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Who is the thinnest person in your family?

Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday.

教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands

通过学习本单元,学生能进一步掌握一般过去时的用法 掌握一定数量的动词过去式形式 能用过去时讲述本单元的小故事

交际用语 Expressions in communication

Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo yesterday. I fished in the pond. That’s too bad.

Did you see a lot of animals? What did Nancy do at the zoo?

重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

film, saw, movie, wonderful, together, took, photo, mask, hill, shark, parrot, pond, porridge, gave, spoke, rode, bought, climbed, painted, played, square, missing, wood

所需教具 Materials for teaching

有关动物及旅游景点的图片 相关的不规则动词的过去式形式

教学步骤 Teaching Procedures

Warm up

教师带领学生复习Unit10单元教学活动2,听写 Presentation

上课时,教师首先提问学生:“Do you often go to the zoo? What animals can you see there?”“Do you often go to the park? What can you usually do in the parks?”学生回答这些问题之后,教师分别拿出相应的图片说:“I went to the zoo yesterday. I saw a big shark. I spoke to a parrot.”教师可以把本单元要出现的不规则动词的过去式一一举例,最后再贴到黑板上,让学生进行练习。

a )练习时,建议教师采取不同形式。比如,教师让学生一次说三个句子,然后再一次说四个句子,一次说五个句子等。

b )教师可以先把图贴在黑板上,并在图下写一个关键的动词的过去式形式,让学生根据所提供的动词过去式形式造句,最后再将句子连在一起。

c )教师也可以让学生每人说一句,用不同的动词造句。

d )等学生熟悉了用动词过去式描述过去发生的事情后,教师就让大家听录音并根据录音给大家提出几个有关听力材料的问题。如:“Where did May go? Why did the boy want to ask this question? Did May have a good time in the zoo?”

e )教师让学生两人一组做对话练习,最后再集体练习,分A、B组进行。


单元教学活动2 Listen, read and learn.


单元教学活动3 Use your brain.



单元教学活动4 Listen, write and say.


答案:1) mouse 2) house 3) chairs 4) stairs 5) floor 6) door 7) feet 8) street 9) wall 10) all 11) say 12) play 13) way

单元教学活动5 Look and talk.

第五部分是让学生根据所看到的图说一段相关的故事。学生可以任意挑选单词或图编任何想象的东西,只要合理就行。比如说:“Nancy went to the zoo yesterday. After she entered the zoo, she saw some pandas. She was very happy. Then she saw some goats which were next to the pandas. She saw some horses, too. Then she went back a little and bought some books in the bookshop. Then she saw some dogs, ducks, cats, and cows. Of course, she saw some giraffes. She was a bit tired and thirsty. She ate an ice cream. Then she went to see the snakes…”教师可以让两人一组先进行练习,然后再找同学在班里复述。在大家讲故事或句子的时候,教师要提醒大家两条:一是用动词的过去式形式,二是所有的名词都要用复数形式。

单元教学活动6 Read, draw and answer.


答案: 1 ) three bears 2 ) porridge 3 ) the chair

单元教学活动7 Listen, read and guess.

第七部分是一个小谜语。学生需根据所给的指示给出最后回答。答案是:clock 无论学生先猜还是后猜出这个谜语,教师都应让学生大声朗读该句子。

单元教学活动9 Read, guess and write.



单元教学活动8 Listen, sing and chant.




Unit 12 Has your school got a swimming pool?

教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands

通过学习,学生能进一步熟悉学校的环境,能用英语做一个简单的介绍 进一步复习、巩固所学的动词过去式,同时学习现在完成时的用法 能够表演短剧小红帽

交际用语 Expressions in communication

Has your school got a swimming pool? Paul and Peter get up very early.

They are going to meet their best friend, Bob. Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. What big eyes have you got?

How many bikes has your family bought? Has your family got a computer?

重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

visit, famous, around, show, indoor, learn, pick, arrive, think, different, cried for help, cupboard, minute, digit, kangaroo, story, coffee, lemonade, lime, camera, piano, guitar, radio, video-camera, London, bridge, river, Thames, Cambridge

所需教具 Materials for teaching


小红帽及大灰狼的假面具(将奶奶及大灰狼的脸谱做在一个面具上,可以做两层) 有关国家的风景照或名信片(第十部分) 相关的单词图片(第九部分)

教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up

教师带领学生说唱Unit11单元教学活动8 Presentation

上课时,教师首先问学生:“Where do you study?(I study in Nan Jiang School.) Is your school big or small? Has your school got a swimming pool? Do you like your school? Do you like your teachers at school? Who is your English teacher at school? Is he / she nice? Is he / she young or old?”

a ) 问了一些问题之后,教师便引导大家看图和说图。教师说:“Please look at the big picture on your book. This is a beautiful school. Now I want you to look at the picture. For example, ‘This is a classroom building. Some students are visiting the school. This is a nice building, too. You can see some students are painting pictures. Here, some students are working at the computers. These students are having a P.E. class. Some are swimming. It’s a nice day. Class One and Class Two are having a football match…’”

b ) 教师示范以后应给学生一些时间,让学生两人一组进行pairwork的活动。教师可以在黑板上给出一些关键句型和词,比如,This is …; It is …; There are lots of …; big, beautiful, nice, pretty等。

c ) 找一两个同学到前面说说这张图片。 d ) 学习、朗读本图的说明。


单元教学活动2 Listen, read and learn.


a ) 最容易的是三种形式都一样;

b ) 第二种是过去式和过去分词一样; c ) 第三种是原形动词与过去分词一样;

d ) 第四种是原形动词与过去分词大致一样; e ) 第五种是三种形式都不一样。


单元教学活动3 Look, read and talk.


动词原形 过去式 过去分词 see saw seen

e.g. I can see him every day because we are in the same class. I saw my old friend Bob in the park yesterday.

I haven’t seen my music teacher for a week because she is sick.




单元教学活动4 Listen, read and act.

第故事《小红帽》中的一段对白。教师对大家说:“Next we are going to read and act a short play. This short play is from The Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood went to see her grandma who was ill in bed. On her way, she picked some flowers. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at home, she left that was not her grandma, because she looked quiet different. And she asked to check if that was her grandma.”教师先给出一个故事的梗概,然后对学生说:“Now we are going to practise the dialogue in pairs first and then you are going to act it out in pairs, too.”教师让学生分组练习。在学生的对话练习基本能脱稿后,教师可以指导学生演这个小对话。当然了,最后让“狼”露出原形并追赶小红帽,在追的过程中,一个猎人出现,救了小红帽,同时也救了小红帽的奶奶。教师可以用一个小红方巾由给学生戴上,让她扮装成小红帽。让某个学生事先做好奶奶及大灰狼的面具,猎人的枪可以用笤帚或棍子。

单元教学活动5 Look, guess and write.

第五部分是组句子的练习。这个训练的内容主要检查学生是否能将句子的各种成分按规定放在固定的位置上。上课前,教师可以把这里的四句话中的每个词用不同的颜色分别写在一张A4纸上,然后分组存放起来。上课时,教师对学生说:“Now we are going to play a game. I’m going to give each group some words. You are going to work out a sentence with the given words. When you have finished, please take the words and stand in a row and hold the correct sentence in the front. Let’s see which group is fast and get the correct answer.”然后,教师发给大家纸,并让大家


a ) We are the best players in our school. b ) You can do it, Paul and John! c ) Let us do our best.

d ) We are always behind you.

根据组的多少可以补充句子,如: a ) Work hard and never give up! b ) Come on, you are the best!

单元教学活动6 Ask and answer in pairs.

第六部分是根据实际情况回答问题。旁边所给的图片是一种提示。教师可以先通过示范让学生明白每句话的意思。提问中,教师可以有意识地说并解释一些词,比如看到birthdays时教师可以这样说:“If you are eight years old now, then you have had seven birthdays.”谈到city时,教师可以举例说:“Such as Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Dalian, Guiyang, etc.”解释完后再让学生两人一组进行问答。

单元教学活动7 Listen, read and find out.


单元教学活动9 Look, ask and answer.

第九部分仍然是句型练习。教师首先拿出图片和单词卡,带着大家认读这些单词和图片。基中有些单词学生并不熟悉。比如camera, piano, guitar, radio, video-camera等,因此,教师应先让大家熟悉这些单词,等能正确说出单词的读音之后,再让学生两人一组进行问答。最后,教师仍需在班级进行个别问答。最后,教师仍需在班级进行个别问答以便检查学习效果。

单元教学活动10 Look, guess and say.

第十部分是看图说话的练习。教师可以这样来组织学生:“Now we are going to look at some beautiful pictures. This is London Bridge. This is Big Ben. This is River Thames and this is London Eye. Have you even been to these places? You haven’t, but Mary has been to these places. Now I want you to work in pairs and talk about these pictures. You can say,‘Mary had a holiday last summer. She took a lot of pictures. Form the pictures, we can see that Mary has been to many places in London. She has been to London Bridge. She has been to Big Ben. She has been to River Thames. She has been…’”教师指导学生将所要表达的有关Mary的内容用上述的方式说出。两人一组先练习,然后在全班找几个同学进行描述就可以了。


单元教学活动8 Listen, sing and chant.

第八部分是歌曲和歌谣。教师首先带领学生进行朗读,特别是要有节奏的朗读。朗读时分成意群,比如:“Have you ever been to Beijing Zoo / to see a kangaroo?”在大家反复练习的基础上,教师让大家的歌曲的节奏,并跟着一起唱一起说。教师可以采取竞赛的方式来带领学生练习歌曲和节奏。


请学生回家后找几张自己去过某处的照片,他们将这些照片贴在A4纸上,并在每张照片的下面写上一个句子。I have been to the Great Wall.(去长城的照片)I have been to the zoo.(去动物园的照片)



