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课后练习29 非谓语动词



1. Yesterday my Italian friend didn’t invite me____________(watch) the free street shows.

2. In 2012, Yousafzai was nearly killed by the Taliban because she worked hard____________ (get) the same education for young girls in Pakistan. 3. I’m sorry____________ (keep) you____________ (wait) so long. 4. Do you know what____________ (do) for our school trip? 5. We look forward to____________ (see) the great man. 6. I’d like you____________ (read) the letter for me. 7. They failed____________ (win) the game. It’s a pity. 8. When is the best time____________ (visit) your hometown?

9. Is it difficult____________ (finish)____________ (write) the article in one day?

10. Why are you so surprised____________ (hear) the news?

11. We’re too tired. Please let us stop____________ (have) a rest. 12. There is a nice place____________ (call) Tianmu Lake. 13. He agreed____________ (visit) the history museum with us. 14. We decided____________ (buy) a larger house in the suburbs. 15. The young people hope____________ (see) their favorite pop singers.

16. The teacher wanted____________ (talk) with the boy’s parents. 17. Hurry up!It’s time for us____________ (get) on thetrain. 18. Would you mind____________ (play) the piano more quietly? 19. Mary spent the whole day____________ (watch) TV. 20. Do you enjoy____________ (work) there as a postman? 二、同义句转换

1. I find that it is difficult to speak English well. I find________________to speak English well.

2. The teacher said, “Don’t cheat in exams, children!” The teacher told the children________________cheat in exams. 3. Nobody knows what they should do. Nobody knows what________________ . 4. He spent two hours doing the work. It

him two hours________________the work.

5. Peter is so tired that he can’t walk on. Peter is____________ tired____________ walk on. 三、阅读理解(2018·遂昌模拟)

Hours before huge waves pounded coastlines in South Asia, many animals started acting strangely. In Sri Lanka, elephants were crazy and ran to higher ground. Many other animals also escaped successfully.

Scientists are amazed that many animals were alive after the tsunami(海啸). The huge waves killed thou-sands of people in South Asia and East Africa in 2004.

They say animals might have sensed(感觉) the coming waves and moved to higher ground.

A scientist in Sri Lanka said, “I think animals can sense danger. They know when things are happening in nature.”

Why might animals have known that trouble was on the way? Forget special powers. Instead, scientists say that animals have better senses of hearing, smell and sight than humans do. For example, dogs have a stronger sense of smell than humans and cats can see better in the dark than people. Those sharp senses help warn animals when natural disasters like earthquakes are about to happen.

Scientists say that animals might have felt the shake from the earthquake that is caused by the tsuna-mi. In addition, many animals, including elephants, pigeons and dogs, can also pick up infrasound(次声波). That is a sound that is too low for humans to hear.

The idea of an animal “sense” is likely to add to.

( )1. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 refers to “”.

A. tsunamis

B. animals D. scientists

C. governments

( )2. The main idea of Paragraph 4 is____________.

A. animals have special powers B. dogs smell better than humans

C. animals’ senses are better than humans’

D. people always warn animals to move away from danger

( )3. The writer proves(证明) the animals have better senses than humans by____________ .

A. giving examples B. making surveys


