4分, 共20分)



___________________________________________________ 2. 他从医院回来后不久就死了。(shortly)

___________________________________________________ 3. 徒步旅行很有趣味,又是很好的锻炼。(as well as ) ___________________________________________________

4. 警察还在搜寻这片树林为寻找飞机(plane crash)失事的生还者。(search) ___________________________________________________ 5. 他以优秀演技为人所共知。 (be known )


课后作业 阅读理解 (每题4分, 共20分)

John Milton was born in 1608.His father expected him to enter the church of England,but Milton wanted to be a poet.At twenty-nine Milton set out a travel on the continent.He travelled in France,Switzerland and Italy meeting and winning the friendship of many artists and scientists including Galiled,the famous Italian scientist who suffered for his discovery in prison.In 1639,he was planning to go on his journey when the news reached him of the break between the king and the Parliament(国会).Milton returned to England immediately,and put himself into the struggle against the king,for which he had long been preparing.During the Civil War Milton worked as the spokesman of the revolution.By the beginning of 1652,Milton had become totally blind,yet he didn’t stop fighting.After the Restoration(复辟) his books were burnt,and he himself avoided(免于) being killed because of his blindness.John Milton was not only a brave revolutionary but also a great poet.His famous poem Paradise Lost(《失乐园》) was an immediate success.But,for its publication,Milton received only

18 pounds.He died in 1671.

1.Milton’s father wanted him to ______.

A.serve god

B.study in a church

D.visit the church of England

C.go to church on Sundays

2.Milton returned to England because ______.

A.the war had made it possible for him to go on with his journey B.the time had finally come when he could devote himself to his cause C.he was forced to join in the war

D.experiences in the war would help him in poem writing 3.What saved Milton’s life after the Restoration?

A.His contribution(贡献) in the war.


B.His great fame(名声) as a poet. C.His physical condition. D.The king’s mercy. 4. Which statement is NOT TRUE?

A.When he was young, he travelled to several countries, winning friendship of many scientists

B.By the end of the 17 century, he went blind.

C.Paradise Lost made John Milton a success. D. It was in 1671 that John Milton died. 一.

1. astronaut 2. adventurous 3.disturbed 4.organized 5. successful 6. riches 二.

1. A 由and可知是并列句,那么前后应分别为两个简单句,而C、D都为分词短语;B的意思不符,compare…..to……把……比作…….

2. A . be famous for因……而闻名;be famous as作为…….而有名

3. A 关系代词that充当contain的主语,contain意思为“包含”“含有”,指所有内容,而include意思为“包括”,强调部分内容。

4.C. one week later一周以后(later表示一段时间以后, 还可单独使用,表示 “后来”); latest news最新新闻(这里latest表示 “离现在时间最近的”); late可作形容词或副词. 5. match作及物动词用时意思是“与…相匹敌;势均力敌”。suit sb.指在款式、颜色等方面适合某人,fit sb.指大小适合某人,compare在搭配和意义上都不对。 6. search+地点+for sth.“搜寻某地找某物”。 7. D.表示年代要加the,后面有(’)s。

8.B. entering是现在分词作时间状语;fallen leaves表示“落在地上的叶子”。 9.C. with和by都可以解释为“用”,但by指用“方式、手段”,with指用“工具”。 10. B.本题考查结构 such + a(n) + adj. + n (可数名词单数)。such常用的结构是: “such + a(n) +adj. +n.(可数名词的单数形式), such +adj. +n.(可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词)”。so常用的结构是: “so + adj. + a(n)(可数名词的单数形式)或so + adj. 或 adv.。所以本题的正确答案是 B. 三.

1. I have seen him within these last three days. 2. He died shortly after he came back from hospital. 3. Hiking is good exercise as well as fun.

4. The policemen are still searching the forest for the survivors of the plane crash. 5. He is known to everyone as a good actor./He is known to everyone for his excellent



acting. 四.ABC

1.A. 由His father expected him to enter the church 可推断出。

2.B. Milton一直在作着同国王斗争的准备,因此当时国王与国会的决裂正是开展斗争的好时机。

3.C. 国王复辟后没有杀害Milton的原因是他已经瞎了,正是他的身体状况(physical condition)使他免于一死。 4. B.


江苏省连云港市赣榆县智贤中学高中英语 Unit 3 Amazin


