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Love life painter John Simon, is suffering from pneumonia and the brink of big time-limited, she gentl grabbed the hands of the orld s groing eakness, she ould reall like a soft, deliate leaves, as ith the Feng old late autumn, Gone **.

Toda, more and more territor to see the bad bad, mabe e ill finall understand that the last one leaves the fate of mankind ill be taken **, never to be alarmist. But e are also pleased to see that our government has to implement sustainable development strategies, hile also promulgated more than 10 Environmental Protetion At, 200 a number of environmental standards.

O. Henr is a lever riter ith an O. Henr- ending, is famous for, then the last one does not ithered leaves, brings a ne patient peril. I think e ill reate another Europe Henr- ending, usher in the human neborn. Do nothing and die, as never the hoie of human beings, human beings alread **kening, the ill take ation before the risis, seize the histori opportunit to turn pressure into motivation to defend the green, to protet our mon homeland. To fae the realit, e meet the hallenge, look to the future, e are onfident.

M speeh is finished, thank ou all.


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我


Good afternoon, dear friends and judges. I m ver glad to stand here to present m speeh.

No, I ant to ask ou some questions. Have ou ever quarreled ith our parents or our hild on aount of our different points of vie? Have ou ever had a heart to heart talk ith our parents or our hild? Do ou kno something our hildren or our parents like or hat the ant?

Atuall there are a number of teenagers in our real soiet ho are annoed at the generation gap beteen our parents and us. Although, our parents alas give us their selfless love, unfortunatel, e an t understand eah other.

I have the same situation like all the teenagers. I like Ja, but m mother sas the songs of him sound too jumbled. And I like earing jeans, beause man girls in our shool ear jeans. And the look so beautiful. But m mother sas, the re reall smart, but it doesn t fit ou, our main ork is stud. I have no ords. One da, I as surfing on the internet, m parents shoed their disapproval to me.

In fat, there are alas man things diffiult to judge hether the are right or not. Can e sa that lassial musi is absolutel better than rok? Can e sa that jeans are better than sport trousers? What is more, Surfing on the Internet does not mean that e are going to overlook our lessons. But


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

man parents make their hildren aept their points of vie on everthing, for the ant to protet us from making an mistakes.

To be senior shool students, We have our on point of vies. It is important that e should be ontained to make mistakes, hih e an learn muh from. if our parents an learn to

understand the a e think and do things, or meet us half a at the right time, the generation gap ma be narroed. We must understand their love as ell. Onl b understanding an e forgive others for their mistakes.

I ant to tell all the people hether ou are a hild or a parent, generous and understanding an solve the problem of generation gap.

Everthing ill be better hen e understand eah other. If I have a hane to give a speeh to everone in the orld. I ill onl sa one sentene, long live the understanding, espeiall for the hildren and their parents.

Thank ou for ou attention. 演讲稿


Ever one has his on dream.When I as a little kid ,m dream as even to have a and shop of m on .But no ,hen I am 16 ears old ,standing here ,m dreams have alread hanged a lot.

I have got quite different experiene from other

girls.While the ere plaing tos at home,hile the ere dreaming


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

to be the prinesses in the stor .I as running in the hard rain,jumping in the heav sno,pithing in the strong ind.Nothing ould stop me ,beause of a onderful all from m heart -- to be an athlete.Yeah ,of ourse ,I m an athlete,I m so proud of that all the time .

When I as 10 ears old ,I beame a shot-putathlete.The training as reall hard ,I ouldn t bear the heav shot in m hands .But I alas believe that god onl help those ho help themselves .During those hard das,I find I as groing more quikl than others of the same age.To be an athlete is m most orret hoie.But,I quit m team after entering high shool beause of a sill exuse.I reall didn t ant to stop m sports areer ana.

Toda I sa to ou m friends that even though I must fae the diffiulties of esterda ,toda and tomorro .I still have a dream .It is a dream deepl rooted in m soul.

I have a dream that one da ,I an run,jump and pith just like I used to be.

I have a dream that one da , I an go bak to m dream sports and join the national team.

I have a dream that one da ,I an stand on the highest plae at the olmpi games.With all the ameras pointing at me.I ill tell everone that I m so proud to be a Chinese athlete!

This is m hope .This is the faith that I ontinue m steps ith!!!


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With this faith ,I ill live though the strong ind and heav rain ,never give up !

So let vitor ring from m heart,from all of ou.When e allo vitor to ring .I must be the one!

In m imagination,I m a bird ,a magial bird.I arr m dreams all ith me b m big ings. I fl though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the armest plae in the aerospae!

Ever night ,I have a dream ,I see a girl ---smiling 演讲稿五:高二英语演讲稿

Good evening, everbod. I have the honour to make a speeh here to ou. M topi toda is Our football dream.

Football is ell knon to us. As it is one of the most famous sports in the orld. Football enjos great popularit in the orld and is ver popular ith us. In China, expeiall reent ears more and more people fall in love ith it. Football is not just a kind of sports. It is a kind of ulture.

Football brings us dream and freedom. When e are dreaming of freedom, also, e ant dream more than freedom. Beause of dream and freedom, e love football being more and more raz.

In hina, e have man football lovers, but no one is a professional football paler. We haven t got an good reords sine the Chinese Team as built, muh terrible nes never stop. But it an t stop our love for football, e ill be more raz




