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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Task课时练习题 无答案

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1.She walked_________(朝,向) he gate of the park after a day’s trip. 2.They searched for the lost dog after ___________(进入) the hole.

3.I don’t like eating s____________ food because they are bad for our teeth. 4.My aunt is very sad because she _________(忘记) her mobile phone on the bus yesterday.

5At last, they _______(决定) to go for a walk in the forest.

6.People say that it is good for you to go__________(cycle) around our town. 7.In ________(west) countries, people usually have bread and milk for breakfast. 8.Did you write all the _________(visit) names on the paper.

9. There is an old saying that _________(fail) is the mother of success(成功). 10.It’s a pity that you failed ______(pass) the final exam.

11.Every morning I see many people _________(dance ) in Sunshine Park.

12.Many years ago people didn’t know that Moon _______(go)around the Earth. 13.Keep quiet, please! The baby ___________(sleep) there.

14.When I was a young girl, I often ___(play) football on my school playground. 二、选择填空

( ) 1. The boy is___ short________ the orange on the table.

A.too;not to reach B.too;to reach C.enough; to reach D.to;to reach ( ) 2.I forget _________ the door. I did it again.

A. to close B.closing C. will close D. to closing.

( ) 3.Mrs King lives in her hometown ___ all the time,but she never feels __. A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.alone;lonely D.lonely;alone ( ) 4.Alice looked ___ the window and saw a rabbit running ____ the field. A.through;after B.through;across C.across;through D.thought;across ( ) 5.---Can we go swimming in that river?

---________.It’s dangerous to swim there.

A.No, I’m afraid not. B. Yes, of course. C.let’s have a rest first. D. Let’s go. ( ) 6. My mum said it was very dangerous______ with matches(火柴.____ , A. to play B. playing C. played D. of playing ( ) 7. -Will you come to my birthday party next Friday?

- _______. I will go to my grandparents'.

A. I think so B. I'm afraid not C. I'd like to D. I agree with you ( )8. -- shall we leave now? -- don’t hurry. We still have time left. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 9. I found this computer game to play.

A. enough easy B. easy enough C. enough easily D. easily enough ( ) 10. the girl is too shy in front of the whole class.

A. speaks B. to speak C. not speak D. not to speak 三、同义句转换

1.Alice was so small that she couldn’t reach the key. Alice was ______ small __________ reach the key. 2.The strange rabbit surprised Alice .

The strange rabbit _____Alice_________ __________ . 3.She is afraid of staying at home alone.

She is afraid of staying at home_______ _________ _______. 4.Alice used the key to open a small door. Alice _________a small door ____ with the key. 四、完形填空

A woman drives to work every day. She usually parks her car in the street __1_ her office. Yesterday after work, she got into her car and started __2_ home. Suddenly, she noticed a yellow van behind her. The __3_ was a man. When she Unit6 Outdoor fun (Task)

turned left, the yellow van turned left. When she turned right, the yellow van turned right. When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow van stopped __4_ her.

She was afraid, so she drove towards our __5_. She was very surprised when she saw the van __6_ behind her. At that time, I was standing outside the police station. The woman was very __7_ to see me. She knew that I was a policeman because I was wearing a police uniform. She __8_ out of her car quickly and ran to me. She asked me __9_ the man inside the van, so I walked towards the man.

But the man didn’t want to run when he saw me. He just smiled and said to the woman, “I want to __10_ this purse back to you, madam. I think you dropped it in the street.” ( )1. A. inside B. outside C.in front D. next ( )2. A. walking B. riding C.running D. driving ( )3. A. doctor B. cook C. driver D. police ( )4. A. behind B. in front of C. over D. before ( )5. A. school B. home C. hotel D.police station ( )6. A. stop B. stopped C. stops D.to stop ( )7. A. surprised B. happy C. afraid D. tired ( )8. A. walked B. took C. ran D.jumped ( )9. A. to drive B. to talk C.to catch D.to pus ( )10. A. borrow B. lend C. get D. give 五、阅读理解

Look at the baby. Her name is DANICA May Camacho. She was born (出生) on October 31, 2011 in the Philippines (菲律宾). People call Camacho the world's 7 billionth (第70亿) baby.

The little baby was 2.5kg. \believe(相信) she is the world's seven billionth.\ Officials c官方人员) from the UN met the baby and her parents.

People from the UN gave her a chocolate cake with the words \ There are more and more people in the world. And Camach isone of the symbols (标志) of overpopulation (人口过剩). Too many people can bring too many problems. We hope all babies will have a good life in the future. ( ) 1. When was the baby born?

A. On October 30,2011. B. On October 31,2011. C. On November 30,2011. D. On November 31,2011. ( ) 2. The baby is the world's_______ baby.

A. 6 billionth B. 6 millionth C. 7 billionth D. 7 millionth ( ) 3. Who did officials from the UN meet?

A. The baby's father. B. The baby's mother. C. The baby. D. The baby and her parents. ( ) 4. From the passage we can know_______.

A. there are over 7 billion people in the world B. the baby will have a happy life

C. there are less people in the world D. the baby shouldn't come to the world ( ) 5. Which of the following is wrong?

A. The baby was born in the Philippines B. The mother thought her baby was lovely. C. People from the UN gave the baby a name. D. Too many people can bring too many problems.

牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Task课时练习题 无答案


