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1.What do you do?I work in computers.A.Right 1.- What do they do?- They work in a bank. A.Right

2. - How much does the flat cost a month?It costs 500 pounds.. A. Right

3.- Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone.- Are you?I am fine. B.Wrong 4.一Hello,Mary,how are you? B.Not too bad,thanks.And you?

5.一What does your sister look like? CShe’S average height and slim with long straight black hair. 6.一Could you finish late today? A .Yes,of course. 7.一She is talking to Mary.A.What is she doing right now?

8.________________She is talking to a customer.A.What is Mary doing right now? 9.What’S the matter with you?一I’ve got a bad cough. 10.一What’S the weather like in this area?C.It’S windy.

11.Excuse me,how do I get to the gym,please?A.You take the number 66 bus from the supermarket. 12. What does your sister look like?B.She’s tall and wears glasses. 第二部分词汇与结构(40分)

1.Mark is responsibleforthe international market. 2.I haven’t got a car.Neitherhave I. 3.He hasn’t gotanycousins.

4.What’Swrong with your clock? It’S broken. 5.How often take the medicine? should I 6.HOW abouttakinga taxi?

7.I am getting too fat.I have to work offmy weight. 8.Is therea coffee machine in the room?

9.I don’t like London.It isdifferent fromBeijing.

10.David is____0nly accountant in my father’S company.C.the 11.I usually get up____70’clock in the morning.A.at 13.You____go to bed and sleep.B.should 14.What____they do on Sundays?B.do

16.The house is very close to the railway station,SO it’Svery____for transport.C.convenient 17.—————does the flat cost a month?A.How much 22.____Chris worried about the presentation last week? B.Was

23.London is___capital of Britain,and it is____9reat city,too.A.the\\a 26.I am not keen____sports.A.on

27.The house is very close tO the bus station,SO it’Svery___for transport.C.convenient 28.____prepare everything today? B.Why don’t we

29.I work in____IT Department of____large bank. A. the, a

30. Would you like to ____ a reservation for dinner in the restaurant this evening? A. make 32.She has a problem____the flat advertisement. C. with 33.I go swimming on Tuesdays____two hours. A.for

34. This is my new watch. It was a present _ my wife. B. from

35. The IT Department is on the top floor. That's____ floor. C. the twentieth

36. We would like you to____your ideas for a new website for our company. B.present 37. We look forward____you on Friday. A.to meeting

38. You need to make an appointment with a doctor, before the doctor____you. B.examines 39. Who~s going to____the washing-up? A.do 40. She is experienced___teaching. B. in 41. _ of these two books do you prefer? A. Which 42. I'm--------- a list of things to buy. B. making

43. - The living room is too old-fashioned.- Yes, I agree. It's------- . C. not modern enough 44. Maria often has a walk with____parents in the morning. C.their 45. -I don't have tea in the morning.Neither____I.B.do


26.Xiaoyan sometimes goes to the pub after work.(改为一般疑问句) Does Xiaoyan sometimes go to the pub after work?

27.He's currently working on TV advertisements(改为一般疑问句) Is he currently working on TV advertisements? 26. They have a large house.(改为一般疑问句)Do they have a large house?

30. We need to buy two cartons of cream for four people.(用how much对划线部分提问)

How much cream do we need to buy for four people?

27. There are two plants in the house.(改为一般疑问句)Are there two plants in the house? 30. The meal will take two hours.(用how long对划线部分提问)How long will the' meal take? 27.I have to work every evening.(改为否定句)I don't have to work every evening. 26. He always works on Tuesday.(改为一般疑问句)Does he always work on Tuesday? 27. We have a TV.(改为否定句)We don't have a TV.

28. Put them on the desk.(改为否定句)Don't put them on the desk.

29. She is flying for Paris on Thursday.(用when对划线部分提问)When is she flying for Paris?

30. There are four plants in the house.(用how many对划线部分提问)How many plants are there in the house? 26. She usually goes to work by bus.(改为一般疑问句)Does she usually go to work by bus? 27. There is a fax machine in the office.(改为一般疑问句)Is there a fax machine in the office? 28.I need to buy some apples.(改为否定句)I don't need to buy any apples

30. Her parents like living in Haikou because it is very green(用Why对划线部分提问)Why do her parents like living in Haikou?

27.They will go to the wedding reception.(改为否定句)They won't go to the wedding reception. 28. My brother has a car.(改为否定句)My brother doesn't have a car.

29. The manager is 40 years old.(用how old对划线部分提问)How old is the manager?

30. They eat in the canteen at lunchtime.(用where对划线部分提问)Where do they eat at lunchtime? 26. Does the nurse have lunch between 12. 00 and 1.00 pm?(改为肯定陈述句)The nurse has lunch between

12. 00 and l.00.pm.

28. He is keen on learning languages.(用What对划线部分提问)What is he keen on?

29. Jane will not go to work for at least five days.(用how long对划线部分)How long won't Jane go to work? 30. You can't smoke here.(改为祈使句)(Please) Do not smoke here

27. It usually snows in winter in Ireland.(改为否定句)It doesn't usually snow in winter in Ireland.

28. The bus stop is outside the post office.(用where对划线部分提问)Where is the bus stop? 29. The meal will take two hours.(用how long对划线部分提问)How long will the meal take?


1.She is talking to a customerright now.她正在和客户谈话。 2.He is not very tall and wears glasses.他个子不太高,戴着眼睛。 3.What about playing football tomorrow afternoon?明天下午去踢足球怎么样? 4.She doesn’t like borrowing things from others.她不喜欢向别人借东西。

5.I think the area is too dirty and too noisy and the flat’slOO far from the tube.我觉得这个区太脏、太吵,而且那房子离地铁也太远。

6.I am looking for a flat on the ground floor.我想找一套一楼的公寓

7.Xiaoyan(晓燕)goes to a gym twice a week with her friends.晓燕和她的朋友们每周去两次健身中心 8.You can’t park your car in front of the office buildin9.你不能在办公楼前停车 10.My younger brother is quite dutgoing and talkative.我弟弟很外向,也很健谈 11.Can I go to have lunch before l20'clock?十二点钟以前我可以去吃午饭吗?

12.It takes about forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi. 从机场到市中心,坐出租车大约需要四十分钟

13.Do you have next year’S calendar?你有明年的日历吗?

14.I prefer watching TV to reading the paper.我宁愿看电视也不愿看报纸。

15.He is good at web-design,much better than her.他擅长网页设计,而且比她擅长得多。 16.We’ve got a problem with the car.我们的汽车出故障了。

17·There will be a band at the wedding reception.婚礼上会有一个乐队。 18. The living room is large and comfortable. 客厅又大又舒适。

19. She sometimes lends her car to her friends. 她有时把车借给朋友们用。 20.I often go to the gym at off-peak hours. 我经常在人少的时候去健身中心 21.They are speaking to each other on the telephone now. 他们现在正在通电话。

22.The shower isn't working at the moment. I'll call the plumber today. 淋浴器现在用不了。今天我会叫一个水管工来。

23.I have a reservation for a single room.我预订了一间单人房 24. There are four candidates for this job.这个工作职位有4个候选人 25. She never goes to work by bike.她从来不骑自行车上班

26. Please turn off the light before you leave.你离开的时候请关灯

27.You can eat and drink in the office,but you can't smoke here你可以在办公室吃喝东西,但不能在这儿吸烟 28. He wants to buy three packets of cigarettes.他想买三包香烟

29. We will make a decision before the 15th March.我们将在3月15号之前做出决定 30. She is less interested in computers than I am.她没有我对电脑感兴趣 31. Could you open that bottle, please? 请你打开那个瓶子好吗? 32. The bank is opposite the newsagent's. 银行在报刊亭对面

33. They are speaking to each other on the telephone now. 他们现在正在通电话 34. My father keens on researching our family history. 我父亲喜欢研究我家的家族史。 35. He is currently working on TV advertisements9 but right now he's on holiday. 他目前在做电视广告方面的工作,不过此刻他正在度假。 36.I go swimming once a week.我一周去游一次泳

42. I have an English class once a week. 我每周上一次英语课。 41.I always write personal letters by hand.我总是亲笔写私人信件。 42. I feel worried about my exam next week.我担心下周的考试。

41. John is more interested in computers than I am. 约翰对计算机比我更感兴趣

43. What about taking a taxi? 坐出租车怎么样?

44. The temperature doesn't go below 5 degrees in spring here. 这里春天气温不低于5度。 45. The room is not comfortable enough. 这个房间不够舒服。 41. She isn't a nurse. She is a doctor. 她不是护士。她是医生 44. How many days did you stay in Beijing? 你在北京呆了多少天? 41. The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor. 会议室在一层 43. The bank is opposite the newsagent's. 银行在报刊亭对面

45. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York. 北京跟纽约的天气一样


(1)In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town.This is the localdoctor.You

have to register with fl doctor before you can make an appointment.You usuallyhave to fill in a form and the doctor examines you.Families often all register with the samedoctor. Doctors often work together in groups,and the name of the place where they work is aDoctor’S Surgery.The government pays for this system,and it is free to go to see yourdoctor.

If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine.For example hecan prescribe antibiotics for an infection.Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquidto drink.The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemist’S,andthe chemist will make up the medicine for you.You usually have to pay some money for themedicine--but you don’t have to pay the full price.

31.British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.B 32.British families often register with the same doctor。A

33.Doctors always work alone in their own Doc.tor’sSurgery·B 34.British people don’t have to pay when they see their doctor·A

35.British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist’s. A

(3)David:Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr Bond this morning,please.

Nurse:l'm sorry. I don't have any appointments this morning.David:Oh, dear. I'm feeling really ill. Nurse:What's the matter?David:l feel terrible: I've got a headache, backache and a sore throat.

Nurse:Have you got a temperature?David:I think so.1 was hot and cold all night and l was sick this morning. Nurse:You feel awful, don't you? Do you think you've got flu? David:Yes, probably. Or an infection in my throat.

Nurse:OK. I can give you an emergency appointment. Can you come at the end of the morning? Come at eleven thirty and wait until a doctor is free.David:OK. Thank you.

1.David has got a headache, earache and backache.B 2. David felt hot and cold during the night.A

3.The nurse thinks David has an infection in his throat.B 4. Mr Bond is free at 11 : 30. B 5.David gets an appointment finally.A

(4) Let me tell you about my new job. It's great.1 work for Centre Company. They havean office in London. I am the Deputy Marketing Manager. I am in charge of newspaperadvertisements. Currently I am writmgadvertiserrients for the local newspapers, and I amvisiting our customers to introduce myself.

1 like working here, but I don't like travelling by tube. It's too busy! We start work atnine o'clock. There are some very mce colleagues, and I often eat lunch with them in thecanteen. Lunch is -from one o'clock to two o'clock. Then I finish work at 6 0'clock. Mybrother works near my office. He is in insurance, and sometimes we have a drink in the pubin the evening-but at the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland.

1. The writer likes his new job.A 2. The writer works in marketing.A

3. The writer likes going to work by tube.B

4. The writer usually eats lunch in the canteen.A

5. The writer and his brother see each other every day.B

(5)Xiaoyan: So, I'd like to come and see the flat.

Franco: Yes, when is convenient? How about during the day?I usually work in the evening. Xiaoyan: Well,1 work during the day, but perhaps in the afternoon?

Franco: Well, why don't you come at about 5 0'clock?Xiaoyan:、That's a good idea. Franco: Are you free on Thursday?

Xiaoyan: No, I'm afraid I'm not. We always have a meeting on Thursday. What aboutWednesday? Franco: No, I'm sorry. I'm busy on Wednesday. I'm in Cambridge. Are you free on Friday? Xiaoyan: Yes, Friday is fine.Franco: Okay. See you on Friday at 5 0'clock at the flat. Xiaoyan: Thanks very much. Goodbye.Franco: Goodbye.

1.It is convenient for Franco to meet during the day.A

2.It is convenient for both of them to meet in the evening.B 3.Xiaoyan is free on Wednesday.A 4.Franco is also free on Wednesday.B

5.They are going to meet on Friday afternoon.A

(6)Xiaoyan and Polly decide to phone an estate agent.

Polly: So, what about seeing this flat? Do you like it? Why don't you call them?

Xiaoyan:Well,I don't know - yes, it is the best. Polly, could you ring them up, please?

I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. I'm okay with business, but I don'tlike talking about things I don't understand very well.

Polly: Yes, of course. I-llphone them. But how about going to an estate agent, then you'retalking face to face?Xiaoyan: What do you mean?

Polly: Why don't you go to an estate agent? They sell flats, but they've usually got flats torent. Talk to them about what you are looking for. I'II help you find a good estateagent in the phone book. Xiaoyan: Yes, that's a good idea.

1.Xiaoyan wants to phone about the flat in the newspaper.B 2.Xiaoyan is always nervous on the phone.B 4. An estate agent has got flats to sell.A

3.Polly doesn't want to phone about the flat in the newspaper.B 5.Polly thinks it is a good idea to go to an estate agent.A

(7)Xiaoyan:So, I'd like to come and see the flat.

Franco: Yes, when is convenient? How about during the day?I usually work in theevening. Xiaoyan: Well,1 work during the day, but perhaps in the afternoon?

Franco: Well, why don:t you come at about 5 0'clock?Xiaoyan: That's a good idea. Franco: Are you free on Thursday?

Xiaoyan: No, I'm afraid I'm not. We always have a meeting on Thursday. What aboutWednesday? Franco: No, I'm sorry. I'm busy on Wednesday. I'm in Cambridge. Are you free onFriday? Xiaoyan: Yes, Friday is fine.Franco:Okay. See you on Friday at 5 0'clock at the flat. Xiaoyan:Thanks very much. Goodbye.Franco:Goodbye.

1.Franco usually works during the day.B

2.It is convenient for both of them to meet in the afternoon.A 3.Xiaoyan is free on Wednesday.A


