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16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)

(7) Dry cleaning solvent. The solvent



perchloroethylene, commercial grade.

(8) Dry cleaning detergent. The dry cleaning detergent shall be cationic class.

(9) Laundering detergent. The laundering detergent shall be as specified in § 1610.6(b)(1)(ii). (10)

Brushing device. The

brushing device shall consist of a base board over which a small carriage is drawn. See Figure 7 of this part. This carriage runs on parallel tracks attached to

30 时。触发装置(如本节(a)(1)(v)段落所述)激活火焰击打动作,使得驱动装置移动气体喷嘴到其最前端并在火焰接触试样时自动启动计时器。重锤在导线断开时下落使计时器停止。应能直接读取时间并记录作为燃烧时间,精确到0.1秒。记录燃烧时间可使用电子式或机械式计时器,而控制并驱使火焰击打作用可使用机电一体化设备(如如伺服电机、螺线管、微动开关、及电子线路,还有各种各样定制的凸轮和传杆,减震联动装置,以及各种其他的机械部件)。

(b)制样设备与材料——(1)实验§ 1610

Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)





(4)自动洗衣机。该自动洗衣机应如 § 1610.6(b)(1)(ii)所描述。 (5)自动干燥机。该自动干燥机应如 § 1610.6(b)(1)(ii)所描述。 (6)商用干洗机。该商用干洗机应能提供一个自动的干洗循环,使用四氯乙烯溶剂和如 §





(9)洗涤剂。该洗涤剂应如 § 1610.6(b)(1)(ii)所述。


Modern Testing Service

16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)

the edges of the upper surface of the base board. The brush is hinged with pin hinges at the rear edge of the base board and rests on the carriage vertically with a pressure of 150 gf (0.33 lbf). The brush shall consist of two rows of stiff nylon bristles mounted with the tufts in a staggered position. The bristles are 0.41 mm (0.016 in) in diameter and 19 mm (0.75 in) in length. There are 20 bristles per tuft and 4 tufts per inch. See Figure 8 of this part. A clamp is attached to the forward edge of the movable carriage to permit holding the specimen on the carriage during the brushing operation. The purpose of the metal plate or ‘‘template’’ on the carriage of the brushing


device is to support the

specimen during the brushing operation. The template shall be 3.2 mm (0.13 in) thick. See Figure 9 of this part.

[73 FR 15640, Mar. 25, 2008, as amended at 73 FR 62187, Oct. 20, 2008]

§ 1610.6 Test procedure. The test procedure is divided into two steps. Step 1 is testing in the original state; Step 2 is testing after the fabric has been refurbished



paragraph (b)(1) of this section. (a) Step 1—Testing in the original state. (1) Tests shall be conducted on the fabric in a form or state ready for use in wearing apparel. Determine whether the fabric to

§ 1610

Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)

be tested is a plain surface textile fabric or a raised surface textile fabric as defined in § 1610.2 (k) and (l). There are some fabrics that require extra attention when preparing



because of their particular construction


Examples of these fabrics are provided in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (vi) of this section along with guidelines for preparing specimens from these fabrics. This information is not intended to be all-inclusive.

(i) Flocked fabrics. Fabrics that are flocked overall are treated as raised surface textile fabrics as defined in §1610.2(l). Flock printed fabrics (usually in a pattern and not covering the entire surface) shall be treated as


plain surface textile fabrics as defined in § 1610.2(k).

(ii) Cut velvet fabrics. Cut velvet fabrics




construction shall be considered a raised surface textile fabric as defined in § 1610.2(l).

(iii) Metallic thread fabrics. Metallic thread fabrics shall be considered plain surface textile fabrics provided the base fabric is smooth. The specimens shall be cut so that the metallic thread is parallel to the long dimension of the

Modern Testing Service

16 CFR Ch. II (1–1–10 Edition)

缘,并以150 gf(0.33 lbf)的压力垂直停靠在小滑车上。刷子应有两排硬质尼龙刷毛且使毛簇交错排列。刷毛直径为0.41 mm(0.016英寸),长19 mm(0.75英寸)。每个毛簇有20根刷毛,每英寸有4个毛簇。见本部分图8。可移动的小滑车前部边缘附有一个夹子以在刷毛动作中使试样固定在小滑车上。刷毛装置小滑车上的金属板或“模板”的目的在刷毛操作中支撑住试样。该模板厚度应为3.2 mm(0.13英寸)。见本部分图9。

[73 FR 15640, Mar. 25, 2008, as amended at 73 FR 62187, Oct. 20, 2008]


§ 1610.6 测试步骤


(a)第一步——测试原样。 (1)测试应对具有服装形态或具有拟用于衣用状态的织物进行。根据 § 1610.2 (k)和(l)所述判断即将测试的织物是表面平整纺织织物或是表面起毛纺织织物。当准备测试试样时有若干类织物由于特殊构造因素需要额外注意。此类织物的例子列举于本节(a)(1)(i)到(vi)段落中,包括了此类织物试样准备的指导方针。这些内容并未囊括全部。

§ 1610



