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北理网络教育 大学英语4在线作业

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在线作业自动判卷 题目 I didn't make a _______ mistake next time. Life insurance, _______ available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people. He _______ lives in the house where he was born. \_______ expensive for me.\\workbook.\Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed _______ well. A series of problems _______ cropped up recently. The officials in the _______ at London Airport were very polite. There _______ a lot of _______ on the roads yesterday. _______ is easily seen. 类型 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 分值 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 4 4 3 3 4 2 4 3 批改 √ × × √ 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 √ × × × × × 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:30.0 正确的题数:3 题目总数:10 正确率:30.000002% 在线作业自动判卷 题目 I'd like to take __________ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your co-operation. In copying this paper, be careful not to leave __________ any words. People who cannot __________ between colors are said to be color-blind. We finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining. How could he __________ from believing that she was changing her mind? It is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible. We came finally ___________ the conclusion that she has 类型 分值 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 批改 单选题 4 4 √ 单选题 10.0 1 2 × 单选题 10.0 2 2 √ 单选题 10.0 1 2 × 单选题 10.0 4 2 × 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 3 3 2 2 × × been telling lies all the time. I am not used to speaking ______________ public. He didn't live up to ____________ had been expected of him. She did not feel ______________ going out, as she had a slight headache. 单选题 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 10.0 1 1 2 4 4 2 × × √ 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:30.0 正确的题数:3 题目总数:10 正确率:30.000002% 在线作业自动判卷 题目 ________ students often find it difficult to live in China at first. His company promised to pay for his health _______ in addition to other benefits. Until then, his family ________ from him for six months. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used ________ late for his lecture. Hardly a month goes by without ________ of another survey revealing new depth of scientific illiteracy among U. S. citizens. There are so many people that the hall was ________. Homework ________ on time will lead to better grades. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys ________ to go to school. ________ he works hard, I didn't mind when he finishes the experiment. Applicants for the typist's job will be judged ________ how accurate and fast they are. 类型 分值 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 批改 单选题 2 2 √ 单选题 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 10.0 4 4 2 2 4 4 × √ × 单选题 10.0 2 2 √ 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 3 1 4 2 × × 单选题 10.0 2 3 × 单选题 10.0 2 4 × 单选题 10.0 2 3 × 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:30.0 正确的题数:3 题目总数:10 正确率:30.000002%

在线作业自动判卷 题目 类型 分值 正确答案 你的答案 批改 I will repair this new TV set without charging because it is under _______. A completely new situation is likely to ________ when the school leaving age is raised to 16. This ticket ________ you to a free meal in our new restaurant. She ________ her new dress with red ink. He has failed me so many times that I no longer place any ________ on what he promises. After that they drove to the Guest House at ________ speed. It might be asked what the author's basic ________ were; then we could understand his works better. The grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the space parts ________. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, ________ and perfected now. Shall we request the chairman __________ our suggestion again? 单选题 10.0 3 1 × 单选题 10.0 3 3 √ 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 4 √ × × × × 单选题 10.0 2 3 × 单选题 10.0 2 3 × 单选题 10.0 1 3 × 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:20.0 正确的题数:2 题目总数:10 正确率:20.0% 在线作业自动判卷 题目 There is a forecast that the _______ for a good crop harvest will be rather poor this year. The _______ of the film star really disappointed her fans. You have to _______ grammar mistakes from the essay before you hand it in. You can put on your jeans. It is just a (n) ______ party. I am not surprised at all that she chose the white skirt. She always has a _______ for white. The middle-aged woman worried about her _______ future with no money and no family. A _______ of robbers broke into the bank and took away all the money. I asked her the question as soon as I saw her, but she only 类型 分值 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 批改 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 单选题 1 2 4 4 3 2 2 4 3 1 × √ √ × × 单选题 10.0 1 3 × 单选题 单选题 10.0 10.0 4 2 4 4 √ × gave me a (n) ____ answer instead of a definite one. This expert will _______ his remarks to e-business(电子商务) this time. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers' checks, which provide a secure _______ to carrying your money in cash. 单选题 10.0 3 4 × 单选题 10.0 4 1 × 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:30.0 正确的题数:3 题目总数:10 正确率:30.000002% 在线作业自动判卷 题目 The National Industrial Recovery Act was designed to ______ industry, to make it develop more quickly. In my opinion, you can widen the ________ of these improvements through your active participation. The fastest these animals can run is about 65kph and ________ the relative hunting methods have to be very efficient indeed. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this ________ produces artificial cold surrounding it. Lightning is a ________ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another. It is well known that knowledge is the ________ condition for expansion of mind. New York ________ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000, 000 pounds this year. When he tried to make a ______, he found that the hotel he wanted was completely filled because of a convention. The public opinion was that the time was not ___ for the election of such a radical candidate as Mr. Jones. Hudson said he couldn't kill a living thing except for the ________ of hunger. 类型 分值 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 批改 单选题 2 2 √ 单选题 10.0 4 2 × 单选题 10.0 4 1 × 单选题 10.0 3 3 √ 单选题 10.0 1 4 × 单选题 10.0 4 3 × 单选题 10.0 1 4 × 单选题 10.0 3 4 × 单选题 10.0 2 4 × 单选题 10.0 4 2 × 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:20.0 正确的题数:2 题目总数:10 正确率:20.0% 在线作业自动判卷 题目 The price of gold rose again, partly __________ news about war. Responsibilities _________________ becoming a father. If you ___________ in your rent again, you may get thrown out. The country has ________ too many wars in the past few decades; its people are longing for peace so much. She wouldn't even take a drink, _____________ stay for dinner. The first popularly chosen president has _____ the political representatives over the slow pace of economic change. Unless we get more money, we'll be ____________ finishing this enquiry program. The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, ____ he could be in close contact with other masters (大师). _______ Tom is supposed to make an appointment with the dentist, he says he is too busy. Every organism produces waste products no longer useful to itself and which ______ to accumulate would in fact be harmful. 类型 分值 10.0 10.0 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 批改 单选题 单选题 单选题 4 2 1 1 2 4 × √ × 单选题 10.0 3 4 × 单选题 10.0 4 4 √ 单选题 10.0 4 4 √ 单选题 10.0 3 4 × 单选题 10.0 1 4 × 单选题 10.0 3 4 × 单选题 10.0 4 2 × 本次作业总分值:100.0 得分:30.0 正确的题数:3 题目总数:10 正确率:30.000002%

在线作业自动判卷 题目 She is very nice, but because she has a _________ way she is slow in making friends. As so many overseas and domestic business people have come to invest and build new businesses, the place looks much more _________ than it did a few years ago. The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parents' _________. My bag looks ________ to Mary's, so I often take hers by mistake. 类型 分值 10.0 正确答案 你的答案 批改 单选题 2 2 √ 单选题 10.0 3 3 √ 单选题 10.0 4 4 √ 单选题 10.0 2 2 √

北理网络教育 大学英语4在线作业


