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四年级英语下册知识点汇总 Unit 1 Our new house .

一、 词汇

1、whose 谁的,who(所有格) whose 。 Whose home is it? 2、where 在哪儿,Where do you watch TV? 3、watch 看(动词),watch(第三人称单数) watches 。也可当名词,手表,watch(复数) watches 。 4、study 书房(名词),还可当动词,意为:学习(动词)。 He often studies in his study。 5、big 大,big(反义词) small 。X k6、too 也,太 ,too(同音词) two 。 7、clean 干净的(形容词),还可以当动词,意为:打扫,整理。eg:clean the room 打扫房间 二、 短语

1、whose home 谁的家 2、welcome to 欢迎来到…… 3、 small but clean 小但是干净

4、hide and seek 捉迷藏 5、look out 注意 6、big and beautiful 既大又漂亮 7、 under the bed 在床下 8、living room 客厅 9、dining room 餐厅10、look out 当心,小心 同义词 三、 句型

There be句型 “表示某处有某物”

There is a study in my house. 1、What’s in your new house ?

There are two beddrooms in my house. 2、There are two bedrooms .

There is a study and two bedrooms in my house. 3、Where do you watch TV ?

4、Our livingroom is not very big,but it’s beautifu . There are two bedrooms and a study in my house. Is there a study in your bedroom? 5、Is he in the living room?

6、Whose home is it?

7、Where do you watch TV? 8、My bedroom is not very big but it is beautiful.

Our new house

This is our new house. There are three people in my home. There are two___________. The big one is for my mom and dad. My bedroom is small, but it’s clean. Our living room is not big, but it’s beautiful. We often watch TV there. The ______________ is small, we often have dinner there. There is a kitchen and a bathroom, too. They are nice. I have a __________, I often read books and write there, it’s beautiful. I love my new house.

Unit 2 I’m cooking in the kitchen .


1、run (现在分词) running 2、swim (现在分词) swimming 3、sit (现在分词) sitting 4、make (现在分词) making 5、have (现在分词) having 6、write (现在分词) writing

7、dance (现在分词) dancing 8、cook 做饭(动词),也可当名词讲,意为:厨师。 I am a cook.

9、darling 亲爱的(名词),darling(同意词) dear 。10、people 人,人们,people(复数形式) people k B 1 . 二、短语

1、in the study 在书房里 2、read a book/read books 看书 3、listen to music 听音乐 4、every day 每天 5、draw pictures/draw a picture画画6、make a plane 造飞机 7、how about=what about ……怎么样 三、句型

1、——What are you doing ? —— I’m cooking in the kitchen. 3、——What are the girls doing ? ——They are singing songs . 4、We are flying 5、We are making a plane. ...


(一) 概念:表示现在发生的动作,句中常含有now,listen,look,等表示动作正在进行的词语。 (二)构成形式:主语+be +现在分词(V-ing) 1. I am reading a book. 2. He is drawing a picture. 3. She is listening to music. 4.They are playing games. 5.The baby is sleeping. 6.The girls are dancing. 我会说 1.这只猴子在爬树。 2.Alice在过马路。 3.妈妈在做饭。 4.女孩们在跳绳。 5.这辆正在左转。(turn left) 6.看!空中有只鸟在飞。 7.听!Kevin在唱歌。 (三) 特殊疑问句形式(考点:对划线部分提问) What are you doing? I am listening to music / We are listening to music. What is he/she/Alice/your mother doing? She/He is having lunch. What are they/the boys/girls doing? They are reading books. (三)一般疑问句形式:将陈述句中is或are提到句首 Are you reading a book? Yes,I am / No, I’m not. Is he drawing a picture? Yes,he is /No,he isn’t. Are they playing games? Yes,they are. /No,they aren’t. 现在分词变化规则: 1.在词尾直接加ing; fly→flying, read→reading 2.去“e”加ing;(以不发音的e结尾的动词) “拿(take)来(come)吃饭(have)写字(write) 跳舞(dance)做手工(make)” 3.双写末尾字母加ing. 跑步(run)游泳(swim)坐下(sit)



1.做饭________ 2.厨师________ 3.阅读________ 4.写字;写作________ 5.睡觉________ 6.吃_________ (同义词)_________ 7.听________(同义词)_______ 8.站立________(反义词) _________9.婴儿_______ 10.怎么样?___________ 二、写出下列词语的现在分词

sleep_________ cook________ read_________ write_______ eat________have_______ climb_______ cross________ sit_________ make__________ dance_________ swim__________ stand_________come_______ run __________ take__________ see___________ play____________ fly_________ snow________ rain___________ 三、短语练习

1、在书房里 2、看书 3、listen to music 4、every day 5、画画 6、make a plane 7、What about 四、句子练习

1.这个婴儿在睡觉。 2.我在厨房里。 3.------她在做什么? ------ 她在读书 4.Wu Chen在画画。 5. 我们每天很忙。 6.我们每天都很快乐。 7.我们在制作飞机。 8.Liu Zhaoyang和Kevin在操场上打篮球。 9.我正在给妈妈做生日贺卡。(for) 10.他们在图书馆读书。 五、按要求写句子

1.There are 20 people in the park.(对划线部分提问) ________________________________________________? 2. I am reading a book. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________?

3.He is drawing a picture.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) ____________________________? ____________________ 4. I am listenning to music.(变为一般疑问句并作否定回答) ____________________________? ___________________ 5.Are you playing games?(作否定回答) _________________________________

Unit 3 Is it snowing ?



1、need 需要(动词)2、rain 雨(名词),下雨(动词)。raincoat 雨衣。

2、snow 雪(名词),下雪(动词)3、wind 风 4、sky 天空 5、dear 亲爱的 6、please 请 7、cloud 云(名词),cloud(复数) clouds 8、cold 冷,(反义词) hot (热). 9、them 他们;她们(they的宾格形式) 二、短语

1、look at 看 2、in the sky 在天空 3、take a raincoat 带上雨衣 4、take an umbrella 带上雨伞 5、play games 做游戏 6、play with 和…一起玩 7、take out 拿出8、put on 穿上,戴上 put on 与代词连用时,代词要放在put与on的中间。take out 的用法也一样。 Please put on your coat .(后跟名词) Please put them on .(后跟代词,代词放中间) Take out your English book. (后跟名词) Take it out. (后跟代词,代词放中间) 三、句型

1、Look at the clouds in the sky . 新Lo

2、Is it snowing ? 肯定:Yes,it is . 否定:No,it isn’t .

3、It is sonwing . But there is no wind. There is no cloud but there is a wind. 4、Let’s take out our raincoats ! (let’s=let us) Let’s put them on. 5、How cold it is ! I want a house. (How beautigul! How nice!) 6、What do you need? Come and play with me. 7、Is there a wind? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 四、语音知识( )

字母a目前发两种音,/ ? /和/eI /

读/ ? / 的词语有 apple candy rabbit map bank fat act cat 读/eI / 的词语有 face game cake lake page date make take

1.Look at the____________in the sky. Please put on your_____________ . 2.It’s_____________ . How cold it is! I want a ____________ . 3.It is_____________ .I need (a/an) _____________. 4.Look at the_______

in the sky and there a_______ ..Please take your_________.

Unit 4 What do you do on Sunday ?


1、fly 放(飞),fly (第三人称单数) flies 2、football 足球 3、exercise 运动;练习 4、film 电影 5、wash 洗 6、climb 爬;攀登 7、mountain 山;山脉 8、with 和......一起 9、homework 作业 10、sometimes 有时;间或 11、weekend 周末 12、after 在......以后 二、短语

1、after class 课后 2、on the weekend 在周末 3、fly a kite 放风筝 4、play football 踢足球 5、do exercise 做运动 6、see a film 看电影 7、do some washing 洗衣服 8、do some cooking 做饭 9、climb the mountain 爬山 10、do one’s homework 做作业 11、on Sunday 在星期天 12、at home 在家 13、go home 回家 14、climb the mountain 爬山15、stay at home 呆在家 三、句型

1、What do you often do on Sunday ? 2、What does your father do on the weekend ? 3、He often climbs the mountains .

4、Does your father play football ? No, he doesn’t . 四、一般现在时态

1、概念:表示经常的习惯的动作。常和always,often,usually,sometimes,every day等表示时间频度的词连用。 2、陈述句形式

(1)、含be动词的一般现在时,构成:主语+be+其他 。

I am a student . You are a good boy . (2)、实义动词的一般现在时,构成:

①:主语(第一、二人称/各人称复数)+动词原形+其他 。 I have a good teacher. We/You/They often watch TV at night . ②:主语(第三人称单数)+动词第三人称单数形式+其他 。新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网 She often does some washing on Sunday . My mother goes home on foot . He often flies a kite on weekend. 3、特殊疑问句形式

动词单数第三人称形式的变化规则(动词单三) 1.直接加“s”likes,jumps, plays。 2.加“es” watches, (以ch,sh,s,x结尾的动词) 3.变“y”为“i”加“es” flies,(以辅音字母加y结尾的动词) What do you do on Suandays? What does he/she/your father/Colin/Alice do on weekend? 4、一般疑问句形式(借助助动词do或者does) I love my students . 一般疑问句: Do you love your students ? Yes,I do/No, I don’t.

He has a big nose . 一般疑问句: Does he have a big nose ? Yes,he does/No,he doesn’t. We have a good teacher . 一般疑问句: Do you have a good teacher ? Yes,we do/No,we don’t.



