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2020年高考英语精选考点专项突破27 书面表达(提纲类)

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专题27 书面表达(提纲类)


假设你是晨光中学的机器人兴趣小组组长李津,你的美国朋友Chris就读于天津某国际学校,他普在机器人技能竞赛中获奖。你打算邀请他加入你的团队,参加即将于7月底在天津举行的世界青少学机器人技能竞赛。请根据以下提示代表兴趣小组给他写一封电子邮件。学科%网 (1)比赛的时间、地点; (2)邀请他的原因;

(3)训练计划将发送其邮箱,请他提出建议。 注意:(1)词数不少于100;

(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; (3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:

世界青少年机器人技能竞赛 the World Adolescent Robotics Competition Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you. ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Jin

【参考范文1】 Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you. The World Adolescent Robotics competition will be held in Tianjin at the end of July so as to promote the development of robotics.

What I would like to stress is that it is looking for new members at this moment. I would like to invite you to take part in it, since I know you've just won first prize in the Robotics competition held in your institute and have shown great talent in designing robotics. Therefore, you are the most suitable person, I suppose.

The training schedule, in addition to regular training, includes joining in a variety of activities, such as participating in some national competitions. I will send its details to you by e-mail. I would appreciate it if you give us some advice on how to make it perfect.

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Jin

【参考范文2】 Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you. The World Adolescent Robotics Competition will be held in Tianjin at the end of July. Hearing that you once took part in a Robotics Skills Competition and won an award, I, on behalf of the Robotics Hobby Group, intend to invite you to join our team in the coming competition. I am sure that your involvement will not only help us in winning the award but also enhance the friendship between our two schools.

With this email I also send you our training plan, about which I wish to get your advice because you are more experienced than us. We sincerely hope that we can participate in the competition as team partners.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Jin 【解析】试题分析:本篇书面要求写一封电子邮件。写作的时候要注意以下几点:一、动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。内容要点包括:1.代表兴趣小组发出邀请;2.介绍比赛的时间、地点等安排;3. 说明邀请他的原因,包括Chris曾在机器人技能竞赛中获奖; 4.告诉他训练计划将发送其邮箱,请他提出建议。二、写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关


【点睛】书面表达考查大家所熟悉的提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来。动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达。考生写完之后要检查是否有语法错误,看能否运用所学的知识将简单句变为复杂句,当然,没有把握的句子不要写。 2.[2017·天津卷]

假设你是李津,与你以前的外籍教师Mrs Green 一直保持联系。近日她来信询问你的近况,请根据以下提



2.告知你已成为八月底在津举办的第十三届全运会的志愿者,并介绍为此所做的准备(如深入了解天津等); 3.希望她有机会重访天津。 注意: 1.词数不少于100;

2.可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:第十三届全运会 the 13th National Games Dear Mrs Green,

I'm so glad to hear from you. _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Yours, Li Jin

【解析】 首先,内容要点要全,三个要点都要包含:(1)介绍自己的学习和生活;(2)告诉她你作为第十三届全运会志愿者所做的准备;(3)希望她重访天津。


第三,要注意上下文的连贯和语言的得体。注意使用一些表示连接和转折的词。 最后,要注意一下卷面整洁,书写工整。 【答案】 Dear Mrs Green,__ I'm so glad to hear from you. In your last letter, you asked me about my study and life. I'm very pleased to tell you that I have made great progress in my spoken English since you left. As for my life, I take exercise regularly and do more outdoor activities, which builds up my body and character as well.

I have good news to tell you that I have been chosen to be a volunteer in the coming 13th National Games to be held in Tianjin at the end of August. To be a qualified volunteer, I made some preparations. I interviewed many people from all walks of life, which improved and deepened my understanding of Tianjin. I hope you can revisit Tianjin if you have a chance. Looking forward to seeing you again.


Li Jin 3. 【2016·全国新课标I】书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format) 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。 【答案】 Dear Ms Jenkins,

I am Li Hua, I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favor.

In order to get some practical experience, I am planning to take a part-time job in a foreign capital company. I have already finished my application and resume. But this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume, so I don’t know if there are something to pay attention to. So, I’m writing you the letter, hoping you can give me some help. I will be very grateful if you can do me the favor. Looking forward to your reply. And I’d be really thankful.

Yours, Li Hua



【名师点睛】 本文是一篇较为优秀的范文。格式正确,要点全面,语言通顺流畅,很好地完成了写作任务。在本文中开头提出写信的目的,然后具体讲述自己的困难,再提出请求,最后表达自己的感激之情。所以在内容上逻辑性较强。此外,作者还使用了不定式短语In order to get some practical experience,、现在分词短语hoping you can give me some help、宾语从句if there are something to pay attention to等。经典句式this is the first time that I have written an application and the personals resume也是文章的亮点所在。 4.【2016·全国新课标II】书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括: 1.主题:环境保护; 2.展览时间;

3.投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow@gmschool.com. 注意:


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【答案】

Dear Peter,

Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School student Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It will start from June 15th and last three weeks. Any students who is interested in welcome to participate. I know you take good pictures and you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school. This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. If you want to join, you can send your photos to intlphotoshow@gm.school.com.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Lihua 【解析】

试题分析:本文属于半开放作文。要求考生以李华的身份给英国朋友Peter写信,建议他参加你校摄影俱乐部举办的国际中学生摄影展。文章要使用第一人称和一般现在时为主的时态。要对:1. 校摄影俱乐部举办的国际中学生摄影展,主题为环境保护;2.展览时间6月15日,持续三周;3.知道对方对摄影很感兴趣,也恰好有环保方面的图片,希望对方能够参加本次展览。4.投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow@gm.school.com。在写作时,注意书信的格式以及串联过渡用语;同时尽量使用熟悉的词汇及短语,尤其注意不要出现中国式英语,并在力所能及的范围之内使用复合句或者谚语,增加获得高分的可能性。 【名师点睛】


符合邀请函的特点。文章中使用了较多的复合句,如定语从句Any students who is interested in welcome to participate.时间状语从句.... theme the last time you visited our school.条件状语从句If you want to join....;等。全文没有中国式英语句式,体现出很高的驾驭英语的能力。 考点:考查半开放作文


假定你是李华,与留学生朋友Bob约好一起去书店,因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件,内容包括: 1.表示歉意; 2.说明原因; 3.另约时间。 注意:


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【答案】 Dear Bob,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble. Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】


亮点说明:范文包括了所有要点内容,做到了语意连贯。范文使用了宾语从句that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon和the change will not cause you too much trouble;目的状语从句so that we’ll have more time to read and select books;条件句If it’s convenient for you;省略句If not等,长短句结合,使内容更加丰富。 考点:书信类作文 【名师点睛】

题目是常规的书信作文,要求写一封道歉信,是应用文的一种。写作的内容已经给出,表达歉意的同时,还要与对方另约时间。因此,不仅仅是一封道歉信。写作时注意涵盖所有要点,还要兼顾上下文的连贯性。 6. 【2016·北京】书面表达(共两节,35 分) 第一节(15分)

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他对中国历史很感兴趣,并请你介绍一位你喜欢的中国历史人物。请你给Jim回信,内容包括:

1. 该人物是谁; 2. 该人物的主要贡献; 3. 该人物对你的影响。 注意:

1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jim,

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 【答案】 Dear Jim,

It’s great to hear from you. I feel proud knowing your interest in Chinese history.

As for my favourite figure in Chinese history, it must be Wei Yuan, a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. He, in his book, Haiguo Tuzhi (Mps and Records of the World), introduced modern technologies and ideas to China. That opened our eyes to the world. In fact, he inspires me to major in English in college to be a bridge between China and the world.

Interested in knowing more? I can find you some books! Just let me know. Cheers! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】


亮点说明:范文使用了词组hear from, As for, In fact和搭配 inspire sb to do sth等,丰富了作文内容;范文注意上下文的语意连贯。 考点:应用文写作 【名师点睛】

题材偏向于信息介绍类的开放式写作,对于应用文格式的要求并不高,但对于语言组织和词汇积累的要求极高。本次应用文并没有限定考生必须写某一位历史人物,但是谈及人物的贡献和对自己的影响时,考生有可能会遇到大量的词汇障碍,故难度较去年明显提升。 7.【2016·天津】书面表达(满分25分)

假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李津。一批来自英国的高中生与你校学生开展了为期两周的交流活动。现在,他们即将回国,你将在欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。 (1) 回顾双方的交流活动(如学习、生活、体育、文艺等方面); (2) 谈谈收获或感情; (3) 表达祝愿语期望。 注意:

(1) 词数不少于100;

(2) 可适当加入细节,是内容充实、行文连贯; (3) 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear friends,

How time flies! Thank you. 【答案】

One possible version: Dear__friends,__ How__time__flies! Two weeks went by before we realized that our exchange activities ended. On behalf of our school, I would like to express my feelings.

As scheduled, we took part in several instructive activities. We have learnt many Chinese characters and often took exercise together. We went to the restaurant to taste the Chinese traditional food. The food was extremely

delicious and different from our food. While visiting the art exhibition, we discussed the great artists' works.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone here is a member of our big family. And at last I sincerely wish you a pleasant trip to your country. I hope we'll get together again next year.


【解析】这是一篇发言稿,要点都已经给出,关键在于要点要全面包括,不能有遗漏和省略。但是要点只是提纲,考生还要在此基础上增加细节,不要逐字逐句翻译,同时注意谋篇布局的顺序,运用合适的连接词连接全文,同时选择高级的词汇和语法项目让文章更有文采。审题时注意本文时态主要是一般过去时和一般现在时,描述要尽量选择简洁的语言,运用合适的语法规则和词汇把各要点都准确表述出。难点在于选择词汇和句型,可以灵活运用高级词汇和固定短语准确表述。还要用适当的连接词把句子连接起来,这样文章显得更连贯。 【考点定位】考查提纲作文

【名师点睛】这篇作文属于典型的提纲类作文。根据要求确定要点,适当对要点进行发挥。关键在于词汇和句式的选用,尽量使用简洁的语言。 8.【2016·四川】书面表达(满分25分)

某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动。请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容包括: 1. 你最喜欢的季节;

2. 你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动、感受……)。 注意:

1. 词数100左右; 2. 题目已为你写好; 3. 行文连贯,语篇完整; 4. 文中不得透露个人真实信息。


One possible version:

Among the four seasons in a year, summer is my favourite, which makes me free, excited and energetic. When summer vacation for us students comes every year, we can do all that we can't do during our school time, going shopping with friends, swimming in warm water and even hiking and camping in the deep valleys, all of which, I think, lead me to full freedom. We can find us in an exciting world every day, with the sun shining brightly, trees growing greenly and flowers coming out with all kinds of colours. Summer makes me full of energy and I feel I have the strength to do the most difficult things in my life. I like summer best, and what about you?

【解析】 这是一篇英文报的征文,要求描写考生最喜欢的季节,话题贴近考生实际生活,令考生有话可说。考生成文时应注意:1. 写作要点:文章主要包含两大要点,首先点出自己最喜欢的是哪一个季节;然后陈述自己喜欢该季节的两条理由;这两条理由可以从气候、景色、活动、感受等之中进行选择性的描写。2. 时态:以一般现在时为主;3. 人称:第一人称;4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级句型和词汇以提高作文档次。 9.【2016·浙江】书面表达(满分30分)

“Planning is good ,but doing is better”是一句英国名言。请以此为题目用英语写一篇100-120词的短文。 要求如下:

1.简述你对这句名言的理解; 2.用一个具体事例加以说明; 3.给出恰当的结尾。


2.文中不得以任何形式透露地区、学校、老师或同学姓名等真实信息,否则按作弊行为认定。 Planning Is Good ,But Doing Is Better

【答案】One possible student version

Planning Is Good ,But Doing Is Better

Planning is good as it decides in detail how we do. However, a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out.

My experience in the English speech contest last October is a case in point. A month before the event, I spent hours working out a schedule outlining my goals and practical steps. After that, I set out to read widely for an inspiring topic, wrote a speech, and practiced its delivery in beautiful pronunciation with good public speech skills. I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner.

I know how I achieved my success. It came from good planning and better doing combined. 【解析】



【名师点睛】本篇范文短小精悍,结构合理,语言简练,时态人称准确,很好的完成了写作任务。在文章开头作者紧扣题目,提出自己对plan的理解,同时引出下文,然后用自己的亲身经历表明要将计划付诸实施这点非常重要。在文中作者用到了短语in detail , bear no fruit ,carry out, set out to等短语,避免了文章句式的单一。此外,还用到了宾语从句how we do , It came from good planning and better doing combined.等,这些都给朴素的语言带来了亮点。 考点:考查开放式作文


假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们国重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教Lucy写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:

1. 出发及返回时间;

2. 活动:包饺子、表演节目等。 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 结语已为你写好。


Looking forward to your reply. Yours Li Hua 【参考答案】 Dear Lucy,

I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the gate at 9 in the morning.

Looking forward to your reply. Yours Li Hua 【解析】

试题分析:本篇书面表达属于英文书信,根据提示信息说明邀请Lucy去参加的活动和时间等。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确三个要点:邀请、时间、具体活动。2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般将来时态。 4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明。We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.中用了which引导的定语从句和句式spend time doing。此外,还有if从句以及一些短语如invite you to join us,for a visit to,make dumplings等。 【考点定位】考查提纲作文。

【名师点睛】本作文从实际生活出发,以英语的交际性和实用性为目标,兼顾尊老敬老和做志愿者的教育意义。体现了课程标准要求的以知识运用为教学目标的要求。在高三备考时,应该多从把语言作为交流的工具的角度去准备书面表达。 11.【2015·新课标全国I】 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 栏目介绍; 2. 稿件内容;

3. 稿件长度:约400词; 4. 交稿日期:6月28日前。 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯的; 3. 开头语已为你写好。 【答案】 Dear Peter,

I'd like to ask you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper. The “Foreign Cultures” section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries. Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United States? And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, and the life of American high school students. You can write anything relevant so long as it’s interesting and informative. 400 words would be fine. Could we have your article before June 28?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】

试题分析:本篇书面表达属于英文书信,根据提示信息要求写一封给美国朋友彼得写信的约稿,为学校校英文报“外国文化”栏目刊登介绍美国节日风俗和中学生生活的文章。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确三个要点:首先,简单介绍校英文报栏目的情况。2、建议Peter介绍美国节日风俗和中学生生活。3、稿件的要求及时间。写作时根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态。就本文而言应该用一般现在时态。 4、注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries.运用了过去分词作后置定语, And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals, and the life of American high school students.运用了宾语从句。此外,文章还使用了大量习语和短语,如be popular among, so long as, look forward to , hear from等。


【名师点睛】书面表达考查大家所熟悉的提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。文中巧妙地使用了一些固定句式和

过渡词语,不仅增强了表达效果,而且实现了形式与内容的统一。 12.【2015·北京】


1. 介绍训练营的相关内容(例如;时间,地点,参加者等); 2. 说明你打算参加的原因; 3. 询问对方的意向。 注意: 1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。 提示词:龙舟训练营 Dragon Boat Training Camp Dear Jim, Yours, Li Hua 【答案】 Dear Jim,

I’m writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday. I want to join a Dragon Boat Training Camp. I wonder if you’d like to go with me.

This camp will open on July 20th, It offers teenagers like you and me a chance to enjoy sports and learn about Chinese culture. If you are interested in it, let me know and I’ll send you more information. Hope to meet you at the training camp this summer. 【解析】

试题分析:本篇文章重点是李华邀请英国朋友Jim参加龙舟训练营,属于典型的邀请信,只需按照邀请信的写作流程就可轻松写出。即发出邀请— 介绍活动(时间,地点,内容,参加原因)—期待和感谢。 【亮点说明】

本文结构紧凑,层次分明,运用了一些邀请信里常用的句型。如:I’m writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday;I wonder if you’d like to go with me.

文中注意使用了一般将来时、一般现在时等不同的时态来叙述不同的事情,对时态有较好的把握。 【考点定位】应用文类书面表达


人员,这使学生需要自行发挥得,编纂的时候要合理一些。第二个板块提到你的参加原因,原因必然是考官会关注的,为什么要参加龙州艺术界的活动。第三,他提到两个字,就是询问,希望学生在写作的时候尽量避开一些非常生硬的词汇。注意写邀请信常用句型:On behalf of…, I am writing to invite you to take part in the…;I’d like to be involved in…due to the fact that…;I am looking forward to your reply/ arrival/coming/ attendance等考生在应用文写作中一定要体现出交际功能,重视该文体的写作结构,除称呼与落款必须写齐全外,正文部分一般开头应道明写作目的,中间呈现具体细节,结尾处补充礼貌性话语。另外,应用文的语言结构忌过于复杂,用词忌过难过偏,少用倒装从句嵌套等长难句。语言与用词做到适用应用场合,准确到位即可。只要做到以上几点,应用文部分即可拿到一个不错的分数。 13.【2015·广东】


你接受了一项写作任务,为英语校报写一篇科技报道。 [写作内容]

请根据以下信息,介绍国外医疗行业出现的一项新技术。内容包括: 技术名称:DNA检测 检测方法:唾液样本分析 检测费用:125英镑 检测时长:4到6周 检测用途: 1. 预测重大疾病 2. 预知食物偏好 3. 提示合适的锻炼方式 检测影响: 1. 增强健康意识 2. 易引起过度焦虑 *唾液样本:saliva sample [写作要求]

只能用5个句子表达全部内容; [评分标准]

句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。 【答案】

第一节DNA Detection

We can use saliva sample to detect whether people have major illnesses, predict whether people are particular about food and remind people to take proper exercise. People should pay 125 pounds for it. It takes four to six weeks to finish the report. After detection we can realize we should strengthen our bodies. It may cause too many worries. 【解析】

试题分析:对于基础写作用5个句子概括医疗新技术,要求必须用上所有的要点,不能遗漏。对于概括短文大意,要抓住要点。叙述自己的班级情况时:1.仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息。2.根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态及一般将来时。 3.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如I will explain to them that studying hard is very important运用了宾语从句,以及Sally was a teacher.who taught some students full of problems.定语从句。副词Therefore的使用使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。 【考点定位】考查提纲作文。

【名师点睛】本题所给用5个句子概括医疗新技术的材料是学生不太熟悉的内容,所以要尽量使用学生熟悉的句式来写,还必须用5个句子表达所有的信息。此题主要考查阅读概括能力及语言的组织的能力。需要用一些高级句式及词汇来增加文章的亮点。 14.【2015·陕西】 书面表达(满分30分)


Volunteers Wanted Our annual English Festival, which will be held on June 15-17, 2015, is now looking for 20 student volunteers to provide service for Talent Show, Speech Contest, and English Debate. If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience to Ms.Chen at chenlaoshi@aef.com.


1.表示写信意图; 2.陈述应征目的;

3.说明应征条件(性格、能力等)。 写作要求:


2.开头和结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数; 3.可根据情况增加细节,使行文连贯 4.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。 Dear MS Chen , I’m Li Hua, a student from Class2, Grade 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply. Yours truly, Li Hua 【参考答案】 Dear MS Chen , I’m Li Hua, a student from Class2, Grade 3. I’m writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.

I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because, by offering my service, I will be able to improve my organizational ability, communication skills as well as my confidence in speaking English in public.

As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. Besides, I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher. Successfully, I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class, which have been appreciated by both teachers and classmates.

I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations. I will be gratefull if you could give me a kind consideration.

Looking forward to your reply. Yours truly, Li Hua 【解析】


个方面写应征邮件。写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态。 4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.运用了so…that…句型,以及定语从句I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class, which have been appreciated by both teachers and classmates.。此外,文章还使用了大量短语,如apply for the position, as well as, in public, get along well with,,have such a good command of, lent a helping hand to, live up to等。插入语Besides,以及副词Successfully的使用使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。 【考点定位】考查提纲作文

【名师点睛】这篇作文类似于读写类作文。首先要读懂招募启事,抓住重要信息。再结合提纲写作。内容贴近学生的生活,学生有话讲。也富有实用性。对学生的交际能力也会有所帮助。 15.【2015·四川】 书面表达(共35分)

假如你是李夏。你看到美国留学生Sharon 在网上发贴,.希望有人能帮助她提高普通话(Mandarin)水平,她可以教英语作为回报。请根据以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件。 1. 表达给她提供帮助的意愿; 2. 说明你能胜任辅导的理由; 3. 给出讲好普通话的两点建议; 4. 提出你学习英语的具体需求。 注意:

1. 词数120左右,开头语已为你写好; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称; Hi Sharon,
















Mandarm__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考答案】

Hi Sharon,

This is Li Xia. I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. I am quite interested in it . I think I’m fit for it. As a student, I have been learning Mandarin for many years. In addition ,I am Chinese, which means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life. So I’m quite confident that I can help you learn Mandarin.

Learning Mandarin takes time, so if you want to learn it well ,you should spend much time practicing Mandarin everyday. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Besides, you can also read some books in Chinese、see some Chinese films and listen to some Chinese radio programmes. Speaking and listening are very important for a language learning, by which you are sure to make great progress.

In your post, you say you can teach English as a reward. It is just what I want. I’m eager to improve my English. So, if you allow me to help you learn Mandarin, you can also help me improve my English. We can contact each other by video chat every night for half an hour in English and half an hour in Chinese, so that we can improve our oral speaking.

Hope for you early reply!

Yours Sincerely Li Xia 【解析】

试题分析:考查提纲类作文。提纲作文在写作时需要注意以下几个方面:首先需要审题。即:审要求、审文体、审人称、审时态。其次,考生要能够抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲。 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。然后在体裁明确、中心突出、要点清晰的前提下,考生应该选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语、句型,将要点逐条表达出来。最后根据要点选词组句,然后按照篇章结构连句成篇。本篇文章的要点具体,可分成三段写,第一段写要点1、2;第二段写要点3;第三段写要点4,以及希望得到对方的回信。

【亮点说明】本文要点齐全,结构完整。使用多种句式,如定语从句:I am Chinese, which means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life.、表语从句:It is just what I want.等。还使用了大量短语等。


【名师点睛】书面表达考查大家所熟悉的提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。 16.【2015·天津】





(3)询问对方的其他需求。 注意:


(2)请适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。 参考词汇: 学生会 the Student Union Dear Chris,


Yours, Li Jin 【参考答案】

Dear_Chris, I am Li Jin, chairman of the Student Union of Chenguang High School. I am writing to inform you of our donation.

In order to enhance the friendship between our two schools, our school has appealed to the students to donate books to your Chinese class. The books, which can be used as reading materials or reference books in your Chinese class, include 30 storybooks, 25 magazines and 20 Chinese-English dictionaries. We will take the books over to you when we take part in the summer camp to be held in your school in July.

Should you need any other things, please do not hesitate to tell us. Yours, Li_Jin 【解析】

试题分析:本篇书面要求写一封电子邮件。写作的时候要注意以下几点:一、动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。内容要点包括:1.自我介绍及写信目的;2.拟捐赠图书的类型、册数、用途等;3. 询问对方的其他需求; 4.告知将于今年七月赴对方学校参加夏令营时带

去赠书。二、写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。 【考点定位】考查提纲作文。

【名师点睛】书面表达考查大家所熟悉的提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达。考生写完之后要检查是否有语法错误,看能否运用所学的知识将简单句变为复杂句,当然,没有把握的句子不要写。 17.【2015·重庆】 写作二(满分20分)

Bookcrossing. Com 是一个面向全球的图书分享网站。该网站组织的分享活动有两种参与方式:一是自由分享(wild release),即把书放在指定地点,由其他参与者自由获取;二是定向分享(controlled release),即直接传递给另一位参与者。假设你是李华,请用英文写信申请参加。内容应包括: · · · ·

表明写信目的 选择一种分享方式 简述作出该选择的理由 希望了解更多信息

注意:(1)词数不少于80; (2)在答题卡上做答

(3)书信格式及开头已给出(不计入总词数) 【参考答案】

Learning that you are organizing this activity to share books worldwide, I am writing to apply for it for the simple reason that I love reading and I own a large number of books.

You’ve introduced two ways to share books: wild release and controlled release. Of the two, the latter wins my favor. By the means of controlled release, I only need to deliver books to other participants, not only are books shared but it can build up a bridge connecting readers from different parts of the world as well.

If you could provide more specific information, I would be well grateful. Looking forward to your reply. 【解析】

试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来. 动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注


【亮点说明】所给范文语言简洁,不拖拉,使用短语:apply for申请;Looking forward to盼望着;Learning that you are organizing this activity to share books worldwide, I am writing to apply for it for the simple reason that I love reading and I own a large number of books.这句话运用learning做伴随状语,reason后面跟着一个同位语从句;not only are books shared but it can build up a bridge connecting readers from different parts of the world as well.这个句子not only but also连接两个句子,第一个句子需要用部分倒装; 【考点定位】考查提纲作文。

【名师点睛】本题的解题思路,一、表明写信目的:申请参加该活动(添加得知消息);二、选择一种分享方式:二者选一;三、阐述理由 ;四、书信结尾(添加希望);注意表达句式1. Between them, I would like to choose…2. Of the two, I prefer the latter to the former.表示希望的表达句式1. I am looking forward to more information.2. I would appreciate it if you would offer more information. 18.【2015·安徽】

某英文杂志正在举办以\为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview\为题,写一篇英语短文。


1. 采访的对象; 2. 采访的原因; 3. 想提的问题。 注意:

1. 词数120左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。

A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考答案】

A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview

The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.

I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world. I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.

If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting. 【解析】


【亮点说明】范文使用了一些重点句型:定语从句I would like to interview is Yang Liwei;原因状语从句because he is not only the first Chinese...;宾语从句①I could learn a great deal from him about it,②what made him an astronaut and how he was trained;条件状语从句If I could interview him;非限制性定语从句which must be very interesting等,显示了扎实的语法功底,也使作文的句式变得多样;

范文还使用了一些固定搭配和固定短语:not only...but also...;one of the...;the first to do sth;be interested in;a great deal;such...as等,使作文的内容变得更加丰富;

范文注意使用not only...but also, and, also和finally等来衔接句子,使范文显得语意连贯、衔接紧凑。 【考点定位】命题类材料作文

【名师点睛】题目给出了一个征文的通知,要求考生根据提示以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview”为题,写一篇英语短文。题目属于命题作文,不过,题目给出了写作的框架,一定程度上降低了难度。需要注意的是,所写的作文必须涵盖所有的要点,如果能够使用高级词汇和重要句型,将会给作文增色不少。 19.【2015·湖南】 Section C (25 marks)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below. 请以老师当众表扬你为话题,用下面所给的句子开头,续写一篇英语短文。

As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates. 注意:

1. 将所有句子写在答题卡上; 2. 续写词数不少于120个; 3. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。


One possible version:

As_a_student,_I_can_tell_you_that_there_is_nothing_better_than_being_praised_by_my_teacher_before_my_classmates. Yesterday afternoon, Li Ming and I went home together after school. Suddenly we saw an old lady knocked down by a car. The driver ran away in his car. Li Ming and I ran over to find that the old lady's head was bleeding. She had already lost consciousness. Immediately I took out my handkerchief and covered the wound with it. Li Ming stopped a taxi quickly. Together we put the old lady into the taxi and drove her to the nearest hospital.

The old lady was saved and we also felt very pleased. What's more, I remembered the number of the car, and the traffic police caught the driver later. 【解析】 一、确定文章体裁、时态和人称

本篇作文是典型的夹叙夹议文,使用第一人称;文章主体应该用一般过去时态。 二、谋篇

文章结构一般要包括以下内容: 1. 文章的开头即用试题给出的句子; 2. 对受到老师表扬的这件事要具体描述; 3. 针对这件事情说出自己的感受。 20.【2015·湖北】 短文写作


Questioning is a bridge to learning. When you begin to doubt something and search for an answer,you will learn.

注意:1.无须写标题; 2.除诗歌外,文体不限;

3.内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例; 4.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;


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Questioning can lead to searching for an answer. If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to whether what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.

Two years ago, our teacher offered us an answer to a difficult math problem in class. Although the answer seemed a little strange, nobody but I doubted it. Thinking that his solution might be wrong, I carefully analyzed the problem and tried to work it out in a different way. Half an hour later, I managed to find the correct answer. When I showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my independent thinking.

From this experience I have learnt that questioning can serve as a bridge that helps us to seek the truth. 【解析】


【亮点说明】首句“Questioning can lead to searching for an answer.”鲜明地亮出了作者的观点。文章使用了状语从句“If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to whether what we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.”及分词做状语“Thinking that his solution might be wrong,…”等句型,为文章增色不少。此外,一些短语的使用也恰到好处,如offer sb. sth.,work sth. out,manage to do sth.,praise sb. for sth.,serve as等。


【名师点睛】今年的高考短文写作仍然沿袭了近几年的模式,考生对“提纲类开放式”作文比较熟悉。考生答题时,先提取关键词question,doubt,learn来确定中心,确保不走题。通过英文提示,考生很容易得出这一观点:质疑既是求知的一种方式,也是“批判性思维”的起点。这对引导考生进行独立思考,发展批判性思维,培养创新意识,极具启发和指导作用。 21.【2015·浙江】 书面表达(满分30分)

在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人,还是尊重大多数同学的意见?请你以“When I Have a Different Opinion”为题,用英文写一篇100~120个词“短文。要求如


1.从以上两种做法中选择一种; 2.以具体事例阐述你选择的理由。


When I Have a Different Opinion


When I Have a Different Opinion

We may have different opinions in organizing class activities. We may have various ways to deal with such a situation. When I have a better idea, I would choose to stick to it . By doing so, I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express myself clearly.

Once we were discussing where to go for an outing. Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park while I had an idea of going to a nicer peace. I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting my idea. We did have a good time that day . Good opinions are worth sticking to because they can benefit us all.

An alternative student version:

When I Have a Different Opinion

We may have different opinions in organizing class activities. When I have a different opinion, I may choose to give it up and respect the opinion of the majority.

The main reason for my choice is that being brought up in a culture emphasizing collectivism; I tend to sacrifice my own interest for the group benefit. Once we were left to decide whether to have a picnic in a park or go to a museum. I would love to go to a museum, but most of my classmates wanted to go for a picnic. Without hesitation, I decided to follow them and we did have lots of fun that day. Sometimes giving up a little can mean getting more. 【解析】







【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如not only …but also…不仅而且。 运用连词while 表对比观点。运用because 表达原因。

运用了表语从句表达原因The main reason for my choice is that …。

运用了宾语从句 decide whether do have a … ;discuss where to go for an outing 运用了介词短语 By doing so, Without hesitation. 运用了强调句 we did have a lots of fun that day.

此外,文章还使用了大量习语和短语,如be worth doing sth; stick to sth.; have a good time; have lots of fun ,

tend to do 等。 【考点定位】考查观点理由。 【名师点睛】

一篇好的文章除了书写工整,还需要条理清晰以及充分利用各种句式和语法表达。可以适当地记忆一些表达的模,板比如说总结,开头和结尾。 22.【2015·重庆】 写作一(满分15分)


If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would you say? 要求:

(1)作出回答并说出理由; (2)词数不少于60; (3)在答题卡上做答。 【参考答案】

Were I three years younger than I am now, I would strongly recommend that I set more practical and specific

goals. As an old saying goes, living without a clear and achievable aim is like sailing without a compass. Compared with many abstract objectives, practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward. If only I could go back and reset my goals. 【解析】


【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,使用了多种句式和结构。比如I would strongly recommend that I set more practical and specific goals.宾语从句;Compared with many abstract objectives, practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward.这个句子还运用到非谓语动词;If only I could go back and reset my goals.还运用到虚拟语气。 【考点定位】考查开放性作文。

【名师点睛】这种开放性的作文,采取表明观点+阐释理由+结尾总结的解题思路,一、建议句式:主要考虑从虚拟语气着手 1. 宾语从句

I suggest/ advise that…I should… 2. 主语从句

It’s strongly recommended that… 3. 条件状语从句

If I were three years younger, I would…

二、原因句式:建议陈述两个原因,用并列结构not only, but…as well连接 1. The reason why… is that… 2. Why I say so is that…

三、结尾部分:表达对“回不到过去”的惋惜 How I wish I could be three years younger!

2020年高考英语精选考点专项突破27 书面表达(提纲类)


