Best wishes,
Writing Strategy
Your grateful neighbor,
How to write thank-you letters
Robert's ankle is healing well, and he should be his normal, active self again in about a week. He joins the rest of my family in thanking you for your kindness.
Very truly yours,Philip Canoff
Dear Beth and Don,
Last night's dinner was great! Thanks for inviting me and for introducing me to the wonders of Malaysian cuisine. It was a most welcome and exotic break from a week of quick meals between long hours of work.
Please say hello to Barbara for me, and let her know how much I enjoyed our talk about Ireland. It's even inspired me to look into travel possibilities.
Feel free to respond to even the simplest favor, gift, or courtesy with a thank-you letter. Everyone appreciates receiving kind words in the mail. Here are some tips for writing thank-you letters:
Before putting pen to paper, read the sample letters and then the advice on writing skills, as this may be of some help to you.
Dear Emily,
One of the most wonderful parts of my trip was returning home to find everything looking so shipshape. I just had to thank you again for watching over things so well while I was away. You did a great job! I only hope that my plants don't miss you now that I'm back.
1. In relatively formal acknowledgements, a two- or three-line note is perfectly acceptable. In relatively informal acknowledgements, the type sent to people with whom you are more familiar, a longer note or letter is always appreciated, but one or two paragraphs will be enough.
2. In a formal thank-you letter, thanks should be expressed in the first line. In an informal thank-you letter, it's fine to start more indirectly, but your thanks should be mentioned within the opening paragraph.
3. Assuming you are writing a letter that communicates other information besides thanks, be sure to express your thanks first, then proceed with the rest of the letter.
4. A thank-you letter that properly reflects the tone of the occasion is always in good taste. For instance, in response to a formal gathering, a formal tone is appropriate for thanking someone with whom you were not previously acquainted. (You can retain a properly formal tone by using the surnames of the hosts in the greeting, by specifying the date of the event, etc.)
Unit 6
bare cling to fancy here and there in tune
look the part masterpiece persistent to excess stand out
我们到处都能看到“抢眼”的青年艺术家。他们要么一年四季穿着破旧的牛仔裤;要么大冬天也打赤脚;要么饮酒过度;要么就是抱着创作一部杰作的幻想,实际上并不做任何创作的事。其实,他们中的很多人只不过是为了看上去像名艺术家,或为了同其他艺术家“保持一致”才这么做的。他们忘了,只有通过不懈的努力才能获得成功。 参考答案:
Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be \that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Model paper
The Spirit of Kindness
The most touching thing about the two stories is the way in which they capture the very best
in humanity, the spirit of kindness. This they do through what seems at first sight two unlikely heroes. The old artist appears to be a no-nonsense character, one without any time for sentimentality and softness. Yet we soon see his kindly nature peeping through his rough manner. Only at the end of the story, however, do we discover quite how kind and considerate he was, the old man risking death to save the girl.
A somewhat similar theme can be found in the second story. The boy finds he has bitten off more than he can chew. The old woman is more than a match for him. We might expect her to be justifiably angry at the boy and to march him off to the police. Instead she marches him off to a decent supper and a lesson in kindness and trust that is more likely to turn him away from crime than any punishment.
(173 words)
Before putting pen to paper, read the following advice on writing skills, as this may be of some help to you.
Writing Strategy
The general-to-specific pattern
From Unit Four, Book Two, you learned that essays can use the specific-to-general organization. Here we would like to touch upon the general-to-specific pattern.
Essays using the general-to-specific pattern move from a general statement about the subject to a detailed discussion that provides specific evidence, examples, and analysis to support or elaborate upon the general statement. Suppose you want to write about your impressions of the stories of this unit. You may start your essay with a general statement like \what is called human love depicted in the stories of this unit\Then you might go on to cite evidence and examples from the stories to expand on the general statement. Obviously, when using this organizational pattern, the writer places the thesis statement in the beginning, then proceeds to expand and support the thesis statement in the main body of the essay.Unit 7
cripple commission useless limitation representative dignity retail delivery territory profitable limb apply for
汤姆生来跛足,有一条腿不管用。 他很小的时候起就懂得,除非他努力摆脱(rise above)自身的局限,他是无力谋生的; 而除非他能独立谋生,他就不可能得到他人的尊敬。这是他要赢得做人的尊严必须付出的代价。
汤姆申请过许多工作,都遭到拒绝,最后他找到一份为比萨屋(Pizza Hut)送比萨饼的工作。后来他又到一个没有人想去的推销区做一家运动服装(sports wear)公司的销售代表。现在,他在他的家乡拥有一家颇为盈利的零售商店,还雇用了好几个人为他工作,这些人都不拿薪水,只拿佣金。参考答案:
Tom was born a cripple, with one of his limbs useless. Early in his childhood, he learned that unless he exerted himself to rise above his limitations, he could not earn a living, and unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he could not win/gain the respect of others. That was the price he had to pay for his dignity as a human being.
Tom applied for numerous jobs only to be turned down before he finally got one as a delivery
boy for a Pizza Hut. He then worked as a sales representative of a sports wear company in a territory no one would want. Today he owns a profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him on straight commission.Model paper
A Synopsis
The story tells of one day in the life of a salesman, Bill Porter. It attempts to give us some idea of the hardships he faces and the strength of character he shows. For his job is made all the more difficult by a handicap from which he suffers, which makes it difficult for him to move normally.
The story starts with Bill struggling to get himself ready to go to work in the early morning. It then follows him on his long journey to work and the discouraging rejections he receives. As the story unfolds, we learn more about his past and his character, how, for example, he followed his father's example in becoming a salesman and how proud he is of his ability to support himself by his trade. We learn how many miles he has to walk, and the household provisions he deals in. In many ways, his life seems bleak. He does not get home until late at night and lives alone. He is getting old. Yet, despite all this, he refuses to give way to self-pity. (181 words)
Before putting pen to paper, read the following advice on writing skills, as this may be of some
help to you.
Writing Strategy How to write a synopsis
A synopsis is a summary of a longer piece of writing. A synopsis writer should keep in mind the following requirements:
1. His synopsis should not be longer than a third of the length of the original article. 2. His synopsis does not express his but someone else's ideas.
3. It should be faithful to the original with no change in facts and views.
4. All the important points in the original should be included whereas all the details can be omitted.
To write a synopsis of a passage, follow the steps described below:
1. Read the passage carefully and make sure you realize fully what is being said. 2. Make a list of the main points, leaving out details.
3. With the help of this list, write a rough draft of the synopsis, using your own words as far as possible.
4. Compare your version with the original passage and make sure you haven't distorted the meaning of the original or added to it.
5. Count the number of words in the draft. (Remember that the purpose of a synopsis is to reduce the original work to its main points.) 6. Revise your first draft.
7. Write out a fair copy of your synopsis. Unit 8
identical offensive twin clone terrify
batch immune tolerate transplant grow into potential
Translate the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given below:identical offensive twin clone terrify
batch immune tolerate transplant grow into potential
After Dolly was born, cloning could no longer be dismissed as science fiction. The ability to