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1. As early as the 12th century boys in England enjoyed to play football. 2. A container weighs more after air is put in, it proves that air has weight.

3. After her two-week vacation was over, Dorothy regretted to spend so much money for so little pleasure.

4. After climbing a great hill, one only finds there are more many hills to climb.

5. A pound should be left to find its own level against the other European currencies. 6. After she got married, Lily went to see her mother each other week×. DDD

1. Don't make ×Helen's remarks too seriously. She is so upset that I don't think she really knows what she is saying.

2. Did you ever stop a moment to ask whether we learn English to use it or do we× use English to learn it?

3. Dear Helen, please forgive him for his rudeness, can you ×?

4. Did anyone inform you with× the change of the schedule that had been decided yesterday ?

5. Despite his old age, he is still very healthful× and often works in the field. EEE

1. Every one of the students had to do ×their own experiment, and then professor Brown judged the results .

2. Every now and then he would come here paying a visit to× his old aunt, who lived all alone in a small house. FFF

1.Factory workers had to work very hard before, so had farmers×. HHH

1. How ×an interesting role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar. 2. He got two pieces of × informations about the new product. 3. He cannot remember the thing whose× made me very sad.

4. He didn’t dare to leave the house for fear × someone would recognize him soon. 5. He wished he didn’t tell ×her the truth that brought her so much pain.

6. He is a true friend of mine, whom I can always depend × whenever I get into trouble 7. He invited me to go to a party and ×I did not want to join him that evening. 8. Have you noticed her coat is wet? She × must be caught in the rain.

9. He refused joining × us last Saturday night. Don’t you think it strange? 10. He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching ×his wife to cook.


1. In big cities there is an increasingly ×need for cheap apartments for the lower middle class.

2. In the town was × found many old people who badly needed money and care 3. It's easier for me to go there on foot than driving a car. ×

4. It is better to be guessing× the meanings of unknown words from their context rather than looking every word up in the dictionary.

5. It is very important that the students’ voice is heard ×by the authorities of all our schools.

6. It is about time that we ×go to supper, for we still have a meeting to attend this evening 7. If you had been there, I’m sure you would have enjoyed to see ×the Chinese Team win. JJJ

1. Joe's father has died × ten years ago, so he has lived with his mother since then. LLL

1. Life× is a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.

2. Let’s go and watch that mew movie at eight tonight, won’t we? × 3. Look at the beautiful flowers here ! How wonderful they are smelling. × 4. Let’s hurry up and try to get to the railway station in time, can we? × NNN

1. None of us had the final say in this matter, and therefore it was recommended that we waited ×for the authorities.

2. Now that the newspaper arrived × we can see the scores of the tennis matches. 3. Nora hardly never × misses an opportunity to practice speaking Chinese. OOO

1. Of the two coats, I'd choose the cheapest × one to spare some money for a book 2. Only after he comes to consciousness ×you can make the final decision.

3. On seeing the boy fell ×into the river, she sprang to her feet and went to the rescue. 4. Only by practice will you be able to improve your speaking English and gradually speak × fluently. PPP

1. 58 percent of people were asked ×thought that the advertising of tobacco and alcohol should be banned.


1. So absorbed she was ×in her work that she didn't realize it was time that she picked up her daughter.

2. Some old beautiful × Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exhibition hall. 3. Since the injury is bad, the doctors will operate ×him immediately. TTT

1. The price of meat was much more higher ×than expected.

2. The famous scientist, in his honor ×a dinner party will be held tonight, is to arrive soon.

3. The old man was so angry and spoke so fast that none of his children understood that×he meant

4. The young man, to make ×several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping decided to have another try.

5. The young man, to make ×several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try.

6. The protection of our environment is not nothing× to be left to the government. Everyone should be concerned.

7. There are moments in life where× you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them up from dreams and hug them for real.

8. The problem is how we can operate the new machine on× such a short time. 9. The book that you see laying ×on the table belongs to the teacher.

10. The best interview is one in that× there is two-way communication between the employer and the job applicant.

11. The position of the words in a sentence is the principal means of showing its × relationship.

12. The action of market forces means that the cost of something rises if demand for it rises and the amount available remain× constant.

13. The head of my department is quite friendly, though I imagine he could be × little friendly in a difficult situation.

14. They are going to leave for the United States next week, and so do we×.

15. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of that ×are separated from the others by land or water.

16. The room, which× window faces the south, is the nicest one of all on this floor. 17. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us× feel like going out for a walk. 18. The information× which she was injured in the accident was given by Liz.

19. The passengers saw the thief× stole on the bus, but they didn’t say anything. 20. This equipment is based upon advanced techniques× and it is highly reliable



