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1 Shanghai Free Trade Area

2 special envoy

3 consulate-general

4 National City Bank of New York

5 exchange rate

6 cash drains

7 intangible assets

8 bank balance

9 pay by installment

10 host university

11 law firm

12 current account

13 antidumping


15 export subsidy


16 丝路基金

17 反恐怖主义情报中心


18 海外追逃

19 苏格兰独立公投

20 微信

21 失联

22 正能量

23 埃博拉病毒

24 权力寻租腐败

25 反垄断调查

26 潜规则

27 科研经费

28 食品安全

29 依法治国

30 亚太自贸区


31 The most complex lesson the literary point of view teaches—and it is not, to be sure, a lesson available to all, and is even difficult to keep in mind once acquired—is to allow the intellect to become subservient to the heart. What wide reading teaches is the richness, the complexity, the mystery of life. In the wider and longer view, I have come to believe, there is something deeply apolitical—something above politics—in literature, despite what feminist, Marxist, and other politicized literary critics may think. If at the end of a long life of reading the chief message you bring away is that women have had it lousy, or that capitalism stinks, or that attention must above all be paid to victims, then I'd say you


just might have missed something crucial. Too bad, for there probably isn't time to go back to re-read your lifetime's allotment of five thousand or so books.

People who have read with love and respect understand that the larger message behind all books, great and good and even some not so good as they might be, is, finally, cultivate your sensibility so that you may trust your heart. The charmingly ironic point of vast reading, at least as I have come to understand it, is to distrust much of one's education. Unfortunately, the only way to know this is first to become educated, just as the only way properly to despise success is first to achieve it.


32 说起季羡林先生的认真,那是出了名的。有一回我供职的刊物要介绍季老,我打电话询问他的职务,他竟认真地把年龄、籍贯、职务等逐一相告,连挂名的10多种职务也不例外。他的意思是,既然你问,我就要说清,含含糊糊有悖治学之道。





