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主 备 人 备课时间 课 型 教学内容 Unit2 A new student 教 学 目 标 1. Learn the vocabulary: classroom, table tennis room, computer room, music room, on the first/second/third floor, show her around 2. Learn the patterns: How many are there …? Is/Are there any…? Yes, there is/are. 内容分析 难 点 patterns: How many are there …? Is/Are there any…? Yes, there …. Learn the vocabulary: classroom, table tennis room, computer 重 点 room, music room, on the first/second/third floor, show her around 教学准备 课件、展台 教 学 过 程 师 生 活 动 Step1 Free Talk Greetings and free talk. Step2 Presentation 1.T: Look, who are they? T: This is Nancy Black. She’s Yang Ling’s friend. She’s a new student. 2.T: Can you show her around? T: What happened? Let’s watch the cartoon, please. Ask and answer the questions, then fill the forms. 3.Listen to the tape and notice the pronunciations and intonations. 4.Try to read the dialogue. 5.Read the story together. 6.Choose one kind of reading and read in groups. 7.Read this story in roles. Step 3 Consolidation and practice Read the new words and sentences. 二 次 备 课

T: Is there a blackboard in our classroom? T: Are there any pencils in your pencil case? Teach: Is/Are there …? 作业设计: 1. Copy the new vocabulary. 2. Read, recite and act this story. 板书设计: Unit2 A new student How many …? There are …. Is there …? Yes, there is. Are there any …? Yes, there are our classroom on the second floor a library and two computer rooms on the third floor a music room, a table tennis room on the first floor 教 学 反 思


主 备 人 备课时间 课 型 教学内容 Unit2 A new student 教 学 目 标 1. Learn the vocabulary: Art room, library, playground. 2. Learn the patterns: How many are there …? Is/Are there any…? Yes, there is/are. 3. Train Ss can use the ordinal numbers and “Is/Are there …? Learn the patterns: How many are there …? Is/Are there any…? 内重 点 容Yes, there is/are. 分析 难 点 Train Ss can use the ordinal numbers and “Is/Are there …? 教学准备 课件、展台 教 学 过 程 师 生 活 动 Step1 Free Talk 1.Greetings and free talk. 2.Read this story. 3.Act this story in roles. Step2 Presentation 1.T: Look, what’s this? You may say “Art room” …. Teach: art room, playground, library 2.Look at the pictures. 1)Read the words. 2)Ask and answer: Where’s the …? It’s on the … floor. 3)Check and write the sentences. 4)Ask and answer: Is/Are there …? Yes/No, …. 5)Ask and answer: How many … are there? There is/are … in our school. 6)Complete the grammar of “there”. 7)Look at the picture. Talk about the picture, then ask and answer: How many … are there? Is/Are there …? It’s/They’re on the … floor. 二 次 备 课

8)Check the answers. Step 3 Consolidation and practice Make some dialogues: This is our school. There is/are … in our school. It’s/They’re on the … floor. 作业设计: 1. Copy the new vocabulary. 2. Describe our school to parents and friends. 板书设计: Unit2 A new student How many … are there …? There is/are …. It’s/They’re on the … floor Is there …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there …? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t. Art room library playground 教 学 反 思


主 备 人 备课时间 课 型 教学内容 Unit2 A new student 教 学 目 标 1. Learn the vocabulary: sing and dance, then, go to the cinema, swing, push, heavy, high, stop 2. Learn the patterns: XX is/are too/so …. 3. Learn the phonetics of the letter “c”. Learn the vocabulary: sing and dance, then, go to the cinema, 内重 点 容swing, push, heavy, high, stop 分析 难 点 Learn the phonetics of the letter “c”. 教学准备 课件、展台 教 学 过 程 师 生 活 动 Step1 Free Talk Greetings and free talk. Listen and write some sentences. Step2 Presentation 1.Look at the picture. a.Listen to the tape. b.Find the same letter “c”. c.Read the sentences. d.Act the short text. e.Find the other words. f.Do some exercises. g.Check the answers. 2.T: Look, who are they? T: Please watch the cartoon story. 3.Teach the new words: on the swing, heavy, push, stop 4.Ask and answer, then fill the forms. 5.Try to read this story. 6.Read this story together. 7.Read in roles. 二 次 备 课



