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浙江省丽水市高二下学期教学质量监控英语试题 Word版

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第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. When will the speakers meet? A. Tonight. B. On Sunday. C. Next Monday. 2. Why does the man spend less time playing the guitar these days? A. He has a new hobby.

B. He’s busy with his studies. C. He doesn’t like it anymore. 3. What time is it now? A. 9:00. B. 8:30. C. 8:00. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. How to find a cheap hotel. B. When to go to Disney World. C. Where to spend their vacation.

5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is Susie raising money? A. To fix a parking lot.

B. To help the Children’s Home.

C. To build a new kitchen for the club.

7. How will Susie collect more money according to Tommy? A. By washing cars. B. By selling cookies.

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C. By having a yard sale.

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Where might the speakers be? A. In a repair shop. B. In an elevator. C. In a meeting room. 9. How will the man probably go to work tomorrow? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By taxi. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What did the man think of the woman’s idea at first? A. He doubted it. B. He agreed with it.

C. He strongly opposed it.

11. Why does the woman want to plant things? A. To work outside more. B. To be like the neighbors.

C. To make the house more beautiful. 12. What flowers does the woman want? A. Pink ones. B. Purple ones. C. Yellow ones. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. How many nights will the man stay at the hotel? A. One night. B. Two nights. C. Four nights. 14. What time is it now? A. 6:30 p.m. B. 10:00 p.m. C. 10:45 p.m. 15. What is on the 14th floor? A. A gym. B. A restaurant. C. A swimming pool. 16. What does the woman tell the man about breakfast in the end? A. How good it is.

B. How much to pay for it. C. Where and how long it is.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Which flights have been canceled? A. Ones to Western Europe. B. Ones to Northern Europe. C. Ones to Eastern Europe.

18. When might the canceled flights start again? A. After the big rainstorm stops. B. After the winds clear the skies.

C. After the volcano stops putting out smoke.

19. What will the affected passengers do tonight? A. Call their airlines. B. Find a hotel nearby. C. Stay at the airport.

20. What does the speaker ask some passengers to pay attention to? A. Their phone calls. B. Their text messages.

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C. The radio announcements.

第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节, 满分35分) 第一节(共10小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分25分)



Passion is not something that we just so happen to fall into. It’s also rarely something that one is born with. Our love of a certain activity comes from experiencing many kinds of things and finding things that not only bring us enjoyment but present us with a problem. We must present ourselves with an issue, one that we want to work towards solving each day.

As mentioned above, passion is found once you become addicted to developing something each day. It comes from a thirst to solve a problem. For me, my main passion came from a hunger to become consistent(一致的) with trading. I started trading and from many failures, while doing so, became consumed by my hunger to gain an understanding of the markets and how they work. This hunger is something that keeps me going through all my losses. Our passion in any field comes from: a desire to understand something; a desire to make that something better.

Passion is something that we develop as time goes on. You’ll have to go out and try new things(or stay in and try new things. The world works like that now). You’ll have to open yourself up to new possibilities and embrace them without fear. This is how passion is developed through countless experiences and embracing the unknown, through a search for knowledge.

Once that passion is developed, you’ll have to stoke the flames of the fire with consistency. You’ll have to get up each and every day and tell yourself that you can and will do whatever you want to do. Passion is what you love to do, but you must stick with it and put your efforts to gain knowledge and expertise in that area. 21. What can we know from paragraph 1? A. We often come across much passion. B. Passion is something we are born with. C. Experiences can make us like activities. D. Passion can let us face fewer problems.

22. According to the author, passion will appear when ______________________. A. we like something very much

B. something is developed well

C. we have solved some problems D. we are thirsty and hungry

23. What does the underlined part “stoke the flames of the fire” in the last paragraph mean? A. Put out the fire.

B. Forget all the trouble. D. Learn how to make fire.

C. Work hard for the goal. A. Make Use of Passion

24. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

B. Find Your Passion

D. Steps to Gain Passion B

China’s latest blockbuster, Dying to Survive, pulled off a rare achievement of box-office magic this week: It managed to earn $50 million before it even opened. The film soon became China’s

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C. Ways to Show Passion

most widely discussed, critically praised movie in years, scoring a 9.7/10 rating on ticketing service Maoyan.

So why did people like it so much?

Produced by Chinese hit maker Ning Hao, Dying to Survive tells the story of a health supplements supplier, played by comedian Xu Zheng, who smuggles(走私) unapproved drugs from India to sell to leukemia(白血病) patients who can’t afford the expensive official medicine.

The film is based on the real-life story of Lu Yong, a trader who was diagnosed with leukemia and spent over $80,000 on official medicine before turning to smuggling a vastly cheaper alternative from India. He went on to save more than 1,000 lives by bringing the drug into China for other patients, before he was arrested and charged in 2014 with selling fake drugs.

Hundreds of leukemia survivors Lu had helped then requested his release, and he was finally freed without punishment by a judge who praised Lu for the way he had never personally profited from the drug sales. A critic said, “If someone commits a crime in order to profit from it, they are simply a criminal. But if someone has to commit a crime in order to survive, society must take a look at itself and ask who the guilty ones really are.”

Critics have praised Dying to Survive as a creative breakthrough for the Chinese film industry --- a rare work of arousing social awareness from a film scene. Several preview screenings have ended in applause.

25. What is the passage mainly about? A. Ning Hao is a Chinese hit maker.

B. A newly-produced film received a wide praise. C. Xu Zheng is widely accepted by Chinese audience. D. A film based on a real-life story will be very popular. 26. Why did people like the film so much?

A. Because it is adapted from a real-life story of Lu Yong. B. Because it is produced by Ning Hao, a Chinese hit maker. C. Because it is moving and receives great praise from critics. D. Because it arouses social awareness about real life problems.

27. From what the critic said in paragraph 5, we can conclude that ____________________. A. Lu Yong should not be punished for what he had done

B. Lu Yong committed a crime by making a great profit from it C. society was guilty because Lu Yong got away with smuggling D. society didn’t need to be responsible for what Lu Yong had done


Five American teenagers were officially named the 2018 National Student Poets on Thursday at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. The award is the highest honor for young poets in the United States. The new class of poets includes Alaxandra Contreras-Montesano, Heather Laurel Jensen, Darius Atefat-Peckham, Ariana Smith and Daniel Blokh. The students represent states from all over the country: Vermont, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Alabama.

The teenagers were first chosen in August from among thousands of award-winning young

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poets in the United States.

Virginia McEnery leads the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, which plays a part in choosing the national student poets. She says poetry is powerful because it is open to everyone. “It’s so democratic, you don’t need more than a pencil and a piece of paper. It’s a really good access point for young people.” McEnery says she hopes the national student poet program will support the winners not only as writers, but as activists. “Many of the student poets have already held literary leadership positions,” McEnery said, “For many of them, they are already on the youth advisory council for their library or they’re running the literary magazine for their school or one of them is actually very involved in running the scholastic awards program for her state.”

As national student poets, the five young people will give presentations, performances and training on poetry and literature. They will also promote the services of libraries and museums, and volunteer in their communities. In addition, each poet will receive a $5,000 academic award and the opportunity to learn from poet and teacher Glenis Redmond. And they will meet with Tracy K. Smith, the current poet laureate for the United States.

McEnery says she has seen for herself how programs to support students’ creative expression can change young people’s lives.

“It’s such a hard time to be a teenager, social movements are happening in real time as they are coming of age. What better, smarter, saner thing can a young person do than try to write about it?” 28. What can we know about the National Student Poets? A. It’s mainly for Washington, D.C. students. B. It’s the highest honor for American poets. C. The winners are from different places in the USA. D. Thousands of people have won the award this year.

29. In McEnery’s opinion, award-winning poets _________________________.

A. have got little support B. should do more for their country

C. are hard to be accepted by Americans D. have played a leading role in literary activities 30. What will award-winning poets do?

A. Teach people how to give performances. B. Do some work for museums and libraries. C. Look for volunteers for their communities. D. Try to change American young people’s lives. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


It’s often said that laughter is the best medicine. 31 It’s because “shedding (流出) tears always makes us feel better in the stressful situation”, according to the Daily

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浙江省丽水市高二下学期教学质量监控英语试题 Word版


