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一、情态动词基本用法一览表 情态动词 can could 用法 表许可(和may可互换)、能力;表怀疑、猜测、可能性(用于否定和疑问句中),could可表比can更委婉的语气及用于虚拟语气 may might 表许可(问句中表请求,might更委婉);表可能、或许、猜测(might语气更加不肯定);表祝愿(用于倒装句中) must 表必须、应该(表主观要求);表推测(用于肯定句),意为“准是、一定” You must study hard. She must be tired. 例句 You can/may sit here. He can’t be sixty. 注意事项 can和be able to都可表能力,但be able to可表“某事终于Could you come again 成功”,有时态的变化 tomorrow? May/Might I use your bike? He may/might be at home. May you succeed! 对May…do…?的否定回答用mustn’t/can’t 对May/Might…do…?的否定回答用can’t/might not 否定式mustn’t表“不准、禁止”;对Must…do…?的否定回答用needn’t/don’t/doesn’t have to(不必) have to 只好,不得不(客观的必须),口语中也可用have/has got to Without help, I had to do it have to有时态和人称的变化 myself. You ought to obey laws. 否定式oughtn’t;疑问句用Ought…to do…? Shall we go now? The sigh there reads, “No person shall smoke here.” ought to 应当(表示义务或责任,口语中多用should) shall 用于一、三人称的疑问句,表征询意见;用于二、三人称,表示许诺、命令、警告或表示说话人的决心等 should 表建议或劝告,意为“应该”、本该(含有责备意味) You should learn from each other. You should have given him help. will would 表意志或决心;疑问句中用于第二人称表请求(would比较委婉) He promised he would never would表示过去的习惯或喜smoke again. 好,不涉及现在;used to表Will/Would you like some 示过去常常做现在已经不再tea? 有的习惯 dare 敢(常用语否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中) He dare not/daren’t sleep 过去式dared;可作实义动词 alone. Dare you touch it? need 需要、必须(常用于否定句和疑问句中) You needn’t do the work Need…do…?的肯定回答:now. He used to play football. Yes,…must;可作实义动词 否定式usedn’t/usen’t to do/ used not to do/didn’t use to do;疑问Used…to do…? Did…use to do? used to 过去常常(现在已不再)

二、“情态动词+be doing”和“情态动词+have done”用法一览表 句式 can + be doing can + have done 说明 表示“可能”,用于否定句和疑问句(could也有此用法,只是语气更委婉) could + have done 指过去没实现的动作,表“本来可以” may + be doing may + have done must + be doing 表示“可能、也许”,用于肯定句 It’s too late. You could have told him earlier. 太迟了,你本来能早点告诉他的。 He may be doing homework. 他也许在做作业。 He may have missed the train. 他可能错过了火车。 例句 He can’t be telling lies. 他不可能在说谎。 He can’t have told lies. 他不可能说了谎话。 肯定句,表示“一定在干某事” The light is on. He must be working. 灯亮着,他一定在工作。 must + have done 肯定句,表示“准是干了某事”,He is sad. He must have failed the exam. 他很伤心,对过去事情的肯定猜测 准是考试不及格。 You needn’t have lent the book to him. He has bought “本来不必做”,用于否定句 needn’t + have done it already. 你本来不必把这本书借给他,他已经买了一本。 should/ought to + 肯定句表示“本应该做而实际没have done 做”;否定句表示“不应该做而实际却做了” 考点练透

I should have bought it. 我应该把它买下来的。 You shouldn’t have scolded him. 你不应该责骂他的。 一、单句填空用情态动词或所给词的适当形式填空。

2. Helen ___________ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet. 3. Tom, you ___________ not leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

4. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ___________ be so rude to a lady.

5. It has been announced that candidates ___________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

6. — Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary. — She ___________. I have already borrowed one.

8. — ___________ this book be yours?

— No, it ___________ be mine. It ___________ he his. 9. As a girl, she ___________ get up at six every day. 10. ___________ he to clean the classroom after school? 11. You ___________ be tired after the long trip, aren’t you? 12. — What’s the name?

— Khulaifi. ___________ I spell that for you? 13. You ___________ (see) the film, haven’t you?

15. They ___________ (miss) the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reasons. 16. ___________ you pass the College Entrance Examination!

17. He had known the matter before you told him, so you ___________ (not tell) it to him. 18. I did not call to make any airline reservation but I ___________.



