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《商务英语》 一、【单项选择题】 A membership card (B ) A ( D) official...

Although we tried....(A ) Any salesperson... (B ) Anyone not... (C )

As we know, ..... ( D ) Coffee is the( B ) Don’t trust ....( C ) Excellent ...(A ) Encouraged ... (C ) For many y... (D).. Fiber(C)optic...

Governments t..(D ). Having a(n) ( D )... He is a promising...( A).. He greatly ....( A ). He said ... ( B )... He bought...(C ) ... Henry went... (B)..

High grades ...( A )... If the value-added.... ( D)... If businessmen... (C) .. In fact, ..(B )...

In mountainous...( D ).. In spite of the ( C ) ... It was a wonderful ..( D).. It was such a(n) ( B)... It took a lot...( C ) ... Located in ... ( D)......

Many manufacturers..( A )... My boss .. (C )...

Most mathematicians ...( C )... Millions of... (C )..... Nowadays many ..( C ) ..

One of the attractive..( C )... One-third of the...( D ).. She ( D )through the... She was deeply(D).. They have done ..(C )...

They used to quarrel ...( A ).. They had to eat a(n) ( B) .. They’re going to build .. (C).. The local business..( C ).. The most important ( D ).. The relatives .. ( B ) . The police ..( A ).. The government( C ). The bank ... ( A)... The subject ...( A). The traditional ..(A ).. The law ...(C)..

The wooden...( A) . The English ...(B )..

The company .( A)...

Tom is bankrupt now... ( B ).. Too often Dr. ..(B)....

When construction...( D ).. ( D )efforts are needed in......


As you know.... (state-owned)国企. Breakage ...(premium)保险费. Concerning .. (reputation). Due to ..(cancellation )取消. Establishing ...( benefit)利益. If you are interested..(electronic)电子.. In respect to ..(com.are)相比. In case no .. (arbitration)仲裁.

It would be very helpful ..(statistics)数据. Our mutual (understanding)了解. Please quote us..(commission)佣金. That sounds ..(definite)明确的. This corporation ..(textiles)纺织品. The commodity ..(transportation)运输. The market ..( conclude)成交. The price we ..(counteroffer)还盘. The seller ..(first-class)一流的. The premium.. (expectations)期望. We are convinced.. (efforts)努力. We are now writing.. (purpose)目的.

We can assure ..(immediate )立即. We would like...(information)信息. We find ..(delayed)延期的. We( assure)保证 you...

We hope you ..(execute)履行. We will try our ..(commit)承诺.

Your firm ..(chamber of commerce)商会. Your letter .. (approval)同意. (Silk)丝绸blouses .. (Inform)告知us by..


33. maneuver的意思是be in ... (F) 35. appetizing的意思是causing..(F ) 38. embark的意思是the sharp.. (F) 34. priority的意思是lowliness。( F ) 36. diversity的意思是sameness。( F ) 40. optimism的意思是negative..(F )

33. fluctuate的意思是stay .. ( F ) 37. substitute的意思是include..(F) 39. precedence的意思是fall.. (F ) 四、【阅读理解题】

Chinese Americans today have higher incomes than Americans in general and higher occupational status. .......

41. According to the passage, today, Chinese Americans owe their prosperity to(A). [A] their diligence [B] their support [C] their fight [D] advantages in 42. The passage is mainly concerned with(C).

[A] Chinese Americans ..[B] social status ... [C] incomes and ..... [D] problems ... 43.Chinatowns are pockets of poverty, as is probably associated with(C). [A] most descendants ...[B] most ...[C] sharp internal ...[D] only a few ...

44. Which of the following statements is not true according to this article? (C)

[A] As part of the minority, ..[B] Nowadays.. [C] Foreign-born...[D] None of the above. 45. According to the author, which... younger? (A)

[A] Tenacious; rebellion. [B] Conservative....[C] Out-of-date... [D] Obedient... Speaking Your Customers' Language

Modern-day business really does transcend national barriers. Thanks to sophisticated IT and communications systems, ......

41. According to the first paragraph, improved communications have enabled companies to(B) [A] offer a wider ... [B] expand beyond ... [C] perform better ...[D] open more ...

42. Some companies have succeeded at an international level even though they have(A) [A] produced ....[B] failed to....[C] ignored the...[D] reduced the ...

43. Approaches to doing business vary between countries because of (B) [A] local economic..[B] The existence ..[C] strong wishes..[D] regulations.. 44. The writer thinks that the use of modern technology will(B)

[A] speed up the...[B] never replace the...[C] help solve...[D] not lead ... 45. A common weakness of training courses is that they(C)

[A] are developed by....[B] do not give ...[C] are provided ... [D] do not deal ...

If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that ply the world’s busiest air route between London and Paris have a flight on their hands.

41. British airlines confide in the fact that_C_.

[A] they are more ....[B] their total ...[C] their traffic... [D] traveling by ..

42. The author’s attitude towards the drop of passengers may be described as_A_. [A] worried. [B] delighted [C] puzzled. [D] unrivaled. 43. In the passage, British Rail (Para 6) is mentioned to_B_.

[A] provide a comparison..[B] support the ..[C] prove the .. [D] call for .. 44. The railway’s Brussels route is brought forth to show thatC__.

[A] the Eurostar train ... [B] the airlines ...[C] the Eurostar train ..[D] only some ..

45. The passage is taken.... predict that in the following part the author is going to_B_. [A] praise the airlines’...[B] warn the airlines .. [C] propose a ...[D] advise the ... 五、【写作题】

46.Your friend, Jack, has recently got the job he had been applying for. Write a goodwill correspondence to congratulate him. Tell him to let you know if there’s anything you can help.

答案:Dear Jack,

I was really delighted to hear that you got that job you had been applying for in recent months. Let me be among the first to congratulate you. This promotion is all you deserve.

I am sure that the future will hold much more for you, and this is just the beginning. You know that if there’s anything I can do for you, you only need to ask.


XXX 46.You work for a company ....Max Remington, the Public Relation's manager. Ask for an advertisement for two translators. . Explain the reason. . Mention your urgency.

. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet. 答案:Dear Mr. Max Remington ,

As our company is purchasing a set of equipment ,a lot of materials -have to be translated, which is impossible to do within four months. Could you advertise for two experienced translators in the newspapers? It is urgent.

Yours respectfully,


46.On the Popularity of Takeaway on Campus

1. 外卖实物在校园里越来越流行 2. 人们对此看法不一 3. 我的观点

Takeaway service, which helps people get the foods ordered at the door, begins to spread over the campus. In light of its convenience, more and more students are drawn to takeaway.

With regard to takeaway on campus, some people hold that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. On the one hand, it saves students’ time that is to be spent queuing up for foods in the dining hall. On the other hand, it is an opportunity for students to taste foods provided outside school. However, some other people insist that the disadvantages edge out. First, it is harmful to students’ health if they stay in the dormitories all day long. Secondly, having meals in the dormitories may exert a bad influence on others. Moreover, it is unfriendly to the environment with so many plastic products used in takeaway.

In my point of view, with the delicious foods available in and around the school, it is advisable for us to go out and enjoy them, which will be favorable to both our health and the environment.



