1 . Why do China and many other emerging markets restrict Mergers and Acquisitions(为什么中国和其他新兴市场会限制兼并和收购)?
? A.Governments believe Mergers and Acquisitions is unproductive(政府认为兼并和收购不具有生产力)
? B.Governments worried about possible layoff from competitors
combining and political unrest(政府担心可能因竞争对手合并而导致裁员和政局动荡)
? C.Governments worry about local capital being directed offshore(政府担心本地资本被引导到海外)
我的答案: B
2 . In any given year, the volume of mergers and acquisitions is
closely tied to(在任何一年,兼并和收购的数量都与以下因素密切相关): ? A.Low stock prices – to provide buyers with good values(低股价 - 为买家提供良好的价值)
? B.High stock prices – to assist buyers in reducing earnings dilution(高股价 - 帮助买家减少收益稀释) C.High stock prices and available debt financing – to assist buyers in raising acquisition finance(高股价和可用的债务融资 - 协助买家筹集收购融资)
? D.Optimistic views on cross-border trade flows(对跨境贸易流量持乐观态度)
? E.Low interest rates – to promote debt finance(低利率 - 促进债务融资)
我的答案: C
3 . What is a key constraint in emerging market Mergers and Acquisitions(新兴市场兼并和收购的关键约束是什么)?
A.Family business involved in emerging markets(涉及新兴市场的家族企业)
? B.Lack of foreign buyers(缺乏外国买家)
? C.Local lenders prefer natural resource transactions(当地的贷款人更喜欢自然资源交易)
? D.Local accounting is suspect(本地会计是可疑的)
我的答案: A
4 . Cost synergies are easy to obtain in American Mergers and
Acquisition deals because(在美国兼并和收购交易中很容易获得成本协同效应,因为):
? A.The buyer can fire (or lay off) the employees of the acquisition with little penalty(买方可以很少的处罚解雇或辞退收购的员工) ? B.American investors pay little attention to anti-competition concerns(美国投资者很少关注反竞争问题)
? C.American firms can be acquired cheaply because of the last financial crisis(由于金融危机,美国公司可以被廉价获收购)
我的答案: A 判断题(共1题,每题 20分) 1 . On a global basis, most acquisitions are smaller than US$100 million.(在全球范围内,大多数收购交易金额少于1亿美元。) 对 错 我的答案: 对