,. attracting events, attracting life style. ;吸引类似的事情,吸引类似的生活格式。 Indeed everything that you bring into your experience, ;确实的,发生你生活中的每件事情, you bring because of this powerful Law of Attraction. ;都是你经由吸引定律的强大力量 吸引到你的生活中来的。 I mean, I'm not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary, craziness. ;我的意思是,我并不是只在所谓的“满怀希望的思考”这个角度来讨论问题,或者所谓的“想象力”甚至“疯狂执着”。 I'm talking to you from a deeper basic understanding. ;我要告诉你的是要站在一个更深层的基础上看问题。 Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. ;量子物理学已经做出了这个发现 It says that you can't have a Universe without mind entering into it. ;它告诉我们,我们不可能拥有这样一个宇宙,它可以独立于我们的意识之外。 The mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived. ;实际上,意识构造了那些被我们感知的一切。 Now, if you do not understand, that doesn't mean you should reject that. ;即使你不能理解这个道理,你也没有理由拒绝它 You don't understand the electricity properly. ;就象你可能不懂电流的工作原理, First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. ;其实,没有人真的知道“电”是什么 And yet you enjoy the benefits off it. ;但你可以享受电带来的福利 Do you know how it works? ;你知道电的原理吗? I don't know how it works. ;我不知道。 But I do know this: ;但我知道这点: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity ,. ;你可以用电来为人做饭 and you can also cook the man. ;你甚至可以用电把这个人也给“烹”了。 People often, at times when they begin to understand the great secret, they get frightened of all of these negative thoughts that they have. ;人们懂得了这个道理后,可能会害怕,因为我们日常有太多的消极思维。 Two things you need to be aware of. One: it is been proven now scientifically that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. So, that eliminates a degree of worry right there. 不过我要你注意两点:首先,积极的思维比消极的思维的力量要大许多倍!这也许会让你放心一些。 People often, at times when they begin to understand the great secret, ;通常,当人们刚开始了解这个秘密时, they get frightened ;他们都会很害怕, of all of these negative thoughts that they have. ;因为他们拥有太多的负面想法。 Two things you need to be aware of. ;但您应该知道两件事。 One: it is been proven now scientifically ;一:现在科学已经证明, that an affirmative thought ;正面的想法 is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. ;要比负面想法的力量强过上千倍. So, that eliminates a degree of worry right there. ;因此, 这个事实可以消除你不少忧虑. You live in a reality where there is this buffer of time. ;你生活在这样一个世界: 时间是带有缓冲的. ,. And truly, that serves you. ;实际上, 这对你有利. You're really not wanting to be in an environment where ;你并不真的想生活在一个 your thoughts manifest immediately. ;思想能够立即变成现实的环境中. The evidence is long and coming and that is really a good thing. ;思想的实现是一个长时和渐进的过程, 这实际上是一件好事. So, you want to become aware of your thoughts, ;因此, 你需要注意你的思想, you want to choose your thoughts carefully ;仔细的选择你的思想 and you wanna have fun with this. ;并且从中获得乐趣. Because, you are the masterpiece of your own life. ;因为你就是你自己的生活的作品, You are the Michelangelo of your own life. ;你是你自己生活的米开朗琪罗. The David that you are sculpting is you. ;你所雕塑的戴维就是你自己. And you do it with your thoughts. ;你用你的思想来雕塑. The leaders in the past who had the secret ;过去, 那些知道这个秘密领袖人物们 wanted to keep the power, and not share the power. ,. ;想把这个秘密保守起来, 不与大家分享它的威力 So, they kept people ignorant of the secret. ;他们不让人们知道这个秘密, People went to work, they did their job, they came home. ;大家工作,干活, 回家 With no power, because the secret was kept in the few. ;他们在生活的小道上艰难行进,没有力量(去塑造自己的生活), 因为只有少数人知道(创造美好生活的)秘密. (With前面缺了一句,好像是“They run on a track road”) We live in a Universe in which there are laws. ;我们生活在一个由\规律\所支配的宇宙中. Just as there's Law of Gravity; ;正如\重力规律\一样; if you fall off the building, ;如果你从大楼上跌落,