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2018年高考英语一轮复习 话题语篇专攻练21 兴趣爱好(一)外研版

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话题语篇专攻练21 兴趣爱好(一)


Ⅰ. 阅读理解



It is named a kind of wooden Eiffel Tower, because of the fact that there was a large wooden platform far out in the lake on which stood an improbably high diving board. It was, I’m sure, the county’s tallest wooden structure and no one had ever been known to jump from it.

So it was quite a shock when our teacher, Mr David, announced that he would dive off the high board that very afternoon.

Word of his questionable plan was already spreading through town as Mr David swam out to the platform. He was just a tiny, stick figure when he got there but even from such a distance the high board seemed almost to touch the clouds. Once at the top, he paced the enormously long board, then took some deep breaths and finally stood at edge. He was going to do it. Several hundred people had gathered at the shore to watch. Mr David stood for quite a long time, then he raised his arms, took one massive bounce and launched himself into a perfect dive. It was beautiful. He fell with perfect style for what seemed minutes. The crowd fell silent. The only sound to be heard was the faint whistle of his body tearing through the air toward the water far, far below. But about three quarters of the way down he seemed to have second thoughts and began suddenly to panic, waving his arms and legs like someone having a bad dream. When he was perhaps thirty feet above the water, he gave up on waving and spread his arms and legs wide, apparently hoping that it would somehow slow his fall. It didn’t.

He hit the water at over six hundred miles an hour. The impact was so loud that it made birds fly out of their trees three miles away. I don’t think he entered

the water at all. He just bounced off it, about fifteen feet back into the air. After that, he lay still on the surface, spinning like an autumn leaf.

He was brought to shore by two passing fishermen in a rowboat and placed on an old blanket where he spent the rest of the afternoon. Occasionally he accepted small sips of water, but otherwise was too shocked to speak. From head to toe, he was covered with deep red bruises.

It was the best day of my life.

【文章大意】本文讲述了作者的老师戴维要从一个高台跳入水中, 描述他的行为变化及心理过程。

1. How did the writer find Mr David’s plan to jump from the diving board? A. Heroic. B. Disappointing. C. Shocking.

D. Confusing.

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段提到So it was quite a shock when our teacher, Mr David, announced that he would dive off the high board that very afternoon. 可知这事对于我来说非常震惊。故选C。

2. In Paragraph 3, Mr David is described as“a tiny, stick figure”because he was______. A. very far away

B. very small and thin

C. tired after swimming D. sure to be broken

【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段提到He was just a tiny, stick figure when he got there but even from such a distance the high board seemed almost to touch the clouds. 当他到达顶部时, 他成了个很小的人影, 因为确实非常的高, 都要接近云端。故选A。 3. Why did Mr David suddenly start waving his arms and legs during the dive? A. He thought it was the best way to slow his fall. B. He wanted to show his courage. C. He was signaling the crowd for help. D. He lost his confidence and started to panic.

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第五段向下走到四分之三时, 他好像开始害怕, 挥动胳膊和腿, 像个做噩梦的人, 可知他失去自信, 开始害怕, 故选D项。



It was one of those terribly hot days in Baltimore. Needless to say, it was too hot to do anything outside. But it was also scorching in our apartment. This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years. So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors. He suggested we could see a movie. It was a brilliant plan.

Movie theaters were one of the few places you could sit all day and—most importantly—sit in air conditioning. In those days, you could buy one ticket and sit through two movies. Then, the theater would show the same two movies again. If you wanted to, you could sit through them twice. Most people did not do that, but the manager at our theater—Mr Bellow did not mind if you did.

That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat. We bought three bags of popcorn and three sodas each. Then, we sat and watched The Music Man followed by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. We’d already seen the second movie once before. It had been at the theater since January, because Mr Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it.

We left the theater at around 8, just before the evening shows began. But we returned the next day and saw the same two movies again, twice more. And we did it the next day too. Finally, on the fourth day, the heat wave broke.

Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart’s dialogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! Those memories are some of the few I have of the heat wave of 1962. They’re really memories of the screen, not memories of my life.

【文章大意】文章讲述了作者小时候为了避暑和弟弟到电影院去一遍一遍地看电影, 以至于多年后还记得电影里面的歌曲和对白, 表达了作者对在电影院里度过的时光的怀念之情。 4. In which year did the author first live in a place with an air conditioner? A. 1952

B. 1962

C. 1972

D. 1982

【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years. 可知在1962年的时候, 作者说十年以后才居住在一个有空调的房子里。因此作者是在1972年住进了有空调的房子。故选C。


2018年高考英语一轮复习 话题语篇专攻练21 兴趣爱好(一)外研版


