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1. enjoy v.---adj. enjoyable

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事==be fond of sth./doing sth.

enjoy oneself(=have a good/great/wonderful time=have fun)(in) doing sth.

2. experience n.---v. experience体验,经历---adj. experienced 有经验的

experience 不可数名词-经验(后面常接介词in 或of短语)

可数名词—经历 an experience /an exciting experience

3. earn vt. 赚钱,谋生;博得,得到

earn one’s living/earn one’s bread 谋生,维持生计

4. respect vt. 尊敬;重视;注意 n. (不可数)尊重,尊敬;(可数)点;方面 ---adj. respectable正派的,受人尊敬的;好的,令人满意的 ---adj. respected 受尊敬的,受敬重的

---adj. respectful 有礼貌的,恭敬的 (of+N/to sb.) 反义disrespectful

---adj. respective 各自的(仅用于名词前)

respected多用于修饰人,它与respectable的区别在于respectable表示受人尊敬的可能性,但未必被respected 搭配用法:

respect sb. for sth. 因某事而尊敬某人 in respect of sth. 关于,就…而言 show respect for sb. 尊敬某人 lose the respect of 失去对..的尊敬

earn/win respect 赢得尊重

5. devote vt.致力于;献身--adj. devoted挚爱的(be devoted to sb.--n. devotion挚爱,深爱;忠心

devote oneself to致力于,献身于;专心于 sb. devote sth. to doing sth. 把…献给;把…专用于 sb. devote sth. to sth. 用于

be devoted to sth/doing sth. 把时间(钱、精力等)献给(做)某事

6. average n.平均数;平均水平;一般标准—adj.中等的;普通的;平常的—LV.平均为

on (an / the) average 平均,按平均计算;一般说来;通常

above/below average 平均水平之上/下

7. challenge n. 挑战;怀疑, 质问;艰巨的任务;难题--vt. 挑战;质疑 ;邀请某人比赛

---adj. challenging 具有挑战性的---n. challenger挑战者 the challenge of doing sth….的挑战

face/accept/take on a challenge面对/接受挑战 meet/rise to a challenge迎接挑战 challenge for sth. 挑战某物

challenge sb. to do sth.质疑某人做某事

8. encouragement n.鼓励,促进---v. encourage 鼓励,激励—反义:discourage v.使泄气;劝阻

----n. courage 勇气;胆量;勇敢---adj. encouraging 令人鼓舞的,振奋人心的 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

discourage sb. from doing sth. 劝某人不要做某事/劝阻某人做某事 have courage to do sth. 有勇气做某事 9. for free免费的

free from不受…的影响;没有…的;摆脱…

free of charge/tax/duty/rent 免费/免税/免税/免租金



free to do 自由地做某事

free adj.免费的;自由的---v.释放;使自由;解脱,使摆脱;解救;解除 ---adv. freely自由地,不受限制地;畅通地 ---n. freedom 自由;自主 10. look back on/upon sth. 回忆,回顾

look back on/upon the past回首过去 look back on/upon those years回首那些年 look into 调查;观察 look on旁观;认为,视为 look out注意,小心;注意看

look up查找;好转;向上看;尊敬;拜访 look down on/upon轻视,看不起 look through浏览;仔细查看;视而不见 look after 照顾;照看 look for 寻找

look forward to (doing sth.) 期待,盼望 look about 四处查看;考察事态 (1) As look back upon those years,I am struck by Annie's wisdom.<回顾,回想> (2) I've been looking into this matter this afternoon.<调查> (3) Two men were fighting. The rest were looking on.<旁观> (4) When you're eating fish,look out for bones.<当心,小心>

(5) We've been looking out for a new house,but the ones we've seen are all too expensive. <留心找某物>

(6) Look up the word in the dictionary<查寻,查找>

(7) I want to look my uncle up sometime.<看望,拜访>


She looked through her notes before the examination.<浏览>

11. satisfaction n.满意—v. satisfy使某人满意;满足要求等;符合标准等 ---adj. satisfied满意的,满足的 反义: dissatisfied

---adj. satisfying 令人高兴的,令人满意的 反义: unsatisfying,物体,做主语,一般很少用 ---adj. satisfactory满意的,够好的,反义: unsatisfactory,常用,表示事物本身具有的特点等 be satisfied with sb./sth.对…感到满意 with/in satisfaction 满足地,满意地 to sb.’s satisfaction 使某人满意

express satisfaction with/at sth.对…表示满意

give sb. the satisfaction of doing sth. 使某人得到做某事的满足感 get/gain satisfaction from sth.从某事物中得到满足感 12.exchange v.交换,交流,兑换,更换 exchange sth. for sth.用某物换某物

exchange sth. with sb. 同某人交换/交流某物 in exchange for 交换

13. What is…like?用于提问某人或某物的情况怎么样。其中like为介词


What does sb. look like? 仅用于提问某人的长相怎么样。

What does sb. like? 用于提问某人喜欢什么。其中like为动词 What do you think of sb.?问的是一个人的品行。



What do you think of sth.?==How do you find/like sth.?询问看法,表示“觉得…怎么样?” 14. 动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。

有时用it作形式主语,把动名词置于句末。常用的句型有: It is a waste doing sth.做…是浪费

It is no good/use doing sth.做…没好处/用途 It is worthwhile doing sth.做…是值得的 There is no sense in doing sth.做…没道理 There is no point in doing sth.做…没有意义 There is no use/good in doing sth. 做…没好处/用途

There is nothing worse than doing sth.没有…比更糟的 15. attend vt.出席,参加;上学;到场;(医生、护士等)照料,关心 ---n. attendance出席人数,出席,参加---n. attendant服务员,随从 ---n. attention注意,留心;照顾 attend class上课 attend school上学 attend a meeting参加会议

attend to处理(生意或个人事务);照料;注意倾听;专心于 attend to the matter处理事情 attend,take part in, join, join in辨析 四者均有“参加”之意。


Take part in多指带着责任心参加大型活动,并在其中起一定的作用,如体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等 Join 指加入团体、组织等,并成为其中的一员,如参军、入团、入党等 Join in 强调参加正在进行的活动,如比赛、娱乐、谈话等 Join sb. in sth. 和某人一起做某事 16. the best way to do sth. the way to do sth.做某事的方法 the way of doing sth. 做某事的方法 all the way一路上;从头至尾 by the way 在路旁;顺便说

by way of 经由;通过…的方法

in a way在某种程度上;有几分,稍微 in no way一点也不,决不 no way 绝不可能

in the way 挡道;妨碍某人

on the way to (doing sth.) 在去往…的路上;正在走向;快要成为… 17. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事

be/get used to sth/doing sth. 习惯于(做)某事 be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事 be used as sth.用作

18. fun n.(不可数)娱乐,玩笑,有趣,有趣的人或事---adj. funny for fun 开玩笑地;为了好玩 have fun (doing sth.) 玩得开心




