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There are millions of people who visit cities all over the world every day. S__87__ somewhere will probably become the victim of a crime. But it doesn’t have to be you!

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

Jack arrived at the SOC(Scottish Outdoor Challenge)centre and went to the hall where Mr Riley, the leader of the SOCC Centre, was speaking.

“This is a two-day course about being a leader,”Mr Riley said.

“There are two challenges(挑战). Try to finish them but remember the rules. One: work as a team. Two: don’t do anything dangerous. And three: use your intelligence.”

For the first challenge, Mr Riley took groups to a forest, about three miles from the SOC Centre.

“It’s half past three. I’ve given you a map and a compass. You must find your way back to the SOC centre. The first team back is the winner. Good luck!”

Jack was in a team with Lisa, Edward and Kim.“Hi,”Jack said.“We haven’t met before but I’m usually the leader at school. Shall I be the leader of our group?”

“Why don’t we just work as a team?”Lisa asked.

“It’s better if I’m the leader,”Jack said. He kept the map and the compass. Half an hour later, Jack and his team were lost. “Why don’t I read the map?”Lisa said.

“Good idea,”Edward said.“I’ve hurt my ankle so let’s get back.”

“I’ve got a getter idea,”Jack replied.“There’s a house over there. I’m going to ask for a ride.”

“Are you crazy?”Lisa said.“It’s against the rules.”

“Which rules?”Jack asked.“Edward has hurt his ankle and Mr Riley said‘Use your intelligence’. Come on, let’s go.”

Twenty minutes later, Jack, Lisa, Kim and Edward arrived back at the centre in a car. They walked into the centre where Mr Riley was working on his computer.

“Congratulations!”said Mr Riley.“You are the winners. How do you feel?” Lisa, Edward and Kim looked at Jack.“Why don’t you ask our leader?”said Lisa. 88. Where was Mr Riley speaking at the beginning of the story? 89. How long did Jack’s course last? 90. What was the first challenge?

91. How did Jack’s team with the challenge?

92. According to Lisa, which rule did Jack break? 93. Was Jack a good leader? Why or why not?

VII. Writing

94. In 60-120 words, write a story to go long with the given picture.(根据所给图片,合理发挥想象,用60-120 个词写一个故事)

(注意: 短文中不得初选考生的姓名、校名以及其他相关信息,否则不予评分)

第 6 页 / 共 8 页

The following words and expressions are for reference(以下词语仅供参考): theft, handbag, bench, run away, walking stick, trip, arrest


26-30 DCCAB 31-35 DBBDA 36-40 ACBCD 41-45 ACABD

46. E 47. B48. D 49.A 50. C 51. A 52. E 53. B

54. me 55. cases 56. worst 57. frightened 58. mainly 59. impossible 60. length 61. memorize 62. don’t need 63. How often 64. affection to 65. believe , to 66. as , size 67. were put 68. let me explain briefly how to use the touch pad 69.C70.B71.B 72.D 73.A 74.B 75-80 BADDDB

81. alone 82. expensive 83. around 84. steal 85. until 86. especially 87. still 88. in the hall 89. Two days

90. The first challenge is about three miles from the SOC center. 91. Work as a team 92. The first rule

93. Yes, I think he’s good leader. Because he obeys the rules and uses the wisdom to care for his team’s health .

第 7 页 / 共 8 页


第 8 页 / 共 8 页



