文件编号Doc.No MM-HR-003 版 本Version A3 培训管理办法 Training Management Approach 生效日期2013-06-01 11 / 181 Effetive date 页 次 Page test way can be written examination and oral test, actual operation or submit trained experience report can be chose as implementation way. 5.6.2 新进员工的教育培训如经培训后评估成绩低于60分,评定不合格,需安排补训,补训后考核成绩仍低于60分者,不予聘用;对于特殊岗位和重点工位,如经培训后考核成绩低于80分,评定不合格,不合格者应重新安排补训,补训以两次为限,两次仍不合格者,报请其主管给予转岗或取消晋升资格。 5.6.2 If the test score less than 60 scores for new employee, that is failed, so need to arrange training again for loser, if the second test scores still less than 60 scores, then company will do not employ this trainee; for special and important post, if the trainee did not pass the test as test scores less than 80 scores, then this trainee has another two chance to get training again, if he/she still can not pass the test, then the department management should arrange job transfer or cancel promotion for this trainee. 5.6.3 如外派受训,培训前须与公司签订《培训服务合约》,培训结束后须缴验培训《合格证书》或<<结业证书>>,并在5个工作日内提交<<受训心得报告>>。培训<<合格证书>>或<<结业证书>>经缴验后由公司保存直到培训服务合约期满后方可交还本人。 5.6.3 For external training, the trainee should sign the “training service contract” to company, and shall submit the “certificate of qualification” or “course-completion certificate” to company and provide “trained experience report” within 5 working days after finished the training. Company will keep the “Certificate of qualification” or “course-completion certificate” till termination of the contract, then return to trainee. 5.6.4 所有参加培训人员之考核试卷由行政存档,以作为人员资格鉴定及未来人事调动的参考依据。 5.6.4 All trainees test paper should be kept by Admin Dept, regard these as personnel qualification identify and personnel transfer reference in the future. 5.7 内训师资格 内部培训师应当具备基本的职业道德品质和良好的专业素质,包括: (1)热爱培训工作,思想活跃,具备较强的学习、组织和语言表达能力; (2)具备某一课题领域内较系统、丰富的知识和经验;
文件编号Doc.No MM-HR-003 版 本Version A3 培训管理办法 Training Management Approach 生效日期2013-06-01 12 / 181 Effetive date 页 次 Page (3)具备一定的课程开发能力 内训师原则上由部门负责人担任,对于专业能力特别突出的公司骨干员工,可直接聘任为特聘培训师。 5.7 Internal trainer qualification The internal trainer should have the basic quality of professional ethics and good professional quality, that include: (1) Have Enthusiasm for training, being active, have strong ability of learning, organization and language expression. (2) Have systematic and rich knowledge and experience in given area. (3) Have a ability of course development. In principle, the internal trainer should be management of each department, but we can also employ some cadre worker whose ability is particularly stand out as distinguished internal trainer. 5.8 培训教材 培训教材由内训师按公司统一格式编写,教材可以是PPT、WORD、或EXCEL等编写,教材封面必需有以下项目: 培训类型 培训讲师 教材编写 教材审核 日期 教材审核统一由行政部经理执行。 5.8 Training book The training books will be wrote by internal training instructors with uniform format, it can be PPT, Word or Excel etc, the cover of the training book must include following items: Training type Training instructor The author Checking Date Admin Dept manager is responsible for check all training books uniformly.
文件编号Doc.No MM-HR-003 版 本Version A3 培训管理办法 Training Management Approach 生效日期2013-06-01 13 / 181 Effetive date 页 次 Page 6. 参考文件 Reference document FT2620 人力资源管理程序 FT2620 human resource management procedure 7.相关流程及表单 Related procedure and documents 7.1 部门年度培训计划流程 Department annual training plan procedure 7.3 外训申请流程 7.2 公司年度培训计划汇总流程 Company annual training plan summary procedure external training application procedure 7.4 外训报告流程 external training report procedure 7.5 HR-4620-021 年度培训计划表 Annual training plan form 7.6 HR-4620-032 临时培训申请表 Temporary training application form 7.7 HR-4620-033 外训申请书 External training application form 7.8 HR-4620-036 外训通知单 External training notice 7.9 HR-4620-023 培训签到/考核表 Training check in / employee evaluation form 7.10 HR-4620-035 外训报告书 External training report 7.11 HR-4620-024 培训记录表 Training record 7. 12 HR-4620-046 培训效果评估调查表 Evaluation of the training effectiveness form 批准Approve 审核Check 制作Prepare by
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附件7.1 部门年度培训计划流程 Department annual training plan process
Department annual training plan process
各部门填写 Each department fill in 「部门年度培训计划表」 人事发出 Admin Dept issue 「部门年度培训计划表」 “Department annual training plan form” 各部门主管可视该部门之工作需求申请培训项目 部门主管核准 Check and approve by dept management 人事汇总各部门之 Admin Dept summarize 「部门年度培训计划表」 部门主管可审查该部门所提出之培训项目是否符合其工作需求
附件7.2 公司年度培训计划汇总流程 Company annual training plan summary process
人 事 汇 总 Admin Dept summarize 「公司年度培训计划汇总表」 Admin Dept manager check 行政部经理审核 Vice general manager approve 副总经理核准 人事在汇总各部门之培训计划时,若有外训项目则需联系外训机构作相关课程之报价,得出该培训项目之预计费用
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附件7.3 外训申请流程 External application process
申请单位填写 Application dept fill in “Temporary training application form” 填写时需注明培训方式、指定课程、及提供受课人员名单等 部门主管审核 Department supervisor check 部门最高主管核准 Department manager approve 行政部备案及联络授课单位 Admin Dept keep put on record and contact with instructor. 附件7.4外训报告流程 External report process
人事填写 Admin Dept fill in “ External training application 人事需写明部门申请 「外训申请书」培训项目之外训机构 及课程简介及培训预计费用等 Admin Dept manager check 行政部经理复核 Vice general manager approve 副总经理核准