)1. It's so dark. I can't find out _______ it's a boy ______ a girl.
A. if, and A. has gone A. which A. what B. which
B. that, and
B. had gone B. whether
C. why
C. either, or
C. went C. why
D. that
D. whether, or
D. go
D. that
)2. Could you tell me if he _______ to Sha nghai? )3. He told me ________ she would catch the early bus. )4. Mrs. Gree n asked me ______ I would go with her. )5. I don't know _______ the coat _______ cheap eno ugh.
A. if, is B. where,were C. that ,was )6. Call you tell me why
D. if, were
__________________________ yesterday? A. you did n't come A. have bee n to )8. Jack isn't sure A. how many A. what they do A. if he fini shed A. they are doing
B. did you not come B. had gone to
)7. He said that they _______ Yunnan.
C. did n't you come C. have gone to C. which
B. what they did C. what do they do
B. whether he had fini shed
C. had she fini shed
D. you don't come D. has gone to D. whether
D. what did they do D. has she fini shed
D. were they doing D. why the train is late D. was he
D. she stay
D. will go, will D. has gone
D. is traveli ng
D. tur ns C. was, fourth
D. was, third D. it is whose pen
D. who you be
stude nts there are in his class. B. what
)9. Can you tell me _______ yesterday?
)10. I want to know _______ his homework yesterday evening. )11. Do you know what _______ this time yesterday?
B. are they doing C. they were doing
)12. Excuse me, can you tell me _______ ?
A. why was the train late B. why the train was late C. why is the train late )13. Do you know where ______ ? Some one is look ing for him. A. he is
( ( ( ( ( ( (
A. she is stay ing A. was, to meet A. would go A. traveled A. tur n A. is, third
)20. Do you know _______ ? A. is it whose pen A. who are you
B. whose pen is it C. whose pen it is B. who you are C. you are who
B. he was
C. is he
)14. He wan ted to know how long ______ in hospital.
B. she had stayed C. did she stay
B. would go, has C. will go, was going to B. go B. will travel
B. tur ned
C. went
C. travels C. has tur ned
B. is, fourth
)15. My brother said he _______ going _______ his friend the n ext day. )16. He told me that he _______ to London the n ext day. )17. He said that light ______ much faster tha n sound. )18. Our teacher said that the moon _______ around the earth. )19. He said that April ________ the _______ month of a year.
()21. Can you tell me __________ ?
)22. Do you kn ow _______ of the three?
1 / 5
A. which book she likes best B. which best book does she like
C. that which book she likes best D. which book she best likes )23. I hear the teacher will come back from the UK soon. A. which
)24. Can you tell me A. which )25. Can you tell us A. that
B. that
Ian guage she speaks?
B. what you grow cott on in your coun try?
B. whether
you said. B. that
made him angry last time?
B. that the meeting will beg in?
B. whether
C .whe n
D. whether
C. that
D. whether
C. which
D. whose
)26. I don't un dersta
( nd
A. whe n
C. where
D. what
)27. Do you know
A. whe n )28. Can you tell me A. what )29.
C. where
D. what
C. whe n D. where
surprised me most was
B. What, that
he did n't go to school yesterday.
C. That, that
A. What, how
D. Whom, that
)30. I won dered A. if
)31. You will feel hungry A. what )32. Do you know A. what )33. You must do A. after )34. I am sure A. what
they had bee n to America.
B. what
you don't have breakfast.
B. why Jack left so early?
B. why
C. who
D. that
C. if
D. how
C. un til C. where
I told you.
B. before
you said is true.
B. that they will leave. B. whe n
D. though
D. as
C. which
D. who
)35. It has not bee n decided A. why
C. which
D. what
)36. Go back
A. un til )37. Do you know A. if )38. The children said A. if, enjoy )39. I don't thi nk A. if, can work )40. She is afraid A. that, will catch )41. We are sure A. that, lear ned
you come from.
B. where
C. whe n
D. that
she will go to the cin ema with us?
B. where C. who
they themselves very much. B. why,enjoyed C. where,enjoy
out the problem.
D. which
D. that, enjoyed
B. how, will work C. that, can work he cold at ni ght.
D. whe n, will work
B. that, catches C. whether, will catch he to speak En glish well.
D. is, catches
B. that, has lear ned I
C. if, learned D. if, has lear ned
)42. The boy asked A. whe n, heard
)43. Who can tell us
any no ise from outside.
C. whether, had heard
B. why, had lear ned .about over there?
D. what, heard
A. what they talk B. what do they talk C. what are they talk ing )44. We could n't find out ,so we asked a policema n. A. whose bike it was
B. whose bike was it
C. whose it was bike
)45. Do you know _______ take to get to the hospital?
2 / 5
D. what they are talk ing
D. whose was it bike
A. which way must we B. which must we way
C. which way we must D. which we must way
3 / 5
)46. Tom asked _______ to school late. A. who did ofte n come B. who ofte n came C. why had she left
)47. I don't remember the boy by himself.
A. why did she leave B. why she left C. why had she left
D. why she had left D. why she had left
)48. Have you forgotte n whe n he died?
A. how old he was B. how old was he C. what did he say D. what he did say )49. Nobody knows to visit our school.
C. whe n he will D. whe n he does A. whe n will he come B. whe n does he come
come come )50. Please tell us ____ to the Science Museum.
A. how can we reach B. how we can reach C. how can we get D. how we can get
_ to the moon by spaceship? )51. Don't you believe _
A. that man did fly C. if man fly D. whether man fly B. how did the man fly
)52. The teacher told us
A. is the earth round B. the earth was round C. the earth is round D. was the earth round
it's a man i ______ a girl. )53. It's foggy today. I ca n't find out ___
C. either, or D. whether, or B. that, and A. if, and
)54. Could you tell me if he ______ to Beiji ng?
B. had gone C. went A. has gone
)55. Mrs. White asked me _______I would go shopp ing with her.
A. what B. which C. whether
)56. I don't know _______ the shoes _______ cheap eno ugh.
A. if, are B. where, was C. that, was
)57. Li Lei did n't tell the teacher why _______ yesterday?
A. he did n't come B. did he not come C. did n't he come
)58. He said that they _______ Zhan gjiajie for a holiday.
B. had gone to C. have gone to A. have bee n to
)59. Lacy told me she _______ me with my En glish this after noon.
A. will help B. to help C. would help
)60. Jack isn't sure _______ stude nts there are in his factory.
A. how many
)61. Who knows
A. who's
D. go D. that
D. if, was
D. he don't come
D. has gone to
D. is helpi ng
D. whether D. who
D. is rai ning D. whom D. did she live
D. whe n he came D. will we
D. that
B. what dict ionary it is?
C. which
B. whose )62. Could you tell me if it ______ a lot in summer in your hometow
A. rained B. rain n?
C. rai ns
)63. I can't remember I sent the book to.
B. which C. where A. that
)64. None of us knows which floor ___ on.
A. is she B. she livi ng C. she is
to visit our school. )65. We did n't know
A. whe n did he come B. whe n would he come C. whe n he was coming )66. Do you know whe n take off.'?
A. we will B. we are will C. shah we
)67. I want to know go with us. B. whom A.who C. what )68. Can you tell me the train leaves?
A what B. where
the teacher told them. )69. The stude nts must do
C. whom
C. whe
n C. after
D. how D. if
A. as B. before
4 / 5
( (
)70. -- I don't kn ow if he
A. comes, won't rain )71. Do you know what time
A. the train leave )72. --Could you tell me
A. what's the matter )73. She said ( (
--He will come if it B. will come, does n't rain
C. comes, does n't
D. will come, won't rain
B .does the train leave C. will the train leave D. the train leaves
with the bike? --It's broke n dow n. B. what the matter is C. what's the wrong
D. what the wrong
it would n't matter much.
A. that
)74. We wan ted to know A. if
)75. Joh n is beh ind others
A. what
B. if
the an swer was fight or not. B. that
in maths, but it does n't follow
C. which
D. what
C. whether D. what
he does n't use his brains, he may not C. if C. whether
D. which D. that
in terested in it
B. that
B. which
)76. She has made it clear _______ she will have no thi ng to do with him.
A. what
( )77. For cen turies, people have won dered ______ this con ti nent is really like, since it is covered with solid thick ice and
deep snow all the year round.
A. what
()78. Li Lei told Jim _________ .
A. how much yua n is the sweater B. how much is the sweater C. how much the sweater is D. how much the sweater was
( (
B. how C. which D. whether
)79. He really does n't know _______ the overhead bridge will be fini shed.
A. how long
A. what was the matter
)81. Nobody kn ew _______
A. where he comes
B. how far
C. how soon
D. how often D. what's the matter D. where does he come from
D. if
D. was risi ng D. if, leave
D. was
D. what said he
)80. The teacher came up to see _______ .
B. what the matter was C. what the matter is
B. where he was from
B. where
B. rose
B. whe n, leaves
B. were
C. where he is from
C. un til
C. has rise n C. whe n, will leave
C. is
( ( ( ( (
)82. Can you tell me _______ . Mr. Green lives in Room 2318?
A. that A. rises A. that, leaves A. was
)83. I told them that the sun _______ in the east. )84. You must remember _______ the train
)85. The boy asked how far the moon _______ from the earth.
( (
)86. I was surprised at _______ .
A. what he is say ing )87. I forgot _______ Fran ce.
A. he has gone to B. he had lee n to
C. he went
D. he had gone to
D. she had gone to D. had met D. was joi ning
B. what he said
C. what did he say
)88. I learned the city for a long time. A. she has lee n to B. she has gone to )89. He said he
me before.
C. she had bee n in
A. has met
)90. I'd like to know whe n you A.joi n (
B. met
the army. B. joi ned
C. was meet ing
C. have joined
)91. I'm sorry for what I ______ . A. do
B. did
C. have done
D. am doing
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