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Psychologists have used numerous facts to bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn't/don't have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.

Consider the case of /Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, \And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth.\Model paper

The Change in Mr. Manwaring

There is no doubt about it. Hal Manwaring has definitely changed. And changed for the better. He still limps, of course, still has trouble getting in and out of his car and climbing stairs. He still needs his stick to get about. Everyone feels sorry for him, naturally. They always have, ever since he first started suffering from his disease all those years ago. But, to be honest, in recent years people started to avoid him, he had become so bitter he hadn't a good word to say about anyone or anything. Understandable, you might say, but that didn't make him any better company. Then, all of a sudden, ever since that big storm we had last month, he picked himself up and now has a cheerful word and a smile for everyone. Where once you would see him sitting hunched up on his porch for hours on end, now you see him hopping about all over town. He has even taken up helping to teach on the adult literacy programme. Just what happened he won't say, but whatever it was it certainly did him a power of good.(189 words)

Before putting pen to paper, read the advice on writing skills in the following box, as this may be of some help to you.

Writing Strategy

How to Write a Personal Description (2)

In Unit Four, Book One, we briefly discussed two aspects in the description of an individual:


Focus on Characteristic Features and Supporting Facts. What will be dealt with today are: Writer's Tone

To bring home the point the writer wants to convey to the reader, his/her tone -- whether it is angry, sympathetic, amused, or admiring about the subject -- plays an important role in a personal description, as in the two texts we've just studied the authors' voices can be heard now and then, directly and indirectly.Opening/Closing Device

To arouse the reader's interest or achieve better results, the writer usually designs the opening and closing paragraphs skillfully. As we can see, in Text A the writer keeps the most important fact about Michael Stone until the last word, and in Text B the author begins his essay with reference to a common saying.

Unit 6

芭芭拉梦想当一名执行总裁已有好长时间了。为了达到心中渴望的这一目的,她向多家跨国(multi-national)公司申请工作,但都失败。然而,似乎任何东西都不能使她气馁。不久前她利用当地一家银行的贷款,开了一家餐馆。她边做生意边照料两个年幼的孩子。同时,她还攻读工商管理硕士(MBA)学位。尽管如此,她努力做到将自己的事情安排得井井有条。不过,即便对她来说,争分夺秒地工作也绝非易事。这是件十分累人的活儿。 参考答案:

Barbara has dreamed of becoming a CEO for a long time. To achieve her heart's desire, she applied for a job in many a multi-national corporation, but failed to get it. However, nothing seems to be able to undo her. With a loan from a local bank she opened a restaurant not long ago. While doing business she is having two young children to care for. Also, she is working at/studying for an MBA degree. Despite all this she manages to get her act together. Nevertheless, even to her, racing the clock is by no means a piece of cake. It's a very exhausting job.Model paper

Women Hold up Half the Sky

\are born free but everywhere they are in chains,\wrote the French philosopher

Rousseau. Being a man he forgot to add that the chains that hold women back are often stronger and heavier. It is true that women are no longer tied to the home, and have entered fully into the world of work. Nevertheless, childbirth and greater responsibilities for childcare can put women at a disadvantage in competition with men. The situation is made all the more difficult by discrimination against women in selection and promotion in certain professions.

There are a number of ways to remedy this situation. Improving women's confidence about what they can achieve is one. Destroying male prejudices is another. But the answer lies not just in changing ideas. Material support in the form of improved childcare facilities is needed, as is greater protection from the law against sexual discrimination.(152 words)

Before putting pen to paper, read the advice on writing skills in the following box, as this may be


of some help to you.

Writing Strategy


When you write, be sure to make all the ideas and sentences in your paper fit together around its thesis, the central idea, and the writing flow smoothly from one sentence to another. This is what we call coherence, a quality indispensable for effective writing. If an essay is coherent, each part will grow naturally and logically from those parts that come before it, and the reader is carried along easily from start to finish.

The main devices used in achieving coherence include transitional words or phrases like however, but, therefore, thus, first(ly), second(ly), what's more, as to, and in terms of, repetition of key words and phrases as superwoman, in one's spare time, etc. in Text A, and parallel structure as Kevin 1990, Kevin 2020, etc. in Unit 8, book 1.Unit 7

虽然英语是如何产生的还是个谜,语言学家倾向于认为它和很多欧洲语言来自同一个源头,即印欧母语。英语最初是在公元五世纪入侵英格兰的盎格鲁-撒克逊人使用的。他们将英语的基本词汇传给了我们。在十五个多世纪的发展中,英语大量借用了其他语言,这种借用大大丰富了英语的词汇。随着移民来到美洲,建立了独立的美利坚合众国,英语又增添了一个新的变种:美语。虽然有人担忧英语的发展失控了, 但大多数以英语为母语的人对他们语言的宽容性感到自豪。参考答案:

Though how the English language came into existence remains a mystery, linguists/language scientists now tend to believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: the Indo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In its over 15 centuries of development, English has borrowed from other languages massively, and such borrowing has greatly enriched its vocabulary. As settlers landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language: American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of their language.

1. The changes of the estimated numbers of each of the three kinds of English speakers from 1950 to 2050;

2. The individual patterns of the changes of the three groups during this period.


Model paper

(195 words)

Estimates of English Speakers from 1950 to 2050

This graph shows the changes of the estimated numbers of English speakers from 1950 to

2050. English speakers are divided into three groups, i.e., L1 speakers, L2 speakers and EFL speakers.

Although the numbers of English speakers in all three groups tend to increase, their patterns of increase are different. L1 speakers increase steadily over the entire period, but not as rapidly as L2 speakers. This rapid growth is predicted to lead to L2 speakers outnumbering L1 speakers by the year 2010. Trends for the number of EFL speakers follow a somewhat different path. While the figures remained stable during the 1950s they then began to experience an increasingly sharp rise that is expected to level off and remain stable from 2020.

According to the graph, it is estimated that the number of L1 speakers was a little over 200 million in 1950, a figure that will increase to around 450 million by 2050. L2 speakers will triple during the same period, from less than 200 million to around 600 million. EFL speakers will double in number over the period, starting from about 400 million in 1950 and reaching to over 900 million in 2050.


Before putting pen to paper, read the advice on writing skills in the following box, as this may be of some help to you.

Writing Strategy Information Transfer

Unit 8



It is relatively more difficult to call for poorly educated people to conserve resources because they tend to view resources as nothing more than handy materials, which they can never overuse to the point of excess. They are seldom aware of the fatal consequences of the ruin of nature. In contrast, most educated people bind their own well-being to that of nature and try to preserve nature on the grounds of self-preservation. Though it may be difficult to distinguish a good proposal from a bad one in our current debate on environmental issues, one contemporary commentator has argued that protecting the environment in the name of man should be our guiding principle.Model paper

My Thoughts on Environmental Protection


To transfer information into written (or spoken) language from a graph or chart, we need first

of all decide what it is about. Then we must find out what is the general information the graph gives. After that, we may go into the details and make observations or comparisons about some specifics that are worth our attention.

Take, for example, the graph given above. First of all, by looking at the explanation beside it, we know the graph is an estimate of English speakers during the period of 1950 to 2050. Upon closer examination we can establish what each curve in the graph represents.

Then by examining the three curves, that is, where each starts and where it ends, we will find a general trend in the rise or fall of these curves.

After that, you may comment on some of the specific details of the graph. You may observe, for example, that by 2010, the number of L2 speakers will equal that of L1 speakers. You may also comment on the drastic increase of EFL speakers in the period between 1970-2000. Finally see to it that the information you give is well organized.



