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小学英语必须掌握的几种时态(详细汇总整编版) - 图文

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13.nor 也不,引导句子要倒

装 He can not speak English, nor can I.

You like apples, so do I.

二、从属连词: 1. after

表示“时间”,在 , 之后

After I finished the school, I became a worker i

n the factory.

2.although/though 表示让步, “尽管” Although she is young, she knows a lot.

3.as 表示时间,“当 , 时”,方式“象 , ”,原因,“由于、因为”让步, “尽管、虽然”

As it was late, we mus

t go now. 4.as if/as though there before.

5.as long as/so long as 表条件,“只要” As long as I am free, I’ ll go to help you.

6.as soon as 表时间,“一, 就, ” I will phone you as soon as I come back.

7.because 表原因,“因为” I have to stay in bed because I am ill. 8.before “

表时间,“在 , 之前

You should think more before you do it.


He told is such a story as though he had been

9.even if/ even though 表让步,“即使” You should try again even if you failed.

10.hardly , when 表时间,“(刚)一, 就”

Hardly I entered the gate when the bell rang.

11.if “假如”,引导条件状语从句 What should I do net if the rain doesn ’t stop?


“是否”,引导宾语从句 I don ’ t know

if he comes back or not. 12.In case 免”


You should be more careful in case there is a fire.


We study hard in order that we ca n pass the exam.


No matter what you do, you shoul

d try your best. 15.no sooner , than began to rain. 16.now that


Now that you are on duty,you should

clean the classroom. 17.once 表时间,“一旦 , ” 三、其他

1.since 表时间,“自从 , 以来” He has been in this company since he left school. 表原因,“既然,由 于”

Since the job is dangerous,

let ’s do it more carefully.

As far as I know, it is easy for you

to speak in English. 3.so that 便” 致” 4.than


Speak loud so that everybody can hear clearly. 表结果

“如此 ,以

He got up so late that he missed the bus. 表示比较,

Once you promise , you should do it.

表时间,“刚一 , 就, ”

No sooner had I come home than it

13.In order that

14.no matter +疑问词

2.so far as/as far as 表条件,“就 , 而言,就 , 而论”

“比” Things were worse than we thought.



句 It is dangerous that we walk on the thin ice. 引导定语从句和状语从句 She hurried that she might not be late for work. 6.unless 表条件,“除非,如果


I will go to the zoo unless it rains.

7.Until/till 表时间,“直到 , 为止” I’ll wait till he comes back. 8.when 表时间,“当 , 时

When they got there, the train has left.

9.whether “是否”引导名词性从句 Whether he can some to see us is unknown.

表让步,“不管 / 无论、是

否” Whether she is ill or well, she is always happy. 10.while 表时间,“当,


While he was in Beijing, he visited the Great Wall.

表让步,“尽管,既然” While I find the problems very difficult, I don them insoluble. 11.whenever


候” Whenever you meet any trouble, tell me at once.


t think ’

小学英语必须掌握的几种时态(详细汇总整编版) - 图文


