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二、最后再强调下,审题时, —看图表标题,二看横轴、纵轴 三看大趋势和数据 三、正文


2、分析原因(How to comment)政治,经济、文化、科技、个人和家庭 3、评价建议,建议包括,宏观(政府、组织层面)和微观(个人、家庭层面)


1动态:What is crystal clear in the above chart is the remarkably

(different/similar) trends of (the number of题),which implies an astonishing social phenomenon hidden in our daily happenings. The

mostobvious variation is that of 事1大, which has (increased/decreased)nearly by 数 1 from 年 1 to年2. At the meanwhile,事2 (increased/

decreased) roughly by 数2, presenting an apparent contrast. {As for事3, it almost remained stable at 数3/As for事3, it has undergone a (significant/slight) (decline/growth)during the same period, (descending ascending) from 数3 to数4.}

2静态,As is realistically revealed in the chart, major differences are detected in terms of the proportion of (the situation of题/表名) among distinct groups. Based on the statistics of the chart,事1大 occupies the dominant position,accouting for 数1.事2 takes up the percentage of 数2, ranging for the(close/distant) second.While 事3小 comprises a relatively small proportion of 数字3, coming to the last one.{复数} the number of______increased dramatically from ______ to ____. In the meantime, the number of ______ experienced a steady downturn. (the number of ______remained almost the same).


From my perspective, a couple of factors can contribute to the

phenomenon of(changes in题词number/trends).To begin with, it is

apparent that the prosperity of our nation and the improvement of living condition result in the popularity of this trend/p. What’s more, there is no denying that government implemented proper relevant policies about(题) recently, which play a significant role in driving (this tendency/p ).[it can be said without any exaggeration that the turning attitude of people, in

combination with better education, promotes more people to make these choices of (题.] 结尾段:

Based on what has been discussed above, we can safely come to a

conclusion that (this trend/p/主) will continue in the following years. It is worthwhile to note that it surely can be inevitably widespread/lasting with better governmental policies/economic development.



