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专升本英语(全国)模拟试题及答案解析(19) (1/5)Error Identification 第1题

Great changes have taken place since I had visited the city. A. have

B. taken place C. since D. had visited


(2/5)Error Identification


There are twelve people take part in the experiment, four working as a group. A. There are B. take part in C. working D. as a

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(3/5)Error Identification 第3题

As soon as we\ A. As soon as B. we\ C. we\ D. to

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(4/5)Error Identification 第4题

Her name sounds familiar with me but I can\ A. sounds B. with C. can\ D. who

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(5/5)Error Identification 第5题

The director and manager of the department are very strict with the employees. A. The director B. manager C. are D. with

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(6~10/共20题)Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on

Answer Sheet.

11. The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had settled there had left England because they were denied of religious freedom. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in coming across the ocean.

The ship that carried them was called the Mayflower. The North Atlantic was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were assisted in learning to live in the land by the Indians who lived in the region. The Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. Their religious practices were no longer a source of criticism by the government. They learned to adjust their farming habits to the climate and soil.

When they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving Celebration, they invited their neighbors, the Indians, to join them in dinner and a prayer of gratitude for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not live to see the shores of Massachusetts. They reflected on the 5 days journey that tested their strength. 第6题

The tradition of Thanksgiving Day is ______. A.nearly 100 years old B.nearly 200 years old C.nearly 300 years old D.nearly 400 years old 第7题

Why did the colonists leave England? A.because of religious problems B.to establish a new religion C.to learn farming

D.because of the Indians


The Mayflower was ______. A.the city they left from B.the city they arrived at C.the ship they traveled in D.the name of the Indian chief 第9题

The Indians had ______.

A.made life difficult for them B.helped them to adjust C.taken their land

D.been too afraid to talk to them 第10题

The climate and soil in Massachusetts are ______. A.similar to that of England B.different from that of England C.similar to that of Plymouth

D.different from that of Plymouth

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(11~15/共20题)Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

16. As he closed his service station at 1:20 one Sunday morning, Tony Payseur set on the ground a metal cash box containing $7,000. At home a short while later, he reached in the back of his car for the box. It was missing.

Realizing that he must have left it outside the station, Payseur speeded back. The box was gone. Sunday morning, although he felt ill, Payseur went to work with his two sons. Then, in the middle of the afternoon, a man named Wayne came and told his story. Passing the station minutes after Payseur left the previous night, Brazzell had spotted the metal box. Thinking it was a tool-box someone had left accidentally; he stopped and picked it up. About 3 p.m. Sunday, Brazzell opened the box. Finding it filled with cash, he rushed to the station.


What is the passage mainly about?

A.How the missing metal box was returned. B.Mr. Payseur is a lucky man. C.Mr. Payseur\ D.Mr. Payseur\


When did Mr. Payseur realize the missing of his metal box? A.Saturday morning.

B.A little time after he got home. C.Sunday afternoon.

D.A little time before he went home. 第13题

Mr. Wayne found the metal box ______. A.on the ground with the cover open B.laid on the ground C.lying in the corner D.in the back of a car 第14题

\ A.catch B.know C.meet D.see 第15题

By saying \ A.it\ B.there are honest people like Mr. Payseur

C.we should believe most of the people D.Mr. Brazzell is a nice man 上一题 下一题

(16~20/共20题)Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

21. Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The wind blew straight across the river, sharp as a razor, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him.

He went over his instructions in his mind. The agent would appear at four o\to Lane for a while, after which he would get up, leaving his newspaper behind. The plan would be fastened inside.

A distant clock began to strike the hour. As if from nowhere, a man appeared and sat down beside Lane, placing his newspaper on the seat between them. He was thin and middle-aged, and seemed in need of a good meal. He bore no resemblance to Lane\conversation, confined to trivial observations about the weather, was painfully uninteresting. A few minutes later he got up and continued on his way. Lane picked up the paper which lay on the bench, as if he wanted to look at the news. He was excited to see the plans pinned to the center page. At that moment, however, there was a strong wind which lifted the newspaper into the air, like a kite, and blew it into the river. 第16题 Lane ______.

A.memorized his orders B.recited his orders

C.tried to remember his orders D.repeated his orders himself 第17题

The agent was going to ______.

A.give Lane some important papers B.tell him some pieces of advice C.tell him some important news D.tell him his suffering


The agent left the newspaper ______. A.by arrangement B.by mistake

C.at Lane\ D.out of kindness 第19题 Lane ______. A.read the news B.made the plans

C.turned over the pages of the newspaper D.made a kite out of the newspaper

第20题 Lane ______.

A.got rid of the plans quickly B.lost the plans

C.threw the plans away

D.managed to save the plans 上一题 下一题

(21~25/共20题)Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

26. Men have traveled ever since they first appeared on the earth.

In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to escape from hostile neighbors, or to find more favorable climates. They traveled on foot. Their journeys were long, tiring, and often dangerous. They protected themselves with simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together.

Being intelligent and creative, they soon discovered easier ways of traveling. They rode on the backs of their domesticated animals; they hollowed out tree trunks, and by using bits of wood as paddles, were able to travel across water.

Later they traveled, not from necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reason why we travel today.

Traveling, of course, has now become a highly organized business. There are cars and splendid roads, express trains, huge ships and jet airliners, all of which provide us with comforts and security. This sounds wonderful. But there are difficulties, if you want to go abroad, you need a passport and a visa, tickets, luggage, and a hundred and one other things. If you lose any of them, your journey may be ruined.


In primitive times men traveled ______. A.for joy

B.from necessity

C.to broaden the mind

D.to escape from the wild animals 第22题

Their journeys were long, tiring and often dangerous, so they had to take measures to protect themselves EXCEPT ______.

A.they had to arm themselves with wooden sticks B.they protected themselves with stone clubs C.they had to travel in groups D.they never traveled at night 第23题

Later, they found it easier to travel because ______. A.they could travel by wagons

B.they could ride on their tame animals and go across water in hollowed tree trunks



