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I should like to use the same tool as is used here. We should have such a dictionary as he is using. 定语从句语法专项练习习题精选 用适当的关系词填空:

1. I still remember the night _______I first came to the house. 2. I'll never forget the day________ we met each other last week.

3. Mr Black is going to Beijing in October, _______is the best season there. 4. I will never forget the days _______I spent with your family. 5. I'll never forget the last day______ we spent together. 6. This is the school ______I used to study.

7. Do you still remember the place______ we visited last week?

8. Do you still remember the place_______ we visited the painting exhibition? 9. Have you ever been to Hangzhou,_____is famous for the West Lake? 10. Have you ever bee to Hangzhou, ______lies the West Lake? 11. Tom will go to Shanghai,______live his two brothers. 12. I live in Beijing,____is the capital of China. 13. There was a time ______there were slaves in the USA. 14. It is the third time ______you have made the same mistake. 15. It was in the street _____I met John yesterday.

16. It was about 600 years ago____the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. 17. The moment _____I saw you, I recognized(认出)you. 18. This is the very novel about____we've talked so much. 19. This is the way____he did it.

20. Who is the student _____was late for school today? 21. Who _____knows him wants to make friends with him? 22. What else was there in my brother____you didn't like?

23. He lives in the room____window faces to the south. 24. He lives in the room, the window_____faces to the south. 25. This is Mr. John for____son I brought a book yesterday. 26. This is Mr. John for_____I bought a book yesterday.

27. This is the hour_____the place is always full of women and children. 28. And there is one point ______I'd like your advice.

29. Winter is the time of year______the days are short and nights are long.

30. I hope you will find this valley a beautiful place____you may spend your weekend. KEYS:

1. when 2. when 3. which 4. that/which 5. that 6. where 7. that/which 8. where 9. which 10. where 11. where 12. which 13. when 14. that 15. that

16. that 17. (that) 18. which 19. (that/in which) 20.that 21.that 22 that 23.whose 24. of which 25. whose 26. whom 27. when 28. that 29. that 30. where 第八章 被动语态 一、语态概述

英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。巧记为:主动、主动、主去动。

被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。巧记为:被动、被动、主被动。例如: English is spoken by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者。


He opened the door.他开了门。(主动句) The door was opened.门被开了。(被动句) 二、被动语态的构成

被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be的变化表现出来的。现以teach为例说明被动语态在各种时态中的构成。 一般现在时:am/is/are+taught 一般过去时:was/were+taught 一般将来时:will/shall be+taught 现在进行时:am/is/are being+taught 过去进行时:have/has been+taught 现在完成时:have/has been+taught

记忆歌诀:被动语态be字变,过去分词跟后面。 注意:区分被动语态与“be+过去分词”结构

be+过去分词”并不一定都是被动语态,有时是系表结构。当“be+过去分词”表示动作时为被动语态,be是助动词,be后面的过去分词是主要动词,动作的对象是主语;当“be +过去分词”表示主语所处的状态时为系表结构,be是连系动词。be后面的过去分词是表语,相当于形容词。其区分办法如下: 1 如果强调动作或句中有介词by引导出动作的执行者,该句一般为被动语态,否则为系表结构。例如:The glass is broken.玻璃杯碎了。(系表结构) The glass was broken by the boy.玻璃杯被那男孩打碎了。(被动语态)

2 如果句中有地点、频率或时间状语时,一般为被动语态。如:The magazine is published in Shanghai.这家杂志出版于上海。(被动语态)The door is locked.门锁着。(系表结构)The door has already/just been locked.门已经/刚刚被锁上。(被动语态)The shop is opened.这家商店开门了。(系表结构) The shop is opened at 8 a.m. everyday.这家商店每天上午八点开门。(被动语态)

3 被动语态除用于一般时态和完成时态外,还可以用于其他各种时态,而系表结构中的系动词be只有一般时态和完成时态。 三、被动语态的用法

1 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。例如: 1) Some new computers were stolen last night. 一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道电脑是谁偷的)

2) This book was published in 1981.这本书出版于1981年。 2 强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。例如: 1) This book was written by him.这本书是他写的。

2) Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed.每天8小时睡眠必须得到保证。

记忆歌诀:谁做的动作不知道,说出谁做的没有必要;动作承受者需强调,被动语态运用到。 四、主动语态变被动语态的方法

1 把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。

2 把谓语变成被动结构(be+过去分词),根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来主 动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式。

3 把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。例如: 1) All the people laughed at him.= He was laughed at by all people. 2) They make the bikes in the factory.= The bikes are made

by them

in the factory.

记忆歌诀:宾变主,主变宾,by短语后面跟。谓语动词变被动,be后“过分”来使用。 五、含有情态动词的被动语态



1) We can repair this watch in two days. = This watch can be repaired in two days. 2) You ought to take it away. = It ought to be taken away. 3) They should do it at once. = It should be done at once 第9讲祈使句 一. 祈使句的句式特征

祈使句常常是表达说话人对对方的劝告、叮嘱、请求或命令等。因此,祈使句中一般没有主语,但根据其句意,实际上是省略了主语you。祈使句句末用感叹号或句号,朗读时,常用降调。在表达请求或劝告时,在祈使句前或句末可加, 上please,以使句, 子的语气更加缓和, 或客气。祈使句一般没有时态的变化,也不能与情态动词连用。例如: Keep off the grass!勿踩草地!

Put the boxes in the small room.把那些盒子放到那个小房间里。 二. 祈使句的肯定句式

祈使句的肯定句式一般分为以下三种类型: 1. 行为动词原形+其他成分。例如:

Make sentences after the model.根据例句造句。

2. Be动词+其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)。例如: Be careful when crossing the street.过马路时要小心。 3. Let, +宾语+动词原, 形+, 其他, 成分, 。例如: Let him go back now.让他现在回去吧。 三. 祈使句的否定句式

祈使句的否定句式,通常情况下在句首加上Don’t或Never,一般分为以下四种类型: 1. 在祈使句的肯定句式前加Don’t,构成“Don’t+行为动词原形+其他成分”。例如: Don’t say that again!别再那样说了!

2. 在Be动词引起的肯定祈使句前加Don’t,构成“Don’t be+其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语等)”。例如:Don’t be careless.不要粗心。


3. Let引起的祈使句的否定形式有两种:(1)Let开头的祈使句,如果后面跟第一、第三人称名词或代词的宾格,可在Let前加Don’t,也可在Let后宾格的名词或代词后面加not。(2)如果以Let’s开头的祈使句,必须在Let’s后加not。例如:

Don’t let me go with her tomorrow. =Let me not go with her tomorrow. 不要让我明天跟她一起去。

Let’s not tell her the truth whenever we meet her. 无论什么时候我们碰到她,都不要告诉她真相。

4. 在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用“No+名词/V-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”。例如:

NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照! 四. 祈使句的反意问句

祈使句的反意疑问句须按其句子结构及讲话人的语气来决定其疑问部分。通常有以下三种形式: 1. 祈使句为肯定句式,其反意疑问句表示请求时,通常用will you;表示邀请、劝说时,用won’t you。例如:

Be sure to write to us, will you?你一定要给我们写信,好吗? Come to have dinner with us this evening, won’t you? 今晚来和我们一起吃饭,好吗?



