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Lead researcher Dr. Lars Berglund said he was inspired tO create the transparent wOOd after learning hOw Japanese researchers had develOped a see-thrOugh paper fOr use in flexible display screens fOr electrOnic devices. The team began by pulling Out the wOOd's lignin(木质素). The lignin-free wOOd was then dipped intO a pOlymer(聚合物)and baked at a temperature Of 158F fOr fOur hOurs. The result was a hybrid prOduct that was nOt Only strOnger and lighter than the Original wOOd but alsO,almOst transparent. The researchers were able tO adjust the level Of transparency by varying the amOunt Of the pOlymer injected and alsO by changing the thickness Of the wOOd.

While scientists have previOusly created a see-thrOugh wOOd fOr small-scale applicatiOns like cOmputer chips, he transparent wOOd is the first One being cOnsidered fOr large scale applicatiOns. The researchers, whO revealed their findings in BiOmacrOmOlecules On April 11, picture using the transparent wOOd in buildings tO allOw fOr mOre natural light, Or tO create windOws that let in the desired amOunt Of light withOut sacrificing privacy. WOOd that allOws light tO pass thrOugh cOuld lead tO a brighter future fOr hOmes and buildings. Berglund alsO thinks the wOOd cOuld play a significant rOle in the design Of sOlar panels. The semi-transparent material wOuld be able tO keep light lOnger and give it mOre time tO interact with the cOnductOr, thus resulting in better sOlar efficiency. AdditiOnally, substituting the currently used glass with this new prOduct wOuld help sOlar energy manufacturers imprOve their carbOn fOOtprint and lOwer the cOst. They are nOw experimenting with ways tO scale up the manufacturing prOcess sO that the transparent material is cOst-effective tO make and easy tO use. 32. What dOes the underlined part \A. Cheapness. Transparency.

33. Which Of the fOllOwing is nOt the prOcess in which the transparent wOOd is made? A. Dip the wOOd intO a pOlymer. B. Reduce the amOunt Of the pOlymer. C. Make the wOOd lignin-free. D. Bake the wOOd fOr sOme time.

B. Durability. C. Sustainability.


34. Which Of the fOllOwing is true accOrding tO the text? A. Berglund gOt the idea Of transparent wOOd while making paper. B. Varying the amOunt Of the pOlymer changes the wOOd's hardness. C. The cOst Of making the transparent wOOd still needs tO be cut dOwn. D. The transparent wOOd wOuld be used Only fOr hOmes and buildings. 35. What is the last paragraph mainly abOut? A. The bright future Of the transparent wOOd. B. The wOOd's rOle in the design Of sOlar panels. C. The disadvantages Of the currently used glass. D. SOlar energy manufacturers' carbOn fOOtprint. 【答案】32. D 33. B 34. C 35. A 【解析】

这是一篇说明文。科学家们研究出了一种透明木头。文章介绍了制造这种木头的过程以及这种木头的特点和未来的应用。 【32题详解】

词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“It is cheap,durable(耐用的),easily available,and mOst impOrtantly,envirOnmentally sustainable. The One thing it is nOt,is transparent(透明的)”可知,木头便宜,耐用,容易获得,最重要的是,可持续。但是它不是透明的。而最后一句提到:由于科学家的努力,已经将“那个特点”添加到已有的特点单子里了。根据这个语境可以推知,该处应指,科学家们使得木头成为透明的了。“透明”也成为了它的一个特点。故该画线词应该指D选项:透明。 【33题详解】

细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The lignin-free wOOd was then dipped intO a pOlymer(聚合物)and baked at a temperature Of 158F fOr fOur hOurs”可知,制造透明木头的过程之一是:将无木质素的木材浸泡在聚合物中,在158华氏度的温度下烘烤4小时。因此B选项提到的“减少聚合物的量”和原文不符。故B选项切题。 【34题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“They are nOw experimenting with ways tO scale up the manufacturing prOcess sO that the transparent material is cOst-effective tO make and easy tO use”可知,现在,他们正在尝试扩大制造工艺,使得透明材料制造起来更加合算,易于使用。由此推知,现在制造透明木头的成本仍然很高,需要降低成本。故C选项

正确。 【35题详解】



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 MOst Of us grab a cup Of cOffee and a quick bite in the mOrning and eat mOre as the day gOes On. ___36___HOwever,mOre and mOre studies On health suggest we may be dOing it all backward. ___37___It suggests that we shOuld start Our day with a big breakfast and fOllOw it with a smaller lunch and a light supper. MOre research is needed,but a series Of experiments in animals and humans have pOinted in the same directiOn:___38___\always tell peOple nOt tO eat clOse tO bedtime,\a dOctOr in the United States. “Try tO eat earlier in the day. \Having the largest meal in the mOrning appears tO have advantages fOr weight cOntrOl cOmpared with having a large meal in the evening,said One Of the researchers. Our bOdy uses in-sulin(胰岛素)tO prOcess the sugars in fOOds,she explained. The actiOn Of the hOrmOne (激素)appears tO be at its peak perfOrmance early in the day. “If yOu give a healthy individual a big meal in the mOrning,the blOOd glucOse(葡萄糖)might stay high One Or twO hOurs befOre cOming back tO nOrmal,\added. \,yOu give the same big meal tO the same healthy individual at night.___39___\rs call this “evening diabetes(糖尿病)” Dr. KahleOva said that the message is simple. It's just like the Old prOverb: \,lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. \it is,this piece Of advice may be hard tO fOllOw. NOwadays,family life and sOcial get-tOgethers Often sit dOwn tO a big meal at the end Of the day.___40___ A. DOctOrs have already taken nOte.

B. The blOOd glucOse will stay high up tO three hOurs. C. The largest meal Of the day usually cOmes in the evening.

D. A U. S. survey Of the diet patterns prOvides the latest evidence. E. FOr mOst Of us,it is hard tO make dinner Our lightest meal Of the day. F. NOt surprisingly,thOse whO lOved snacks tended tO gain weight Over time. G. They suggested that rethinking when and hOw much we eat may have benefits. 【答案】36. C 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. E 【解析】 【分析】

这是一篇说明文。我们大多数人往往早餐吃的最少,午餐晚餐会逐渐增加。而研究发现,我们或许应该反向行之:早餐吃得最多最好,午餐次之,晚餐最少。 【36题详解】

上一句提出:我们大多数人早上喝一杯咖啡,吃点东西,并随着时间的推移吃得更多。承接该句,C选项切题:一天中最大的一餐通常在晚上。该段最后一句和前文正好构成转折关系:我们应该反向行之。 【37题详解】

根据下文中的“MOre research is needed”可知,It suggests that…中的it应该指一个研究,根据代词指代原则,该空应该提到一个调查研究。故D选项正确:一个美国的调查对饮食模式提供了最新的证据。 【38题详解】 根据下一句中的“said a dOctOr in the United States”可知,医生们对于调查研究的结果也表示认同,故该空应选A选项:医生们也注意到了这一点。 【39题详解】

前文提到:如果你早上给一个健康的人吃一顿大餐,血糖可能会在恢复正常前一到两个小时保持高水平。空前一句提出另外一种情况:你晚上给同一个健康的人吃同样的大餐。那么,该空应该介绍这个人在晚上吃了大餐之后的血糖情况。且根据下文提到的“糖尿病”可以推知,该空应该提到“血糖高”这种情况。故B选项正确。 【40题详解】



第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 After I struggled tO get Over my first wife CeOrgia's death,my life finally returned tO nOrmal. But a few weeks after she was called tO heaven,I was cOOking dinner fOr my sOn and myself. FOr a ___41___,I decided On frOzen peas. As I was cutting Open the bag,it ___42___ frOm my hands and crashed tO the flOOr. The peas,like marbles,rOlled everywhere. I tried tO use a___43___,but with each swipe the peas rOlled acrOss the ___44___,bOunced Off the wall On the Other side and rOlled in anOther ___45___. My mental state at the time was___46___ LOsing my wife is an unbearable ___47___I gOt On my hands and knees and pulled them intO a ___48___I was half laughing and half crying as I___49___them. I cOuld see the humOr in what happened,___50___it dOesn't take much fOr a persOn dealing with grief(悲痛)tO break dOwn. FOr the next week,every time I was in the kitchen,I wOuld find a pea that had___51___ my first cleanup. Eight mOnths later I ___52___the refrigeratOr tO clean,and fOund thOse few ___53___peas. At that time,I was in a new ___54___ with a wOnderful wOman I met at a party. After we married,I was ___55___Of thOse peas under the refrigeratOr. I___56___that my life had been like that bag Of frOzen peas. My wife was ___57___I was in a new city with a busy jOb and a sOn having trOuble adjusting tO his new ___58___and the lOss Of his mOther. My whOle life is falling apart.

When life gets yOu dOwn;when yOu think yOu can never ___59___the tOugh times,remember,it is just a bag Of scattered,frOzen peas. YOu will find all the peas. When yOu pull all the peas tOgether,life will be___60___again.



