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译林版中考英语中考英语总复习 书面表达(较难)

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(5)句意:他脸上带着不确定的神情,回答说:“是的。”A.不高兴的;B.不确定的;C.不同寻常的;D.不变的。根据and if he had been in a coma about five years ago可知可知Gillespie先生已经昏迷5年了,所以是不确定,故选B。


(7)句意:他开始告诉我,当他躺在那里昏迷时,他怎么能听到我和他说话,怎么能感觉到我一直握着他的手。A.爱;B.听见;C.邀请;D.跟随。Gillespie先生可知听到作者和他说话,hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事,固定搭配,故选B。

(8)句意:Gillespie先生坚信是我的声音和抚摸让他活了下来。A.接受;B.尊重;C.相信;D.考虑。根据He thought it was an angel, not a person, who was there with him.可知Gillespie先生坚信作者是天使,坚信是作者让他活下来,故选C。

(9)句意:我们都哭了一会儿,互相拥抱,道别,分道扬镳。A.方向;B.家;C.方式,路;D.地方。go one's separate ways,分道扬镳,固定搭配,故选C。

(10)句意:更重要的是,我永远不会忘记他和他为我做的一切:他让我成为了天使。A.必要地;B.可能地;C.仔细地;D.重要地。根据前句I know that I made a difference between his life and his death.可知作者知道作者改变了他的生死,这是重要的,但是更重要的是作者成为了天使,故选D。


13.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 Last year, we took a trip to New York City. When we arrived at our 1 , it was around 2 a. m. My son, Joseph, looked out at the lights of Times Square and said he wanted to go 2 . I told him it was too 3 to go out, but he kept looking out of the window and said, \two minutes.\

My wife and I just looked at each other, smiled and said, \walked into the center of Times Square. 4 we got there, my son pointed at the lights and said, \

It took us 20 minutes to 6 for the 20 seconds we spent outside, but it made our son 7 and that meant a lot to us. That night, I learned a lesson about happiness. We sometimes have chances to 8 happy moments in our lives, but we often find 9 to do something else.

Because of my son, I learned that I am the biggest enemy to my own happiness. 10 happiness is a door that is always open, we are the ones who have to decide if we are going to walk through the door. 1. A. restaurant B. bank 2. A. inside 3. A. hot 4. A. If 5. A. listen

B. early B. Unless B. touch

C. supermarket D. hotel

D. home D. cold D. When D. smile

C. late C. Because C. look

B. outside C. back

6. A. make rules B. get ready C. do sports 7. A. sad 8. A. create 9. A. a place

B. happy B. forget

C. bored C. waste

D. have dinner D. patient D. avoid D. an order D. As soon as

B. a book C. an excuse

10. A. Because B. Although C. Unless C;(10)B;

【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)C;(6)B;(7)B;(8)A;(9)【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作者通过领儿子去看路灯,而明白了人生真理,幸福是一扇永远敞开的门,但是我们必须决定是否要穿过这扇门。

(1)句意: 当我们到达酒店时,大约是凌晨2点。 A饭店,B银行,C超市,D酒店,前文提到作者是去伦敦旅行,故此处应选择hotel,故选D。

(2)句意: 我的儿子约瑟夫看着时代广场的灯光,说他想出去。A在里面,B在外面,C在后面,D在家,时代广场的灯光应是“在外面”,故选B。

(3)句意: 我告诉他现在太晚了,不能出去 。A热的,B早的,C晚的,D冷的,前文提到此时己是夜里两点,可知此处应选late,故选C。

(4)句意: 我们到了那里,我儿子指着灯说,“爸爸,快看!”然后他就睡着了。 A如果,B除非,C因为,D当……的时候,根据 my son pointed at the lights and said,可知此处指时间概念,故是when,故选D。

(5)句意:我们到了那里,我儿子指着灯说,“爸爸,快看!”然后他就睡着了。A听,B触摸,C看,D微笑,根据 kept looking out of the window,可知是去看灯,故选C。 (6)句意: 我们花了20分钟准备,就为了在外面呆了20秒钟,但是这让我们的儿子很开心,这对我们来说意义重大。 A制定规则,B准备,C作运动,D吃晚餐,get ready for…,固定搭配,为……做准备,故选B。

(7)句意: 我们花了20分钟就为了在外面呆了20秒钟,但是这让我们的儿子很开心,这对我们来说意义重大。A悲伤的,B开心的,C无聊的,D耐心的,根据 I learned a lesson about happiness, 我学到了快乐的一课 可知是开心的,故选B。

(8)句意: 我们有时有机会在生活中创造快乐的时刻,但是我们经常会找借口做其他事情。 A创造,B忘记,C浪费,D避免,根据 happy moments,可知快乐的时刻不是忘记,浪费或避免的,逻辑不合理,故选A。

(9)句意:我们有时有机会在生活中创造快乐的时刻,但是我们经常会找借口做其他事情。A一个地方,B一本书,C一个借口,D一个命令,根据to do something else,可知是找借口去做别的事情,故选C。

(10)句意: 尽管幸福是一扇永远敞开的门,但是我们必须决定是否要穿过这扇门。 A因为,B尽管,C除非,D一……就,根据 a door that is always open和 decide if we are going to walk through ,可知此处是让步状语从句,故用although,故选B。



Real solutions(解决方法) to problems

Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company. They were young and eager to learn. The management decided 1 them about finding real solutions to problems.

One day, the team was called for a 2 in a hall. They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various 3 . As they entered, they found a box placed in the center, full of flat balloons.

The manager asked everyone to pick a balloon and blow it up. Then they were asked to write their names on their respective(各自的) balloons 4 so that the balloons wouldn't blow out. All tried, but not everyone was 5 . Five balloons blew out due to pressure(压力). Those who failed to mark their names on the balloons were ruled out of the game. As a result, 25 engineers came to the next level. All the balloons carrying their names were 6 and then put into a room, here and there.

The engineers were told to pick the balloon with us or her name on. All the 25 engineers began to search 7 the respective balloons in a rush. It was almost 15 minutes but no one was able to 8 the right one. The second level of the game was over.

Then came the final level. The engineers 9 to pick any balloon and give it to the person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes, all balloons 10 the hands of the respective engineers.

The manager announced this was the real solution to the problem. Many times in our life, sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems. 1. A. teach 2. A. game

B. teaches B. show

C. teaching D. to teach C. concert D. party C. secretly D. clearly C. patient D. successful C. tied C. on

D. cleaned D. /

3. A. purposes B. suggestions C. thoughts D. plans 4. A. quietly B. carefully 5. A. honest B. read 6. A. collected B. weighed 7. A. for 8. A. mark 9. A. asked

B. at B. hide B. ask

C. number D. find C. are asked D. were asked C. lifted

D. hit

10. A. freed B. reached D;(10)B;

【答案】 (1)D;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)D;(6)A;(7)A;(8)D;(9)【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述的是有关于协作的事情。一件事我们或许做起来很难,但是如果和别人一起做,相互帮助,就会事半功倍。

(1)句意:管理层决定教他们如何找到解决问题的真正办法。固定短语decide to do sth,决定做某事,故选D。


D聚会。下文提到The second level of the game was over提示可知,召集到大厅里来做游戏,故选A。

(3)句意:他们很惊讶,都抱着各种各样的想法来到大厅。A目的,B建议,C想法,D计划。根据all reached the hall holding various…,带着各种……来到这里,前面提到惊奇,所以是每个人有各种的想法,故选C。

(4)句意:然后,他们被要求在各自的气球上仔细地写下自己的名字,这样气球就不会爆炸。A轻轻的,B小心的,C秘密的,D清楚的。根据the balloons wouldn't blow out,不能打破气球,所以是小心的,故选B。

(5)句意:都尽力了,但并不是每个人都成功了。A诚实的,B读,C有耐心的,D成功的。根据 Five balloons blew out due to pressure,坏了5个,可知并不是所有人都成功了,故选D。

(6)所有带着他们名字的气球都被收集起来,然后放进一个房间里,到处都是。A收集,B称重,C打结,D打扫。根据then put into a room, here and there将气球放在房子里,所以是先把所有的气球收集起来,故选A。

(7)句意:所有25名工程师都开始匆忙地寻找各自的气球。固定短语,search for,寻找,故选A。

(8)句意:差不多15分钟了,但没人能找到合适的。A标记,B躲藏,C计数,D找到。根据right one正确的那个人,由此推测是找到那个人,故选D。

(9)句意:工程师们被要求挑选任何一个气球并把它交给气球上的人。ask,要求,与主语the engineers存在动宾关系,谓语动词要用被动语态。由语句Then came the final level. 提示,此句是一般过去时,故选D。

(10)句意:几分钟内,所有的气球都到达了各自的工程师手中。A释放,B到达,C举起,D打击,根据the hands of the respective engineers气球上名字对应的人,由此可知是交给那个人,故选B。


15.阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Ray had a wonderful family and lived very happily. He had four grandchildren, and they all came to see him 1 their holidays. One day, Ray was preparing to welcome them as usual: cleaning the house and cooking delicious food. 2 he was working, he lost his favorite watch which was a 3 from his deceased(已故的)wife. Ray loved the watch very much, and he was very sad.

When his grandchildren arrived, they 4 him they would find the watch. One granddaughter asked, \it went missing?” Ray replied, \in the barn(谷仓)!\children searched there for more than two hour 6 could not find it.

One of his grandsons wanted to search the barn 7 , and Ray asked why he was going there. The little boy didn't explain but asked 8 not to follow him. A moment later, he rushed back to his grandfather, \made it. The little boy replied, 'I stood in the barn 10 making any noise, and tried my best to keep silent. After a few 11 , I heard the sound of tick tick. At last, I 12 the watch from the hay(干草). \very much.

The story tells us if we 14 calm(冷静的), we can fired a solution. This shows the power of 15 .

1. A. between B. during C. among D. past 2. A. Unless 3. A. report 5. A. after 6. A. and 7. A. ever 8. A. other 9. A. angry 11. A. weeks

B. Over B. gift

C. While C. letter

D. Still D. message D. since D. but

4. A. suggested B. doubted C. expected D. promised

B. before C. until B. so B. again B. bored B. days

C. or

C. already D. always C. unhappy D. surprised C. about C. hours

D. except D. minutes D. protected D. seem

B. another C. the other D. the others

10. A. without B. by

12. A. looked up B. tuned up C. picked up D. made up 13. A. accepted B. thanked C. saved 14. A. stop 15. A. habit

B. send

C. stay

B. decision C. silence D. suggestion

【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)B;(4)D;(5)B;(6)D;(7)B;(8)D;(9)D;(10)A;(11)D;(12)C;(13)B;(14)C;(15)C;


(1)句意:他们都在假期期间来看他。A.在......之间;B.在......期间;C.在......之中;D.经过。during holidays在假期期间,故选B。







译林版中考英语中考英语总复习 书面表达(较难)


