Ãû³Æ ͨÓÃÃû Ç°£¨ºó£©×º ÐÎÈÝ´Ê ¡ý´ËÁоùΪÑ×Ö¢£¨-itis£© ʾÀý ÐÄ heart cardio - cardial carditis/ cardiology ÄÔ brain encepholo- cerebral encephalitis/ encephalology
·Î lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmonitis/ pulmonectomy/ pulmonology ¸Î liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis/ hepatobiliary/ hepatology θ stomach gastro- gastric gastritis/ gastrointestinal/ gastrology µ¨ gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis/ cholinergic/ cholecystectomy ³¦ intestine entero- intestinal enteritis/ enterectomy/ enterology Æ¢ spleen splen- splenic splenitis/ splenectomy/ splenology ÒÈ pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis/ pancreatectomy
Éö kidney nephro- renal/ nephric nephritis/ nephropathy/ nephrology
Ãû³Æ ͨÓÃÃû Ç°£¨ºó£©×º ʾÀý
Ѫ blood hemo-/hemato hematology/ hemoglobin/ hematoma Ѫ¹Ü vessel vaso- vasopressor/ cardiovasology/ verebrovascular ¾²Âö vein veno- venography/ intravenous/ venoconstriction ¶¯Âö artery arterio- arteriology/ arteriole/ arteriosclerosis ¼¡ muscle myo- mycology/ myositis/ myocarditis Ëè marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/ myelitis/ myeloma Éñ¾ nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/ neuritis/ neuron ϸ°û cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/ cytoma/ leukocyte Äò urine uro-/ur- urology/ urosurgery/ urogenital Ìå body somato-/some somatology/ somatopsychic/ chromosome
Êý×Ö Ç°×º ʾÀý
Ò»£¨µ¥£© mono-/uni- monomer/ monoclone/ carbon monoxide/ unidirectional ¶þ bi-/di- bilateral/ biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide Èý tri- trilateral/ triphasic/ trigeminal nerve ËÄ tetra- tetramer/ tetracycline/ tetraplegia Îå penta- pentagon/ pentachromic/ pentachloride
Áù hexa- hexachromic/ benzene hexachloride(666)/ hexacycliccompiund Æß hepta- heptachromic/ heptaploid/ heptavalent °Ë octa- octahedral/ octal system ¾Å nona- nonapeptide/ nonagon
Ê® deca- d ecade/ decagram/ decaliter
tetradecapeptidegastrin£¨Ê®ËÄëÄθÃÚËØ£©£¬ octadecanoic acid£¨Ê®°ËÍéËᣩ
ÑÕÉ« ͨÓÃÃû ǰ׺ ʾÀý
É« color chrom-/chromo- chromosome/ chromatin/ chromatometer ºì red erythro- erythrocyte/ erythrocyturia/ erythrometer °× white leuko- leukocyte/ leukemia/ leukocytuira ºÚ black melano- melena/ melanoma/ melanoderma »Æ yellow xantho- xanthopsin/ xanthosis/ xanthoma ÂÌ green
×Ø brown brown mixture/ brown ring
³È orange Victoria orange/ ethyl orange/ orange G ·Ûºì pink oink frothy sputum 糺ì crimson
ÇàÍ bronzed bronzed diabetes
À¶ blue cyan-/cyano cyanosis/ cyanopsia/ cyanemia ×Ï violet/ purple ×¢£ºÓÐЩ²¡ÃûµÄ¡°À¶¡±¡°×Ï¡±¡°ÇࡱΪͬÒ壬Æäǰ׺¶¼Îª¡°cyano-¡±.
5£®Óë¼²²¡ºÍ¼²»¼ÓйصÄÇ°£¨ºó£©×º(1) º¬Òå Ç°£¨ºó£©×º ÐÎÈÝ´Ê Ê¾Àý
²¡ patho- pathogen/ pathology/ pathogenesis/
-pathy -pathic neuropathy/ nephropathy/ adenopathy
²¡Ì¬ -osis ¨Cotic neurosis/ tuberculosis/ schistosomiasis Ôö¶à leukocytosis/ erythrocytopenia/ granulocytosis ¼õÉÙ -penia -penic leukocytopenia/ erythrocytopenia/ granulocytopenia ÎÞ a-/an- atypical/ anuria/ agranulocytopenia С/΢ -let droplet/ platelet/ leaflet micro- microscopy/ microorganism/ micronucleus ´ó/¾Þ macro- macroscopic/ macronucleus/ macrophage -megaly splenomegaly/ acromegaly/ hepatomegaly ¸´ºÏ/¶à poly- polyuria/ polymer/ polyopia È«/·º pan- pancolectomy/ panmyelosis/ pandemic
º¬Òå Ç°£¨ºó£©×º ʾÀý
Ïà·´ dis- disease/ disorder/ disability À§ÄÑ/ÕÏ° dys- dysfunction/ dyspepsia/ dyspnea ²»Á¼ mal- malfunction/ malnutrition/ malpractice Ñ×Ö¢ -itis appendicitis/ bronchitis/ arthritis Áö/¿é -oma lymphoma/ adenoma/ hematoma Ѫ֢ -emia leukemia/ septisemia/ bacteremia Í´ -algia/-algesia/alge-/algo- analgesia/ hypoalgesia/ algometer Âé±Ô -plegia hemipleia/ pamplegia/ myoplegia Á÷³ö -rrhea diarrhea/ hypermenorrhea/ rhinorrhea
»µËÀ -necrosis /necro-/necr- hepatonecrosis/ myonecrosis/ necrospermia ½áʯ litho-/-lith lithiasis/ lithogenesis/ cholelithes
º¬Òå ͨÓÃ´Ê Ç°×º ʾÀý
ÉÏ upper/superior pi-/supra- epidemic/ epithelium/ supracostal Ï lower/inferior nfra-/sub- infracostal/ subclavicular/ subcutaneous Ç° front/anterior/prior fore-/ante- /pre- forehead/ anteroposterior/ precirrhosis ºó back/posterior post-/retro- posthepatic/ postprandial/ retrocardiac ÄÚ inner/internal in-/endo-/ento- inhalation/ endoscopy/ entocranial Íâ outer/external ex-/exo- extract/ excretion/ exocardial ¼ä between inter- intermuscular/ intercostal/ intercourse ÅÔ/¸± on the side of para- parathyroid/ paraprotein/ pararenal ÖÜ around peri- perioperative/ pericarditis/ peritoneum ÖÐÐÄ central centri-/centra- /centro- centrifugation/ centralize/ centronucleus ·´/¶Ô opposite counter-/contra- counterpart/ countershock/ contraindication
×¢£º in vivo/in¡¯vaivou/»îÌåÄÚ; in vitro/in vaitrou/»îÌåÍâ»òÊÔ¹ÜÄÚ£» in situ/in¡¯saitju:/Ôλ
º¬Òå Ç°£¨ºó£©×º ʾÀý
Çгý -ectomy appendectomy/ gastrectomy/ splenectomy Çпª -tomy tracheotomy/ hysterotomy/ craniotomy ÇУ¨¸î£© -tome tracheotome/ thoracotome
ÎÇºÏ -stomy duodenoenterostomy/ gastroesophagostomy ³ÉÐÎÊõ -plasty tracheoplasty/ osteoplasty/ myoplasty Õû£¨½Ã£©ÐÎ ortho- orthopedics/ orthopod/ orthotherapy ÔìÓ° -graphy angiography/ nephrography/ phlebography ¾¡ trans- transdominal/ translateral/ transurethral ×¢£º ortho-Ò²ÊÇ¡°Õý¡±¡°Ô¡±µÄǰ׺£¬È磺ortho-acid£¨ÕýËᣩ -graphyΪ·½·¨£¬È磺electrocardigraphyÐĵçͼ¼ì²éÊõ£»
graphΪÒÇÆ÷£¬È磺electrocardigraphÐĵçͼ»ú£» gramΪͼÏó£¬ÎÄ×Ö£¬È磺electrocardiogramÐĵçͼ¼Ç¼¡£
º¬Òå Ç°£¨ºó£©×º ʾÀý
ËáÑÎ ate sulfate/ nitrate/ acetate ´¼ -ol alcohol/ propanol/ taxol È© -al retinal/ methylal/ propanal ͪ -one acetone/ progesterone/ ketone ÌÇ glyco- glycogenolysis saccharo- saccharomyces -saccharide polysaccharide
ø -ase reductase/ transminase/ kinase ËØ -in penicillin/ heparin/ nuclein Ô -gen allogen/ antigen/ glycogen ±½»ù/·Ó phen-/pheno- phenol/ phenate/ phenetidin °±»ù amino- aminobenzene/ aminopherase/ aminopyrine
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