员工的个人形象好坏与否也是对其所在单位企业形象的侧面展现,所以在招聘时HR也希望求职者不仅仅是在外在形象注重,还是一个注重求职技巧的人。所以找工作中我们需要有一定的求职技巧来提升我们的求职成功率,如何才能让HR提高对面试者评价的面试评价呢?提供面试技巧,应聘技巧,求职优势,写简历技巧,找工作技巧,大学生面试技巧,应聘技巧等给大家参考.面试问到你的同事是如何评价你的怎么回答?小编这里有四个实例给你参考。 How would your friends or coworkers describe you? 你的朋友和同事都是如何评价你的呢? Sample 1. 实例1.
Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will work. Jill Clark, a co-worker at Smith Company,
always said I was the hardest workers she had ever known. It is as powerful as
Jill having said it at the interview herself.
准备好同事对自己一句或两句的评价。一句特殊的评论或转述会对面试非常有帮助。Jill Clark
最努力的人。”Jill在面试时转述这样的评论是会对面试非常有帮助的。 Sample 2 实例2.
My co-workers always admit that I am good team player by providing suitable
advices at the right time. They also add that I have a balance between good
stress and bad stress.
我的同事经常会说我是一个很有团队精神的人,会在适当的时候给出正确的建议。他们还评价我有很好的调节压力的能力。 Sample 3 实例3.
I am a highly respected professional amongst my co-workers and client group, a team player, humourous – can turn the worst scenario into a fun learning session, dedicated, organized and efficient and trusted individual. 同事和客户评价我具有很强专业工作能力,善于团队合作,还富有幽默感,总是可以把最坏的情况转变成一个有意思的学习历程。他们说我做事认真,效率很高而且有条理。是个值得信任的人。 Sample 4 实例4.
Both my friends and coworkers would say that I’m reliable, because of
fact that I’m the one that everyone calls. Whenever any of my friends have a
problem I’m the friend they know will give them an honest answer, or be there to
help them with whatever needs to be done.