Why We Are Against Gun Control
Should Americans oppose gun control? Of course we should. The gun is the great equalizer. It does not matter whether you are a big tough man or a small frail woman, with a gun in your hand you stand at the same height.
What's more, it is the foundation of our nation. Without it there would be no Republic as it is, for we would never have been able to drive the Indians off the land without shooting so many of them. Nor would the West have been won. Who would have dared venture into lands unprotected by the law if they had not been able to protect themselves with a gun? The spirit of our nation thrives on aggressive individuals who are ready to stand up for themselves and to fight for their rights. Look at our films. What do we enjoy watching? People shooting one another. True, children occasionally get hold of guns and slaughter their classmates. But if only their classmates had been properly armed they could have fought back. It was gun control that left them defenceless. (184 words)
Before putting pen to paper, read the following advice on writing skills, as this may be of some help to you.
Writing Strategy
Using cause and effect in essay writing (2)
In Unit Eight, Book One, we dealt with two points which you should consider when writing a
cause and effect paper. What will be discussed here are:Organizing Cause and Effect
There are three basic ways of organizing cause-effect analysis:
A chronological organization means arranging the discussion by following the time sequence in which actual events happened. This organization is effective for topics which involve narrating how something happened through a period of time.
Order of Importance
In an analysis which involves multiple causes and effects, you can either arrange the factors from the least important ones to the most important ones, or from the most important to the least
important ones. The former organization would build to a climax, while the latter organization would present the strongest factor first to impress the reader.
You can also group the various factors into different categories (political, social, financial, personal, psychological, etc.) and arrange them accordingly. Using Transitional Words and Phrases
For cause and effect analysis you can use the following transitional words and phrases: Causes: because, since, as, for, because of, due to
Effects: consequently, thus, therefore, so, as a result, for this reasonUnit 4
adopt alike appearance catch sight of complicated fade out isolate mode nationality observation on account of organization wit work up
外星人是一个让专家和外行都很感兴趣的话题,各式各样的国家和组织的研究者们正在采用不同的模式寻找他们。有的密切观察稀有放射性(radioactive)元素水平特别高的星球,他们认为那些元素产生于人类尚未理解的外星人技术。有的试图从宇宙“噪音”中分离出无线电信号。而有的则宣称已经看到了外星人,并能详细描绘他们的模样。研究者们将他们收集到的复杂数据汇编成一系列的报告和书籍。虽然确定的答案仍未找到,但并未有任何迹象显示探索者们的希望因为挫折而泯灭,他们坚信他们的艰辛努力是完全值得的。 参考答案:
The extraterrestrial has been a topic of interest to experts and laymen /nonprofessionals alike. Researchers of various nationalities and organizations are adopting different modes of investigation in search of them. Some make close observation of stars with extremely high level of rare, radioactive elements. They believe those elements result from extraterrestrial technology that is still beyond human wit to understand. Some try to isolate radio signals from the %universe. And some claim that they have caught sight of extraterrestrials and can even describe their appearance in detail. Researchers work up the complicated data they collect into a series of reports and books. Although no definite answer has yet been found, the explorers' hope shows no sign of fading out on account of their frustrations and they hold to the belief that their hard efforts will prove worthwhile.Model paper
Pressing Problems on Our Planet I Wish to Discuss with Extraterrestrials
Since the visitors could travel such long distance from Venus to our planet, their society must
be far better developed and advanced than ours. Therefore, why not, I think, take advantage of their visit and ask for their advice about how to solve some of the most pressing problems we confront here on earth?
The number one issue on my list is global warming which is said to be caused by the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. According to the World Meteorological Organization, global warming could increase the Earth's average surface temperature by as much as 5°F(3°C) by
2070. Such a warm planet would lead to a sea-level rise of 6 to 38 inches and consequently would give rise to more floods or droughts, which in turn could finally empty our breadbaskets. Another urgent issue is the rapid exhaustion of the earth's natural resources.
Nowadays human society, especially in the developed countries, is what we might call a \society. Lunch boxes, beverage containers, chopsticks, even cameras, are just disposed of as garbage after using them only once. It is reported that to produce 100,000 pairs of chopsticks consumes as much timber as that of 17 full-grown trees. Yet to grow a tree of considerable size usually takes tens of years. Unfortunately we have grown used to all this without so much as bothering to ask ourselves: Are there inexhaustible natural resources on Earth for us to waste like this generation after generation?
These are things that worry me most. Do our extraterrestrial visitors have the same problems as we do? Could they show us how to solve them? (269 words)
Before putting pen to paper, read the following advice on writing skills, as this may be of some help to you.
Writing Strategy
How to write an expository essay (2)
In Unit Three, Book One, we talked about two points related to the writing of expository
essays. What will be discussed here are:
Preparing Enough Material
It is advisable to prepare enough material (details or examples) to help your explanation. Readers often find abstract discussions hard to follow if they are not illustrated by concrete examples. Moreover, good exposition is often both instructive and interesting; with many concrete examples, your essay certainly will not be dull, though not necessarily interesting.
Dramatizing the Issue
Good writing gets the reader's attention quickly. If you are writing about the problem of pollution, you could start by listing the statistics on pollution in the world today. But the facts alone may not attract your reader's attention. A more effective way of presenting this problem
would be to tell the story of one polluted village. This would dramatically illustrate the problem and draw the reader into your exposition.
Unit 5
be immersed in successive specific on one's behalf rather than impress at sea undergo in quest of bring back gratitude amid accord quote
在感恩节的气氛中,乔治没有跟朋友们一起庆祝节日,却沉浸于阅读他父亲留给他的日记。他的父亲在连续两次完成环球旅行后在海上去世。这份日记使他回忆起自己与父亲一起度过的每一刻以及父亲为他所做的许多具体事情。乔治的父亲过去经常向他强调必须经历各种艰难困苦去追求卓越(excellence)。他还教导他世界上没有理所当然的东西。即使今天,他依然记得父亲如何引用“懂得感激是高尚者的标志”这句伊索(Aesop)名言来教导他要把懂得感激放在最重要的位置。 参考答案:
Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving, rather than joining his friends in celebration of the holiday, George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world. The diary brought back every moment George had spent with his father and many of the specific things his father did on his behalf. George's father used to impress on him the need to undergo all kinds of hardships in quest of excellence. He also taught him that nothing in the world could be taken for granted. Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop's famous saying \is the sign of noble souls\Model paper Dear Dad,
It's Thanksgiving and of course my thoughts are turning home to you. Looking out over the ocean I find myself thinking to how much I owe to you. Yet I have never got round to telling you just how thankful I feel towards you for all you have done for me. There are so many things, I don't know where to start and would never get to the end once I begin. But if I had to pick just one thing it would perhaps be the love of books and reading I learnt from you. Those after-dinner quizzes at the table about the books we had just read and the new words we had picked up, I can see them in my mind's eye as if it were yesterday. Not many are as lucky in their father as I am. So, simply, thank you.Your loving son,Alex
Dear Rev. Nelson,
I am writing this on board my ship. It is Thanksgiving. My thoughts have been turning to all those who have done so much for me in the past and how I have never taken the time to thank them properly. Naturally, you were among the first to come to mind. You were, quite simply, the
very best teacher a child could wish for. You gave us so many different gifts, but, if I were forced to choose one, then it would be your morning prayers at assembly at the start of each day. Whatever positive things I have done since can often be traced to the impression left by those prayers. For that guidance and all the other things I was lucky enough to learn from you, I shall always be in your debt.Your affectionate student,Alex Haley
Dear Grandma,
Here I am, on board my ship, and a thousand miles away from your wonderful cooking on Thanksgiving! Standing here at the rail, looking out at the sunset, I've been turning the meaning of Thanksgiving around in my mind and came up with the idea that it is just the time to be giving thanks to those we owe them to. And who better to start with than you? How could I have grown up without your help? You always found just the right way of showing me with those wonderful stories of yours the importance of telling the truth, of sharing and forgiving, of being considerate to others. Quite simply, you sprinkled my life with stardust. Thank you.Love,Alex
Here are some sample thank-you letters for your reference:
Dear Dr. and Mrs. Stone,
My husband Mark and I wish to thank you for a delightful evening August 3. It was very kind of you to extend your hospitality to us and to give us the pleasure of meeting your friends and colleagues.
Our best wishes to you.
Very truly yours,Karla Anders
Dear Mr. Weidner,
I am writing to let you know how much I appreciate your helping my son Robert last Thursday when he sprained his ankle. It meant a great deal to him to have someone extend comfort and care at such a distressing time.