本试卷由四个部分组成,共12页,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。请把答案全部涂写在答题卡的相应位置,考试结束后,只交答题卡。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,共7.5分)
1.HOw Often dOes the man write tO his parents? A. Twice a week. mOnth. 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】
【详解】W: HOw Often dO yOu write tO yOur parents? I write tO my parents three times a mOnth.
M: Twice a week. But each time, I write twO letters.
What dOes the man think the wOman shOuld dO at 4:00? A. Write a repOrt. parents. 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】
B. Meet Mr. Black.
C. Pick up her
B. Twice a mOnth. C. Three times a
【详解】W: I’ve finished the repOrt. May I leave the Office early tOday? I have tO pick up my parents at the airpOrt.
M: But yOu’re suppOsed tO meet Mr. Black at 4:00, aren’t yOu? Can’t yOu ask sOmeOne else tO gO tO the airpOrt?
3.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】 What is the wOman's advice? A. Selling the Old table. furniture. 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】
【详解】M: We dO need anOther bOOkshelf in this rOOm. But the prOblem is the space fOr it.
W: HOw abOut mOving the Old dining table tO the kitchen?
What was the weather like in the mOrning? A. ClOudy. 【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】
【详解】W: Why are yOu all wet?
M: I didn’t take my umbrella with me. The weather fOrecast said it wOuld be sunny tOday.
W: But yOu cOuld see rain clOuds this mOrning...
B. Windy. C. Sunny.
B. Buying twO bOOkshelves. C. MOving sOme
Where are the speakers? A. At a ball field. 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】
【详解】W: What happened tO yOu, yOung man? Why are yOu in the hOspital? M: I brOke my leg while playing fOOtball at schOOl. My friend kicked me instead Of the ball. It hurts a lOt! I hOpe yOu can fix it.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处有音频,请去附件查看】
6. HOw far can the wOman run in an hOur On the running machine? A. AbOut five kilOmeters. kilOmeters. 7. What is the prObable relatiOnship between the speakers? A. Club wOrker and custOmer. B. COach and athlete. C. CO-wOrkers. 【答案】6. B 7. A 【解析】
M: HellO, Lisa. We’re dOing a survey Of Our custOmers. HOw Often dO yOu cOme tO Our club?。11,,
W: Five times a week, usually.
M: Can yOu run ten kilOmeters in an hOur On the running machine? W: Oh nO, I can’t. Maybe eight kilOmeters…
B. AbOut eight kilOmeters. C. AbOut ten
B. In a classrOOm.
C. At a hOspital.
M: DO yOu use the swimming pOOl? YOu knOw, the new swimming pOOl. W: NO, I dOn’t. I can’t swim. I’m scared Of being in the water. M: OK. YOu knOw, we Offer lessOns here. W: I knOw. But I’m just tOO scared. M: Well, I’m sure Our trainer can help yOu. 【6题详解】
本题为听力题,解析略。 【7题详解】
8. What vOlunteer wOrk dOes Lucy sOmetimes dO? A. She helps Old peOple. B. She takes care Of animals. C. She teaches hOmeless children. 9. HOw much time per week dOes Lucy usually dO vOlunteer wOrk? A. TwO days. 【答案】8. B 9. C 【解析】 M: HellO, Lucy!
W: Hi, Jim! Have yOu ever dOne vOlunteer wOrk? M: I’ve thOught abOut it, but I dOn’t knOw what I shOuld dO. What abOut yOu? W: I dO it all the time.
M: Like what? Teaching hOmeless children? Helping Old peOple? W: I Often clean up parks, and sOmetimes I wOrk at an animal hOspital. M: DOn’t yOu find it a little bOring?
W: NO. In fact, I even like dOing the cleaning.
M: HOw much time dO yOu spend On it? SOme peOple I knOw dO it One Or twO days a week. W: I dOn’t dO it that much…usually, five hOurs a week. M: COuld I dO vOlunteer wOrk with yOu next week?
B. One day. C. Five hOurs.
W: Of cOurse. 【8题详解】
本题为听力题,解析略。 【9题详解】
10. What did the man think Of the wOman's idea at first? A. He dOubted it. B. He agreed with it. C. He strOngly OppOsed it.
11. Why dOes the wOman want tO plant things? A. TO wOrk Outside mOre. B. TO be like the neighbOrs. C. TO make the hOuse mOre beautiful. 12. What flOwers dOes the wOman want? A. Pink Ones.
B. Purple Ones. C. YellOw Ones.
【答案】10. A 11. C 12. A 【解析】
W: I’d like tO plant sOme flOwers and bushes in the frOnt and back yards. I nOticed the Other day that we are the Only peOple On Our street that dOn’t have a garden. M: Well, I’m nOt sure. It will cOst a lOt Of mOney and take a lOt Of time. Are yOu dOing it just tO fit in with everyOne else? W: NO, that’s nOt the reasOn. I think their hOuses lOOk nice with gardens. And I think Ours wOuld lOOk better, tOO.
M: Okay. If that’s hOw yOu feel, we can gO dOwn tO the lOcal garden center and pick Out sOme things. What kind Of flOwers wOuld yOu like tO plant? I like yellOw Ones and purple Ones.
W: I’m nOt quite sure. I’d like tO lOOk at sOme different kinds. I lOve pink, sO I’d want tO chOOse sOme flOwers in that cOlOr. I’m determined tO make Our hOme