龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:刘雪萍 王涛
【摘 要】近年来,企业经营规模的不断扩大有效推动了我国社会经济的发展,作为企业经济快速发展中的重要保障,企业的经济管理不仅关系着我国社会经济的发展,而且对于建设中国特色社会主义也具有重要影响。鉴于此,论文对企业经济管理在新形势背景下的意义进行简要分析,并对企业经济管理在新形势背景下存在的问题展开研究,进而提出相应的几点优化策略,以期为提高我国企业经济创新管理的质量提供有价值的参考意见。
【Abstract】In recent years, the expanding of enterprise scale effectively promotes the development of social economy in China, as an important guarantee for the rapid economic development of enterprises, economic management of enterprise is not only related to China's economic and social development, but also has great influence on the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In view of this, this paper makes a brief analysis on the significance of enterprise management in the new economic situation, and researches the problem of enterprise management in the new situation, then puts forward some corresponding strategies, in order to provide value reference to improve the quality of economic innovation management in Chinese enterprises.
【Keywords】new situation; enterprise economy; economic management
【中图分类号】F279.23 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1673-1069(2017)12-0018-02 1 引言
2企业经济管理在新形势背景下的意义 2.1 确保企业经济活动顺利开展