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电大1361《国际商务交际》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文 

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试卷代号:1361国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试国际商务交际试题2020年l月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌子上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习Part one Reading(20 points)We live in an economy based on information and knowledge . The computer , the mobilephone , and the Internet are all instrumental in the continuing development of theInformation Age . Previously , in the Industrial Age , raw materials and physical labor werethe key ingredients in the creation of wealth . Today , however , wealth depends on thedevelopment and exchange of knowledge . Individuals in the workforce offer theirknowledge , not their muscles . Knowledge workers get paid for their education and theirability to learn . More recently , we are hearing the term information worker(i一worker)todescribe those who work with information and technology . Regardless of the terminology ,knowledge and information workers engage in mind work . They deal with symbols : words ,figures , and data . Some knowledge workers in the US worry over the outsourcing of theiriobs to skilled workers in other countries . Outsourcing overseas 15 a reality . Jobs that can becondensed to a set of rules are likely to 90 first一either to workers abroad or to computers·Although we cannot predict the kinds of future iobs that will be available , they willundoubtedly require brainpower and education . Existing jobs , in both good and bad times ,give way to shifts in technology and competition . Recessions are followed by recoveries , andthe economy adiusts , as it has always done in the past . In the current climate of outsourcingand changing job requirements , workers need to be flexible , to learn continually , and tohave strong basic skills .As a knowledge and information worker , you can expect to be generating , processing ,and exchanging information . Whether you work inm一commerce(mobile technologybusinesses), e一commerce(Internet一based businesses), or bricks一and一mortar commerce ,nearly three out of four jobs will involve some form of mind work . Jobs that requirethinking , brainpower , and decision making skills are likely to remain plentiful . To besuccessful in these iobs , you will need to be able to think critically , make decisions , andcommunlcate those decislons .Management and employees will be working together in such areas as productdevelopment , quality control , and customer satisfaction . All worker、,from executives tosubordinates , need to think creatively and critically . Even in factory production lines ,workers are part of the knowledge culture . One of the secrets of a well一known carmaker ' ssuccess in the past , said a chief executive of the Japanese carmaker ,"15 that the companyencourages every worker , no matter how far down the production line , to consider himself orherself a knowledge worker and to think creatively about improving his particular corner ofthe organization ."984提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习Mark the following statements True or False according to the information Provided in the text·1 . Today , the development of econotny 15 based on information and knowledge .2 . In the Industrial Age , raw materials and physical labor were the most important inthe creation of wealth .3 . In the Information Age , the creation of wealth depends on the development andexchange of information and knowledge .4 . Inthe information Age , people in the workforce offer more of their knowledge ,rather than iust their muscles , to do their iobs .5 . Knowledge workers are a team of workers formed by people in the management ofaCompany·6 . Information workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn , and theyengage in mind work , dealing with words , figures and data .7 . Outsourcing of knowledge workers夕iobs overseas 15 not a reality in the US .8 . Knowledge and information workers work at jobs that require thinking , brainpower ,and decision making skills .9 . To be successful as a knowledge worker , one needs to be able to think critically ,make decisions , and communicate those decisions .10 . All workers , from executives to subordinates , need to think creatively andcritically , but those far down the production line should not regard themselves as knowledgeworkers .Part Two Short-Answer Questions(20 points)Answer the following questions based on what you have leamed from the textbook .1 1 . Explain five strategies for improving communication among diverse workplaceaudiences .12 . Describe the maior dimensions of culture .13 . Describe the basic elements that distinguish business writing from academicwrlting·14 . What are the characteristics of effective teams ?Part Three Writing(60 points)1 . Revise each of the following sentences according to the requirement given in the brackets .Please write your revised version in the Answer Sheet .(30 points)15 . Customers are ineligible for the 10 percent discount unless they show theirmembership cards .(to make it positive)985提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习16 . For this position we assess oral and written communication skills , how wellindividuals solve problems , whether they can work with teams , and we ' re also interested ininterpersonal skills , such as cultural awareness and sensitivity .(to improve parallelism)17 . 1 am asking all of our employees to respond to the attached survey regardingworking conditions .(to emphasize the"you , , view).18 . Every employee 15 entitled to see his personnel file .(to eliminate gender bias)19 . Fill out these forms before Aprill , therefore we can process them in time .(tomake it courteous)20 , We have begun to export our product to some other countries .(to avoid wordinessor wordy expression)21 . Because of the fact that his visit was an unexpected surprise , we were totallyunprepared to make a presentation of profit and 1055 figures .(to make it concise)22 . According to you , the item stopped working .(to avoid mistrust)23 . You must return the form by 5 p . m .(to change the aggressive tone to a friendlyone)24 . We will inspect the building plans before construction begins .(to avoid dangerouswords)11 . Revise the following e-mail message . And the form滋ting of the message 15 to he scored .(30points)25 .TO : Andrea KanaThis message 15 in response to your recent inquiry about mail costs . Your message ofApril 30 said that you wanted a brief explanation of what 15 being done in Mail Services to cutback on overall costs . 1 can tell you thatl ' ve been doing many things to cut costs .For one thing , I ' m trying very hard to locate duplicate names and addressesinadvertently included in our mailing lists . This problem 15 particularly difficult when wemerge multiple mailing lists . Another thingl ' m doing relates to envelope size . Departmentsthat use envelopes larger than6好by 11万are costing us a lot of money , which they do notrealize . Therefore , 1 am making a proposal to all departments to limit the envelope size .Finally , l ' m looking into the possibility of presorting some of our first-and third-classmail . Mailings that arepresorted are charged less .George Miller986提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习试卷代号:1361座位号口二」国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试国际商务交际试题答题纸题号Part One}Part Two IPart Threel总分分数Part one Reading(20 points)l0Part Two Short-answer Questions(20 points)Short-answer Questionsll121314提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习2020年1月987

电大1361《国际商务交际》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文 


