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剑桥国际少儿英语kb4 Introductory Unit文本

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Introductory Unit Hello there!

Words: teacher doctor dentist farmer detective driver always

老师 医生 牙医 农民 侦探 司机 总是

sometimes never routine picnic somebody

有时 从不 惯例 野餐 有人,某人 Sentences: I want to be a detective.

Grandpa Star's older than Mr Star. The dog's bigger than the cat.

Uncle Fred's funnier than Aunt May.

She's got straight blonde hair and she wears glasses. Uncle

Fred has to work in the morning,the afternoon and the evening. He sometimes has to get up at 5 o'clock. She always has to work at the weekend.

He never has to do his homework on Saturday.


MR STAR: Hello there, everybody. We're the Stars. 大家好!我们是Star一家人。 STELLA: Hello. I'm Stella and I'm ten. This is my Aunt May. She's a doctor,

and I want to be a doctor too.

你好。我叫Stella,十岁。这是我的阿姨May。她是一个医生,我也想成为一名医生。 SIMON: Hi. I'm Simon and I'm nine. This is my Uncle Fred. He's my mum's

brother. He's a farmer. This is my favourite comic, 'Lock and Key'. It's

about two detectives. I want to be a detective.



SUZY: Hello. I'm Suzy. I'm six. This is my grandfather, Grandpa Star. He's

funny. He knows lots of good games. I want to be funny too!




1.Who smiles a lot? 谁笑得多? 2.Who's happy? 谁快乐? 3.Who's quiet? 谁安静? 4.Who's hungry? 谁饿啦? 5.Who's loud? 谁声音大? 6.Who's funny? 谁有趣? 7.Who's tired? 谁很累? 8.Who's thirsty? 9.Who's clever?

谁很渴? 谁聪明?


The morning rap, We do it every day. The same routine, Now listen and say.

It's seven o'clock, Wake up, wake up! You must get up And have a wash.

Come on, come on, It's time to go.

Get dressed, get dressed! Put on your clothes.

Run to the kitchen, Sit on a chair.

Eat your breakfast, Comb your hair.


Clean your teeth. No time to lose. Get your bag, Put on your shoes.

Goodbye to Mum, Goodbye to Dad.

My friends are at school, So I'm not sad.

The morning rap. The morning rap.

清晨的说唱, 我们每天都这样做。 同样的生活习惯, 现在听并说。 现在是七点, 起来,醒醒! 你必须起床 然后洗漱。快点快点, 该走了。

穿好衣服,穿好衣服! 穿上你的衣服。 跑到厨房, 坐在椅子上。 吃早餐, 梳头发。

清洁你的牙齿。 没时间浪费了。 拿上你的包, 穿上你的鞋子。 再见,妈妈, 再见,爸爸。 我的朋友们在学校, 所以我不难过。

清晨的说唱 清晨的说唱。


STELLA: Hi, I'm Stella! Repeat after me! 嗨,我是斯特拉!跟着我复述!

A cat in a bag. 一只猫在一个袋子里。 A cat in a bag. 一只猫在一个袋子里。 A snake in the rain. 一条蛇在雨中。 A snake in the rain. 一条蛇在雨中。 A farmer in his car. 一个农夫在他的车里。 A farmer in his car. 一个农夫在他的车里。

The farmer's taking the cat and the snake to the market today.


The farmer's taking the cat and the snake to the market today.


剑桥国际少儿英语kb4 Introductory Unit文本


