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Kate is an English girl. She lives in a tall building in the city of London. There are sixteen floors in the building, and she lives on the tenth floor. She uses a lift(电梯) to go up and down. Kate studies in a middle school near her house and she works hard. She goes to school early. Every day she leaves her home at half past six. She walks to the lift, and it takes her down to the first floor.

There is a bus stop near the building. Usually she takes the No. 7 bus to her school. Classes begin at eight. She goes to play games at three forty. She gets home at a quarter past five. She begins to do her homework at eight and finishes it at half past nine. (1)Kate lives in a tall building ________ London. A. near B. in C. far from (2)She goes up and down the building ________. A. on foot B. by lift C. by bus (3)She leaves ________ at six thirty.

A. her home B. the building C. the lift (4)She goes to school ________.

A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot (5)It takes her ________ to do her homework.

A. about an hour B. about one hour and a quarter C. one hour and a half 【答案】(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)A (5)C

【解析】【分析】该短文主要介绍 Kate居住、学习及生活的一些事情。

(1)细节阅读,根据She lives in a tall building in the city of London. 得知她住在伦敦,故选B。

(2)细节阅读,根据She uses a lift(电梯) to go up and down.得知她坐电梯上下楼。故选B。

(3)细节阅读,根据Every day she leaves her home at half past six.得知她六点半离开家,故选A。

(4)细节阅读,根据Usually she takes the No. 7 bus to her school. 得知她坐公交车去上学,故选A。

(5)细节阅读,根据She begins to do her homework at eight and finishes it at half past nine.得知她做作业需要一个半小时的时间,故选C。



Everyone has his or her hobbies. But everyone has different hobbies. Maybe someone likes collecting things, such as stamps, old coins, shelves and so on. Someone likes drawing. Someone likes dancing. Someone likes reading. Everybody chooses different hobbies.

I like singing best. It is good for me. I often sing with my friends together. When I sing, I am very excited. Maybe I will be a famous singer in the future. (1)每个人都有不同的爱好 Everyone has ________hobbies. (2)有的人喜欢收集邮票 Someone likes________ (3)阅读是很好的业余爱好 ________is a good hobby.

(4)也许将来我会成为一位著名的歌手 Maybe I will be a________singer in the future. 【答案】(1)different (2)collecting stamps (3)Reading (4)famous


(1)根据Everyone has his or her hobbies.可知每个人都有不同的爱好。形容词different表达不同的。故填写different。

(2)根据Maybe someone likes collecting things, such as stamps可知某人喜欢收集邮票。collecting stamps表达集邮。故填写collecting stamps。

(3)根据 Someone likes reading.可知阅读reading。故填写reading。

(4)根据Maybe I will be a famous singer in the future.可知主人公成为一名著名的歌手。famous著名的。故填写famous。


3.阅读理解阅读表格信息,完成下列任务 Name Feeling Activities Amy good saw a film and went shopping Nick bad had a cold and slept When last Saturday last night yesterday Mike busy cleaned rooms and washed clothes last Sunday Sarah boring stayed at home and watched TV 根据表格信息补全对话。 Mr White and his students are talking about their activities last weekend. Mr White: Children, how was your weekend? Tell me what you did.

Mike: I had a________weekend. I cleaned rooms and washed clothes________. Amy: My last weekend was________.I________and went shopping last Saturday. Nick: I________last night.It was________. Sarah: ________.That was really________.

【答案】busy;last Sunday;great;saw a film;had a cold and slept;bad;I stayed at home and watched TV yesterday;Boring

【解析】【分析】表格描述了艾米上个星期六看电影去买东西,麦克上个星期天忙于打扫房间和洗衣服,尼克昨天晚上感冒了,睡觉了,莎拉昨天真无聊呆在家里看电视。 (1)根据所给的表格和对话,可知麦克上个星期天忙于打扫房间和洗衣服,busy繁忙的,last Sunday上个星期天,故答案为busy,last Sunday.

(2)根据所给的表格和对话,可知艾米上个星期六看电影去买东西了,是个极好的星期六,great棒极了,see a film看电影,本句用一般过去时,see-saw看,故答案为great,saw a film.

(3)根据所给的表格和对话,可知尼克昨天晚上感冒了,睡觉了,本句用一般过去时,谓语用过去式had a cold and slept感冒了,睡觉了,bad悲伤的,故答案为had a cold and slept,bad.

(4)根据所给的表格和对话,莎拉昨天真无聊呆在家里看电视,本句用一般过去时,yesterday昨天,谓语用过去的形式stayed at home and watched TV呆在家里看电视,无聊boring,故答案为I stayed at home and watched TV yesterday,Boring. 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,根据表格内容,补全对话,使对话完整。


One day, a monkey was looking for food. He came to a fence. There were a lot of big peaches inside the fence. He tried to get inside. But he failed. At last, he found a hole in the fence. But the hole was too small for him to go through.


Day after day, the monkey became thinner and thinner. At last, he could get through the fence. He ate a lot of peaches. He became fatter and fatter.

He wanted to go outside, but the hole was too small for him. He couldn't eat anymore! He waited and waited. Eventually, he became thin enough to go out. (1)The monkey wanted to find some ________. A. drink B. foot C. food (2)There were a lot of ______ inside the fence.

A. apples B. peaches C. oranges (3)The monkey went through the fence from ______. A. small hole B. a road C. a river (4)Did the monkey eat the peaches?

A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn't. C. We don't know. (5)How did he go out the fence?

A. He jumped out. B. By bike. C. He became thin enough.



