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2019-2020学年度深圳市高三上学期英语必修二Modul3-4 综合测试题

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必修2 Modules 3-4综合测试题

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A

Looking to play a particular sport in Spain? Here’s our guide to help point you in the right direction. Lacrosse (兜网球) www.madridlacrosse.com Email: info@madridlacrosse.com Since it’s not a very popular sport,a lacrosse group may be quite hard to find. Madrid Lacrosse is the answer to your problem. They have all the equipment, so don’t worry if you left yours at home. There’s training for all levels on Sundays from 18:30 to 20:30 at Almudena’s Field. Cricket (板球) www.cricketinmadrid.com Email: leonida@cricketinmadrid.com Tel: 650 499997 Cricket is a favorite in England and Madrid Cricket Club has been bringing cricket to Spain since 1975. Players practice at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Alcorcon. Contact (联系)President David Leonida at david@cricketin-madrid.com about joining. Boxing www.muaythaimadrid. com Email: info@muaythaimadrid.com Leam the fighting style known as “The Art of the Eight Limbs”,which is said to be the most effective fighting style in the world. The gym has training at all levels on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Rugby www.madridlionsrfc .com/ Email: info@madridlionsrfc.com The Madrid Lions Rugby Football Club was formed in 1997. Since founded, it has had over 400 members, young and old, from a nationality base of 23 countries, and is well known to people from nearly all countries. Sign-up fee is EUR 65 for fees and the suit. Training is from 1:30 pm on Saturdays at Complejo Deportivo Almudena, Calle de Ramiro de Maeztu, and Ciudad Universitaria. Visit for more details. 1. The lacrosse and boxing gyms share the similarity of _____________. A. holding training three times a week B. offering equipment to the trainers

C. charging quite high member fees D. accepting members of all levels 2. To know how to join Madrid Cricket Club, you can A. send letters to leonida@cricketinmadrid.com B. send email to david@cricketinmadrid.com C. make phone calls by dialing 650 499997 D. visit www.madridlionsrfc.com/ 3. What is the author trying to do in the text? A. To recommend some Spanish sports clubs. B. To encourage people to exercise more. C. To introduce famous sports in Spain.

D. To compare some sports in Spain. B

Dr. A. William Frankland was born in 1912. He began medical school in the 1930s and held a post in the army in Singapore during WWII. Unfortunately, Frankland resulted in being held as a POW (战俘) for more than three years. Frankland returned to England after the war and studied under Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin (盘尼西林). He continued to become an allergist and developed a pollen count (花粉计数) system to help people understand what caused their allergic reactions.

Paul Watkins once wrote a biography about Dr. Frankland’s life, From Hell Island To Hay Fever. “This has been quite a unique experience,”

Watkins said, “one that I think very few people will have the privilege to work with Dr. Frankland about his unusual long life, in which he has seen so many changes and difficulties,which most of us can’t even comprehend.”

In 1953, at St. Mary’s Hospital in London, Frankland popularized the pollen count, which is now used worldwide to help doctors and patients understand what caused the allergy. He ran tests on himself to make his discoveries. “I caused severe allergic reactions in myself to an insect,” he explained. “I was determined to find out how I reacted to mosquitoes, fleas or whatever insect biting me.”

Apart from his long life,Frankland also sets apart from others in his quick thinking. He’s now writing a paper about how penicillin was discovered, based on his time with Fleming. Since he turned 100, he has written several articles for publication. “I wrote four articles from the age of 100 to 105,” he said. “But I’m still working on writing more articles now. I think I’m still skilled at it.”

Frankland acknowledges the sadness, as well as the highlights he has experienced over the years, choosing to swallow the negative memories and emotions and focus on happiness. 4. The first paragraph mainly focuses on Frankland’s _____________. A. amazing experiences B. great achievements C. brave fights D. strong determination

5. What does Watkins think of Frankland’s life? A. Unique and lucky. B. Long and peaceful.

C. Challenging and extraordinary. D. Productive and hardworking. 6. What did Frankland do in 1953?

A. He brought the pollen count system to London. B. He risked his health to make his discoveries. C. He discovered penicillin with Fleming. D. He wrote a biography for himself.

7. What do we know about Frankland at an old age? A. He tried his best to encourage later generations. B. He made some major medical achievements. C. He still possessed the sharpness of his mind, D. He worked closely with his old friends. C

Background noise is generally regarded as an annoyance that can mask important sounds. However, it can also convey information about important environmental conditions and allow

animals to make informed decisions. When bat researchers recorded and played back rain sounds for two different species of bats, both species chose to delay flying out of their nests.

“Bats are sound specialists,” said Inga Geipel, a scientist from Panama. ‘‘They’re active at night and depend on sound to fly around and find food. When they hear the sound of rain at sunset, they decide to stay inside their nests for a while longer.”

That’s because wet bats spend more energy when flying. Further, rain might also have a strong influence on the bats’ ability to fly around and find food through sound. Rain noise could mask prey (猎物)sounds or destroy the echolocation (回声定位) system of the hunting bats.

Geipel and colleagues examined the effect of rain noise on bats’ decision-making. They studied two different species of bats: the common big-eared bat, which catches insects from leaves and other surfaces in the lower layer of plants, and the Pallas’s mastiff bat that hunts insects on the wing as they fly through open spaces.

“We wondered whether bats are staying longer in the safety of their nests during rain storms and whether noise would inform them about the rainfall outside,” Geipel said. To test their ideas, Geipel and her team put a speaker near entrances of bat nests and played recordings of heavy downpours.

Meanwhile, they recorded the video of the bats’ responses. They also played recordings of normal forest sounds. As a result, both species delayed their flying out of their nests when they heard the sound of rain.

The scientists also observed that the big-eared bats rapidly flew in and out of their nests on short flights, likely trying to gather direct information about environmental conditions to determine whether it’s safe to hunt outside.

8. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. Bats often refuse to fly out on rainy days. B. Bats do poorly in making right decisions. C. Noise can be both harmful and beneficial. D. Noise has different effects on different bats.

9. We can infer from Geipel in Paragraph 2 that bats _______________. A. prefer to stay in nests at sunset B. are good research subjects C. struggle to hunt for food D. are sensitive to sounds 10. How did Geipel and colleagues conduct their research? A. By collecting different noises. B. By making comparisons. C. By showing examples. D. By analyzing causes.

11. Why did the big-eared bats rapidly fly in and out of their nests? A. To explore the weather conditions. B. To share environmental information. C. To warn other bats about enemies. D. To send food messages. D

Soon, Netflix, the world’s largest online streaming service, may be letting viewers choose everything, from the best on-screen love stories to the safest path to escape a killer.

The company wants to try out more interactive (互动的) entertainment, following great feedback (反馈)from its recent groundbreaking episode (集) of Black Mirror. The episode was called It let users

make decisions at many important — and not-so-important — moments, and those decisions began with choosing a character’s morning foods.

The company is looking for ways to include choices in different kinds of movies, from comedy, horror to romance. The idea was to give viewers a simple choice at first, so they could become familiar with the technology. A viewer uses a remote control or pushes on the screen to make their choice. If the viewer does not choose, the movie just keeps playing.

The breakfast scene became an Internet sensation when Bandersnatch came out last December, causing great surprise and excitement among people. After the food decision, viewers selected choices such as the kind of music a character would play or whether the character would jump off a building. Bandersnatch gave Netflix programmers valuable information. They were able to better understand how long people want to participate in interactive programming, and how many choices they might want to make.

When viewers can change what happens in a story, they feel deeply close to the character. The technology is still in the early part of development. A researcher said he does not predict that interactive entertainment will replace traditional storytelling. “I don’t know if I would do it every day,” he said, “but as part of my view,it’s pretty exciting.” Netflix has already produced a few interactive shows for children. “Young people have seemed to quickly like the idea. Kids don’t have fixed rules,” fie said. “They assume that’s the way the world should be and they’ll try it.” 12. With Netflix’s technology, viewers can ____________. A. make their own decisions on some video moments B. interact with the characters in some famous movies C. offer important suggestions to improve video making D. enjoy the best on-screen love stories in thriller movies

13. What does the underlined word “sensation” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Debate. B. Base. C. Hit. D. Service.

14. What can we infer from the researcher’s words in the last paragraph? A. Children are more likely to accept the products. B. Interactive entertainment will develop very fast. C. The traditional storytelling will be replaced soon. D. There should be rules to control viewers’ behavior. 15. What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Play a Role in Interactive Entertainment B. Create a Movie Online in Your Own Way

C. Tell the Actors What to Do in Your Future Movies

D. Choose Your Favorite Way to Interact with Movie Stars 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项有两项为多余选项。 Curiosity seems to be within us right from birth. 16 This is most evident in students who have just graduated from college. Below are four effective ways to keep learning after you complete your college education.

Learn a foreign language. You have always wished to learn another language, but something was always holding you back. The completion of college studies opens the right doorway for learning the language you’ve always desired. Learning a second language has social, economic, and mental benefits.

17 Build your vocabulary. According to recent research, people who have superior vocabularies have superior IQs. Therefore, why not build up your vocabulary? 18 The more words you have on your side, the more ideas you can express with ease. Vocabulary building is not easy in the beginning, but if you keep practicing, your word bank will certainly become enlarged with time.

Take online courses. There’re plenty of wonderful courses online. 19 Ever wondered what’s going on in the mind of the person sitting next to you on the bus? Take a psychology crash course. Always wanted to improve your public speaking? Get a course for yourself online. Online courses provide you with a more comfortable learning environment and flexibility in planning your study time.

20 Entrepreneurship (企业家能力)is a life skill. When college is over, you can have a lot of time to set up a firm around an idea that you’ve always thought would work. Being an entrepreneur helps you learn a lot of things, like team management, time management, public speaking, and so on.

A. Start a business. B. Take a continuing education class. C. In fact, words are the representation of opinions. D. Learning doesn’t have to be all about getting a grade.

E. Besides, it helps to improve memory and make our minds stay quick. F. And what’s even better is that most of them won’t charge you anything.

G. However, as we grow older, this natural tendency to learn new things starts to fade away. 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


“Age is nothing but a number,” I wished. However, every year signals more wrinkles to count. That is why I show 21 about my looks and age. When I was in my late teens, my features already 22 those of a lady in her late 20s. 23, there were several situations where I was 24 as “Aunt” by friends of my schoolmates when I first met them!

After 25 consideration, I decided to transform myself when I started to work. I dressed up following the latest 26, and used the most advanced make-up (化妆品) products. As a result, all of these worked. I had confidence that my age would be 27 forever. However, years of my plans nearly 28 earlier this year. One day, while I was out shopping with my 14-year-old daughter, Sasha, I came across Tania, a 29 acquaintance at university. After a brief introduction, Tania said, “Sasha really looks like your younger sister! But you must teach her your 30 skills so that she can look better!” Tania just said it jokingly, but she didn’t notice Sasha’s very 31 face. At that time, I only 32 with a weak smile and escaped 33 with my daughter. Later that day, I really felt guilty for not having 34 my child against Tania. I just satisfied my 35 at her expense. A week ago, I decided to 36 myself again, but this time, from 37. I really needed to 38 more rather than improve my looks and dressing.

Yes, it is true that age isn’t just a number, but something more — it’s a(n) 39 of how far you have come in life and how much you have 40 inside. 21. A. surprise B. concern C. excitement D. comment 22. A. attracted B. satisfied C. resembled D. affected 23. A. Actually B. Pleasantly C. Probably D. Interestingly

2019-2020学年度深圳市高三上学期英语必修二Modul3-4 综合测试题


