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Bird flu is a kind of serious disease caused by poultry(家禽).It's also called H7N9. People that catch this illness may first feel like having a common cold. It was reported that 106 people in China got H7N9 last year and 20 of them died.This year,H7N9 attacked many provinces again,such as Hunan,Fujian,Yunnan,etc. In some places,many markets that sold poultry were closed,and some poultry were even killed,burned and buried(掩埋).People were afraid to eat chicken and duck. Here are some suggestions to avoid bird flu. ★ Keep away from animals like chickens,ducks and so on. ★ Cook the food fully,especially poultry and eggs. ★ Wash hands with soap after touching poultry.

★ Go to a doctor the minute you feel like having a cold. 1. Bird flu is not a kind of serious disease ______ .

A. Right. B. Wrong.

2. When people catch H7N9,they will have a nosebleed ______ .

A. Right. B. Wrong.

3. Many markets that sold poultry were closed because of bird flu ______ .

A. Right. B. Wrong. 4. Poultry and eggs must be fully cooked ______ .

A. Right. B. Wrong.

5. If you touch a chick,you should wash your hands at once ______ .

A. Right. B. Wrong. 【答案】 【小题1】B






(1)B.根据Bird flu is a kind of serious disease caused by poultry.可知禽流感是一种严重的疾病.故选:B.

(2)B.根据 People that catch this illness may first feel like having a common cold. 可知人患上禽流感好像感冒了.故选:B.

(3)A.根据In some places,many markets that sold poultry were closed.可知由于禽流感许多活禽市场被关闭.故选:A.

(4)A.根据Cook the food fully,especially poultry and eggs.可知禽肉和蛋类要煮熟食用.故选:A.

(5)A.根据Wash hands with soap after touching poultry.接触禽类要洗手.故选:A. 禽流感是有家禽引起的疾病,本文对预防禽流感提出了一些建议.




A man was walking through a large city one day. On a street corner, he saw a boy with a number of small birds in a cage for sale. He felt sad for the little birds. They were flying inside the cage. They beat their wings against the bars of the cage, trying to get out. He stood for some time looking at the birds. At last he said to the boy, \ask for your birds? \, sir, \. \each. \, \? I want to buy them all. The boy began to count, and found they came to five dollars. \,\man. The boy took it, very pleased with having sold so many birds. As soon as the man had bought the birds, he opened the cage and let all the birds fly away.

The boy, in great surprise, cried, \, sir? You have lost all your birds.\

\, said the man. \, as a prisoner of war. I made a decision never to see anything in prison which I can set free. 6. What were the birds trying to do in the cage? ______

A. To sing. B. To dance. C. To eat the delicious food. D. To get out of the cage. 7. How many birds did the man buy? ______

A. One. B. Two. C. Five. D. Ten. 8. What did the man do with the birds he bought? ______

A. He took them away. B. He set them free. C. Hcooked them.

D. He would look after them himself. D. Because thick gloves can stop you from cold water.

9. What's the Chinese meaning of the phrase \? ______

A. 放弃 B. 关闭 C. 建立. D. 欢呼 10. Why did the man sell all the birds free? ______

A. Because he was rich.

B. Because the boy want him to do that.

C. Because he had decided to set anything he could help free. D. Because this could made his wife happy. 【答案】 【小题1】D





1.D. trying 【解析】细节理解题.根据 They beat their wings against the bars of the cage,

to get out.他们用翅膀拍打着笼子的栏杆,想出去.可知,小鸟们拍打翅膀是想要到笼子外面去,故选D.

2.D.细节理解题.根据\, sir, \.小男孩说:小鸟50美分一只;The boy began to count, and found they came to five dollars.男孩开始数有几只鸟,最后它们价值5美元.可知,每只50美分,5美元就是10只鸟,故选D.

3.B.细节理解题.根据As soon as the man had bought the birds, he opened the cage and let all the birds fly away.这个男人一买下所有的鸟儿,他就打开鸟笼,把所有的鸟儿都放飞了.可知,这个男人把买的鸟儿都放了,故选B.

4.B.词义猜测题.根据I was shut up for three years in a French prison, as a prisoner of war.我作为战俘被关在法国监狱里三年.可知,划线部分意为:关闭,故选B. 5.C.推理判断题.根据I was shut up for three years in a French prison, as a prisoner of


war. I made a decision never to see anything in prison which I can set free.我作为战俘被关在法国的一所监狱里三年了.于是我在监狱里做了一个决定,我要释放任何我能看到的东西,让它们拥有自由,故选C.

本文章主要讲述了一个男人买了10只小鸟并放飞它们的故事,这个男人在监狱里坐了三年的牢,因此他明白那种被囚禁的感觉,于是决定要给任何他能看到的东西自由. 首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除法逐一选出答案.最后再通读全文,核对答案.


Do you enjoy travelling and eating? If your answer is yes,you'll surely love visiting Macau,a place full of culture and beauty. Join us on our exciting twoday tour!

Our tour begins at the Ruins of St Paul's. A fire burned this famous church many years ago,but one wall still remains. Tourists from all over the world come to visit it.

Next,we'll visit the Museum of Macau,which shows you the history and tradition of the city. You should miss none of the exhibits(展品)!They are all amazing!

After that,we'll go to Macau Tower,the 10th tallest tower in the world. This is certainly the best place to see the city!

The next day,we'll enjoy many of the best foods of Macau. Anyone who has visited Macau will tell you the food is hard to keep from enjoying!One of the places we'll take you to is Lord Stow's Bakery-nobody should miss the egg tarts there! Finally,we'll end our tour at Nam Van Lake,where we'll watch an excellent laser show. (激光)Come and join our tour!There's something for everyone in Macau!

11. If you want to know the history and tradition of Macau,where you can go to? ______

A. The Museum of Macau C. St Paul's Church B. Lord Stow's Bakery D. Han Van Wall.

12. From the text,we know that Macau Tower ______ .

A. was once burned in a fire B. has many amazing exhibitis

C. is the 10th tallest tower in the world D. has some famous remains of the city

13. What does the writer think of the food in Macau? ______

A. It's easy to cook. B. It's hard to enjoy.

C. It's fresh but expensive.

D. It is liked by almost everyone.

14. From the text,we know that we can ______ at Nam Van Lake.

A. see the whole city B. start the tour C. watch a wonderful show D. enjoy the egg tarts 15. What's the best title of the text would be \.

A. History of Macau C. People in Macau

【答案】 【小题1】A


B. A Visit to Macau

D. The Weather of Macau




【解析】1.A.细节理解题.根据第二行句子\,you'll surely love visiting Macau,


a place full of culture and beauty. Join us on our exciting twoday tour!\可知可以去The Museum of Macau.故选A.

2.C.细节理解题.根据第五行句子\,we'll go to Macau Tower,the 10th tallest tower in the world.\可知是世界第十高塔.故选C. 3.D.细节理解题.根据倒数第四行句子\,

we'll enjoy many of the best foods of Macau. Anyone who has visited Macau will tell you the food is hard to keep from enjoying!\可知几乎每个人都喜欢它.故选D.

4.C.细节理解题.根据倒数第二行句子\,we'll end our tour at Nam Van Lake,where we'll watch an excellent laser(激光) show.\可知我们知道我们可以在 Nam Van Lake看一场精彩的演出.故选C.

5.B.标题归纳题.根据这篇文章内容及其第二行句子\If your answer is yes,you'll surely love visiting Macau,

a place full of culture and beauty. Join us on our exciting twoday tour!\可知文章说的是去澳门旅游.故选B.




After spending 40 hours playing the online game King of Glory,a middle school student had a stroke(中风) and nearly died. This happened in Guangdong province in April last year. It shows how bad things can get if one becomes addicted to(沉迷) the Internet.

To stop more teenagers from becoming addicted to the Internet, the Ministry of Education(MOE教育部) sent a letter to all parents in China on April 20, 2018. It calls on them to pay more attention to their children's online activities.

The MOE also sent an urgent(紧急) notice to primary and middle schools, asking them to monitor(监督) students' Internet use. From now on, schools will pay more attention to their students' Internet use and their use of mobile phones.

Schools have been told to teach students how to avoid violent(暴力的) online event. If students show signs of being addicted to the Internet, they can get help from their teachers to give up their addiction.

Among China's 772 million Internet users, about 151 million of them are between the ages of 10 and 19, according to the China Internet Network Information Center.

It's important to pay attention to how much time you spend online. To make better use of the Internet, experts advise that students should limit(限制) their screen time to less than 1.5 hours a day. To make better use of their free time, they can develop good hobbies, like reading or playing sports.

16. What's the meaning of the online game \? ______

A. 反恐精英 B. 王者荣耀 C. 英雄联盟 D. 穿越火线 17. Why did MOE send a letter to all parents in China? ______

A. To tell parents the accident.

B. To tell parents how to help their children study well.

C. To warn parents not allow their children to play games online. D. To stop more teenagers from becoming addicted to the Internet. 18. Where did the MOE send an urgent notice? ______

A. To primary schools. B. To middle schools.


C. To primary and middle schools. D. To middle and high schools.

19. How long do experts advise students to limit their screen time? ______

A. Less than 1.5 hours a day. B. Less than 2.5 hours a day. C. Less than 1.5 hours a week. D. Less than 2.5 hours a week 20. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE? ______

A. A student nearly died after playing tne online game for 40 hours last year. B. Schools will pay more attention to their students' Internet use.

C. About 151 million of Internet users in China are between the ages of 10 and 19. D. To make better use of their free time, they can develop good hobbies. 【答案】 【小题1】B





【解析】(1)B.词义猜测题.根据King国王;glory光荣,荣耀.因此King of Glory应该指王者荣耀.故选:B. (2)D.细节理解题.根据

To stop more teenagers from becoming addicted to the Internet, the Ministry of Education(MOE教育部) sent a letter to all parents.为了防止更多的青少年沉迷于网络,教育部给家长写了一封信.故选:D.

(3)C.细节理解题.根据 The MOE also sent an urgent(紧

急) notice to primary and middle schools.可知教育部也给中小学校发送了紧急通知.故选:C.


To make better use of the Internet, experts advise that students should limit(限

制) their screen time to less than 1.5 hours a day. 可知专家建议上网时间应该限制在每天1.5小时之内.故选:A. (5)B.正误判断题.根

据 From now on, schools will pay more attention to their students' Internet use and their use of mobile phones.学校会更加关注学生的上网时间,可知B项是正确的.故选:B. 这篇文章讲述了广东一名中学生玩了40个小时的网络游戏后中风,为了防范学生网络沉迷,教育部等发布了致家长的一封信,也发布了紧急通知.


二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共10.0分) A young man was driving down a street, a bit too fast in his new car. As he was driving along, a child suddenly (21) and threw a stone at the car. The man stopped the car and jumped out, (22) at the child. \?\, \. It will be(23) to fix what you did. What ever do you want?\

\. I didn't know what else to do! It's my brother.\. \wheelchair. I can't(24).\, \his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too (25) for me.\

The young man swallowed(吞咽) and said(26). He lifted the kid's brother back into the wheelchair. \, sir,\. The man then watched the little boy(27) his brother away.

The young man did not (28) the dent(凹痕) in his car. He kept it to remind himself not to go so (29)through his life that someone has to throw a stone to get his (30). 21. A. cried

B. called C. appeared




