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KJ [新国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语2》 期末试题标准题库及答案(试卷号:3938)




1. i Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning?

A. h's better to leave earlier to avoid the morning traffic.

R Ye?f you will. C. No? you won't.

2. — Gocxl morning< Sunshine Community Center! May 1 help you?

A. rd like to book one air ticket. R. I'm glnd to introduce myself to you.

C. 1 need a plumber to repair the water pipe in my kitchen. 3. — I am sorry. Now what were we talking about?

A. Never mind.

I donft rcmemberi either.

C. You were saying that you used to be a teacher L — How's your mother doing?

A. She is very well. B. She is very kind.

C? She is doing shopping naw>

,…11 * J

5. — Would you mind filling the queittionnoire for me?

A. No problem^ Just give it to me. B. Sorry? I can't go there. C. ! really appreciate tluU

二.ainz与ta构(共计3o分,每小n 2分)



6. He wus alwnyft ___ in ahaririK hi> mormons knowledge.

A? generout C. genernte

7. Wc nhould keep in mind __________ the feedback b? very helpful for planning future mrctings nnd cvcnfn.


虬 urnrrntion

A? what C. when

8. Hiring A good employ mwy coat much money nnd time. more (or the cornpnny in future^

A. what9 ? more C> however

9. They _______ since last night. They arc ubaut to fininh the watk?

A. are cleaning the Ayjitcm C. had cleaned thr ny?tem

10> He keepn on hist focuji on __________ moneyf

A? make C. mAking )L Look! ___________

A. Here nre the bun corner C. The bun here come.

12< The success of our event is ___________ 2 lhe 5|)onM)r.

A. related C. inunded

13. When stating problems, we enn ninke A

A. comparing C. comporison

14. When reading rhe annuul report ? we should look out _____________ the areas where the company did not comply with thr rexulations.

A.B. for C. on

15. The Jmhe Community Service Crnirr is fl bout to _____________ service for reMident^.

A? provided C. providing

R. provide

with ihoN from InM ymr.

compare based

H. Here eorncn the bu*. B? muck

H, have been clenninK thv syntrm B. m IAM

? ” can win mw h

】6? _____ thewe should have reached the annunl meeting site on time.

A. IkcAuse of C But for

17. — Did lhr medicine mnkr you feel better?

—No. The more ___________ ? ________ | (eel. A? nnedicine I takei wnrse C?! tnke mrdictnej worse

18. Your long term success in event plunmng will be based _________________ the experience you had.

B. medicine 1 tnkei the worse B. In spite of

A. to C. of

Be on

Her article U

At the bc%f C. well 20. I would rather

A. you should cornr here

in brr巾皿

Ba better

two werk^ cnrbcr<

H. yuu unrnc here

C. you had conic hrrr

理解(共“分网小H 4分)



Paftsagc I

Sire” nround inTervicwx IA often influrnccd by our Hs^umptions we mnkc to oureiclve^ △boiH the procrAS. Countering nnxicty provoking thoughts enn help to Itiwrr levcU of nnxicty. wl just rncmd up ihm tmjiweri And thcre,i no hope. \A 心t

? gelling nn 85 or 90 miuht he good rnounb t

VinualixinR tucce^^ can improve prrformnncc ond help ca?e anxiety. Alwhy* try imARintnK punitive tntcractionji with your inicrvicwrrt pftfticulfirly in the hour^ just l?rfare your interview.

To Nome extent, rclnxntion tcchniquc-it ?uch AB progreBHive muticlr rrlnxntion or hrenthmg exerci?c?f enn mnnagr nnxicty^ W your nnxicty around interview In exccftHlvct you rniKht consider necnig D doctor to develop rffcctivc counterrncft<*urest

2L _________ often influences the ntres* oround mtcrvicwM according to the pnnMgc>

A. Interview process H. /\\nxiety provokinu thousht* C? Interviewer*'nnMimpiionfi

22. Doen one poor answer in nn interview influence a cwndidotc to ger n job?

A. Ys.

C. Not given.

23. ImnKininK UKCZI help A c/indidutr to _____________ Irveh of anxirty?

A. lower B. raite C. equal

21. How can we reduce our fitreB!* nround interviews?

A. Breathe deeply. B. Meet friendtt C. Have a big meal.

25. When should we go to see a doctor according lhe author?

A. When we lose confidence in an interview.


