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Ⅰ. Further Information for Volunteers


Residents of Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese, and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers.

Signup methods

Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup. They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations.


May I - December 31, 2009 Ⅰ. VolunteerTraining

Volunteer training includes general training, special training and position training. General training is carried out through internet, while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice.

Ⅰ. Volunteer Types

Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer

in the Expo Site, mainly including information, visitor flow management, reception, translation and interpretation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in media service, event and conference organization and volunteer management.

Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo’s information booths at key

transportation centers, commercial outlets, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site. They offer services including information, translation, interpretation and even first aid.

41. If you were born in April 1993, where can you be a volunteer? A. In the Expo City. B. In the host country. C. In the Expo Site. D. In Chinese mainland. 42. Which of the training will be done on the Internet?

A. Position training. B. General training. C. Classroom training. D. Special training. 43. Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers? A. Visitor flow management. B. Helping the disabled. C. Assistance in media service. D. Emergency First aid. 页 第6


My daughter and I collected the empty cans and bottles in our home this morning. We had 6 full garbage bags later so I knew we would be spending a bit more of time at the recycling center. When we got there, a man and his kids were also doing the morning recycling and were using two of the four machines to recycle their plastic and cans. Luckily, we were able to use the 2 remaining machines.

Of course, there were others that came, but when they saw the two families with garbage bags full of recycled things, they quickly left. However, one woman came in with just 5 cans and looked as if she was in a hurry. So I stopped what I was doing and let her in to recycle her cans. Of course, she was grateful, and it felt good to let her go ahead of me. But that was not the whole story.

My daughter and I continued to work through the bags, but the plastic recycling machine stopped working because it was full. My daughter was left with nothing to do. The other family was still using the other two plastic recycling machines, but it seemed that they were almost done. I just told my daughter we would have to wait until they were done. But the man of the other family came through with another act of kindness. He offered to let us go ahead of him. I was really surprised, because we had more than 5 bottles, but he didn’t seem to mind. I happily accepted it.

It was great to give and then to get an act of kindness in turn. It was small, I didn’t expect it, but it surely brightened up my day.

44. From Paragraph 1 we can learn that ____________. A. the author did collecting every morning B. the author usually had 6 bags of cans to recycle C. most people did recycling in the morning D. there were four recycling machines in all

45. The author let the woman recycle her cans first because ____________. A. there were many other families there B. the woman seemed to be in a hurry C. the author wanted to hear a story D. the woman was very grateful

46. Why couldn’t the author finish her recycling in time?

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A. Because her daughter’ s machine stopped working. B. Because the other family was still using the machines. C. Because she let the other family use her machine first. D. Because she helped recycle the other family’s bags first. 47. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. The kindness. B. The offer. C. The machine. D. The 5 bottles.


The Commonwealth games have meant that the eyes of the world have been focused on our fair city--Melbourne. And it would look pretty good, wouldn’t it? And what better way to regain our title as world’s most livable city? I’m told that we recently lost the right to say this to foreign friends proudly when the international list was re-examined and we slipped to the fourth place.

It’s hard to see how Melbourne could have lost its crown (桂冠) when you look at what it has to offer 24 hours Coles, free transport for drunks on New Year’s Eve, a new freeway, it’s all here.

The first focus for the international press will obviously be the endless stadiums dotted around the city. But as well as being full every other weekend, these great places often play host to slightly older kids. At Rod Laver, even the olds get a look-in as the Christian evangelical (教会的) road show rolls into town once a year for a night of stadium worship (崇拜).

Another pleasure Melbourne enjoys is that it’s very easy to get around. There’s a bit of a squeeze during rush hour for sure, but nothing like Bangkok, where the journey home can take longer than growing a beard and parking is barely distinguishable from the drive itself. Driving here is a piece of cake. It must be because the wise people who hand out the taxis seem to actively encourage a career behind the wheel within 24 hours of landing in the country as an educational tool for getting to know the city. No slowing down for learning bends, just go, go, go!

As for the social life, with over 40 million bars inMelbourne’s CBD alone, we have plenty of places for spectators to celebrate national victory, making this town as good as any and it happens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Unfortunately, the athletes themselves don’t get to smell the roses to the same degree. But the rest of the world will know that this is the place to be. The most livable city in the world. By far the easiest place on earth to cheat death, which is essentially what we’re talking about. 48. In Paragraph 1 and 2 the author is wondering ____________. A. how Melbourne has fallen behind B. when the international list was re-examined 页 第8

C. what they should do to regain the world’s focus D. whether Melbourne can offer greater convenience 49. What does the author mainly want to show in the passage? A. The casual life styles of Melbourne. B. The competitive advantages of Melbourne. C. The various social activities in Melbourne. D. The convenient transportation in Melbourne.

50. From the underlined sentence, we can infer the athletes ____________. A. have minimum social activities B. take no interest in the beauty of the city C. are forbidden to live in the busy city center D. are unwilling to celebrate the victory publicly

51. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

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Basically, without the possibility of failure, there is little possibility of success. Education is in danger of becoming a branch of the entertainment industry. Although education should indeed be entertaining where possible, it cannot always be fun. Often, it needs the “hard yards”.

Some educationalists feel that if something causes worry it should be avoided at all costs. I would disagree. Facing up to challenges helps develop children. Avoiding challenges can severely limit their potential. Tougher children are able to try and fail. The less tough may simply fail to try anything new.

I’m not advocating putting children under pressure. The real debate is perhaps what pressures are unavoidable. It’s not about “throwing children into the deep end”, but rather encouraging them to put their foot in the water and giving them the skills to float.

This latter approach is basically the work I and my team do at the University of Hull. We measure mental toughness and then provide interventions to improve this. These interventions include psychological skills such as goal setting, relaxation and thought control. So, for example, many children will say: “What happens if it goes wrong?” We work hard to change this so that the sentence reads: “What happens if it goes right?” One word difference, but a world away when thinking about challenges.

We try to help children deal more effectively with life using a three-step approach. Firstly, it is important to set realistic and achievable goals. Then it is a matter of finding out what factors (因素) are helping children to achieve these goals and what factors are working against this. The final step is to discover which of these factors can be controlled, or at least influenced, and what factors the child is in reality stuck with. Redirecting children’s energies to movable obstacles (障碍) can produce huge life changes.

However, I think that for most of us we have become stress averse (反对的) and overreact to it. It has always been there, and it has always been the case that some people enjoy it, some need help to deal with it and some people’s lives are ruined by it.

Showing our children that stress can be faced with and beaten offers them a way forward. The more a fear is avoided, the bigger it gets.

52. From the passage, we know the writer believes ____________. A. education needs challenges B. education should always be fun C. children should avoid facing challenges D. the more challenges, the better for the children

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