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2.领到试卷和答题卡后,请用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔,分别在试卷和答题卡商填写姓名和准考证号,同时用2B铅笔在答题卡商填涂对应的试卷类型信息点(A或B)。 3.请在答题卡上各题的规定区域内作答,否则作答无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 (共70 分)


I. 听对话,选答案(共15小题,计15分)

第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内 容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。

1. A.Learning English. B.Playing tennis. C.Studying history. 2. A.On the chair. B.On the bed. C. On the table.

3. A.Terrible. B.Interesting. C.Boring. 4. A.Tom. B.Kate. C.Lily. 5. A. Fruit shop. B.Clothes shop. C.Book shop. 6. A.Short. B.Thin. C.Handsome. 7. A.A job. B.A test. C.A holiday.

8. A.It will be fine. B.It will be cool. C.It will be rainy. 9. A.Playing soccer. B.Watching TV plays. C.Collecting stamps.

10. A.To see her father off. B.To leave for Australia. C.To send her teacher back.


听第11段对话,回答11,12小题。 11.How often does Peter go swimming?

A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. 12.Who does Peter often go swimming with? A.His friends. B.His brother. C.His father. 听第12段对话,回答13至15小题。 13.What kind of noodles would the woman like?

A.Egg and beef noodles. B.Tomato and beef noodles. C.Eggs and tomato noodles . 14.How much should the woman pay? A.35 dollars. B.25 dollars .C.15 dollars. 15.Where are they?

A.In a hospital.B.At a restaurant. C.At a store. II.听短文,选答案(共5小题,计10分)

本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选择最恰当的一项。 16.Where does Li Ping live now?

A.At school. B.At Tim's home. C.At Tommy's home.

17.Who did Tommy invite?

A.His English teacher.B.His classmates and friends. C.His neighbors. 18.What does Tim do?

A. A dancer. B. A pianist. C. A singer.

19.What was Tommy's sister doing while everybody was eating and talking? A.Eating. B.Playing the piano. C.Talking. 20.What should Li Ping do with the present? A.He should opened it in front of them. B. He should put it on his desk. C. He should put it in his bag. III.听力填空(共5小题,计5分)


A Notice What is it about There will be a 21._________ show in the Summer Palace. It's the 22.________ show this year. When shall we meet What should we do We will meet at the school gate at 23._______on Saturday morning The bus will 24._________ off at 8: 20. Everyone should wear a pair of comfortable 25. _________.




One afternoon last winter, a boy and his grandfather went for a walk near a village. As they walked, they __26_ a pair of old shoes on the road. They thought the shoes must belong to a farmer who was working nearby. The boy said, “Let’s play 27 joke on him. We can hide the shoes and see what 28.” But his grandfather said, “Boy, we shouldn’t have fun by hurting other people. 29 , we should help them. Let’s put a coin in each shoe, and then hide ourselves to see what will happen.”

The boy did as 30 his grandfather said. Later, the farmer finished his work and came back to his shoes. He put his 31 into one of his shoes, and then he felt something hard . He was surprised to find a coin in his shoe. Then he found 32 coin. He said 33 , “Thank goodness! I can give them to my wife.”

After seeing this, the boy’s eyes were full 34 tears(眼眼眼. The boy said, “Grandpa, you taught me a lesson which I will never forget. It’s much 35 to give than to receive.” 26.A. find B. found C. are finding D.finds 27.A. the B. an C. / D.a

28.A. he will do B. would he dot C. will he do D.he would do 29.A. Instead B. HoweverC. Luckily D.Clearly 30.A. whichB. how C. what D.when 31.A. arms B. foot C. arm D.feet

32.A. another B. otherC. The others D.others 33.A. sadly B. excitedly C.sad D.excited 34.A. from B. of C. under D.with

35.A. worst B. worse C. happiest D.happier


When I was a little child, I felt unhappy. I was really __36___ other kids. I couldn't change no matter what I did.

There is something wrong with my __37___.I can't see things around me clearly. When my classmates play games happily outside, I have to stay at home and look out of the window alone.

For a long time, I felt hopeless. __38___ my mother always said, \珍贵的) baby in our family,\

I asked God, \course, there was no _______.

I turned to books for help. Books are my only friends. When I am sad and upset, they ___41___; when I feel happy and excited, they ____42___ my feelings. They can take me to another world, there I can see everything clearly and free my heart through joy.I began to write down my thoughts and keep them as a ___43____. And nobody knew it, When I studied at a middle school, I had a good teacher. He read all of my poems and said, \class. He kept helping me. Now I am quite confidence . I can do things like other kids. So please believe in __45____. Everyone is unique (独-无二的). 36.A.similar to B.hard on

C.different from D.friendly to

37.A.eyes B.ears C.legs D.arms 38.A. If B.Because C.Unless 39.A.Where B.Which 40.A.reply B.report


C.Why D.Who C.record


41.A.cheer me up B.dress me up 42.A.hurt

B.share C.repeat

C.call me up D.pick them up D.develop

43.A.method B.notice 44.A.warned B.praised

C.task D.secret C.educated D.punished


45.A.myself B.yourself C.himself V.阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)



