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Commentaries on scenic spot of WanFeng Peaks Forest

Ladies and gentlemen, nice to meet all of you!Welcome to the scenic spot of Xingyi WanFeng Peaks Forest, a national geological park in Xingyi City. I am XXX, your guide of. I am glad to show you around the beautiful Peaks Forest . During the visit, there will be three stops and you can get off to take photos.

The General Peak is the first spot that I would like to introduce to you. Please look at the smallest peak in the field which looks like a stone pillar. We call it the General Peak. There are several reasons why we call it this name. First, during the period of Republic of China, several generals came from this place. The shape of the peak also looks like a general who holds his head up high. The mountains behind the peak are just like a large number of mounted and foot soldiers waiting for the general’s commands. Beside the general, there are two vice generals to safeguard him. The left mountain looks like a camel with noble humps and half-kneeling legs while the right mountain looks like a turtle with his head reaching out and a broad back. Surrounded and protected by a large number of mounted and foot soldiers, the General Peak becomes the symbol of Xingyi WanFeng Peaks Forest

In the following segment, the mountains are the most and the density is the highest. The remote mountains has no stops while the mountains nearby are independent and have their own shapes, tier upon tier and are well proportioned. Imagination shall be provoked while you look at the mountains and then you will find that some mountains look like certain animals and others look like human beings.

Look, there is a big whale swimming towards us. It has a high back, small tail and huge white teeth .How vivid! A large screen appears after you have watched the whale. However, the screen is not able to block the grandness and magnificence of the mountains behind it. What follows immediately is a snail crawling slowly with

its shell. These independent mountains look like natural bonsais, delicate, cute, graceful and touching.


In the middle of the filed there is an independent hilltop surrounded by huge mountains as the stars surround the moon. Therefore, the scenic spot is called ZhongXingPengYue, meaning all the stars bend towards the moon.

“Sleeping Beauty”

Well, let’s look, over there. In the distance we can see a village on the half mountain. Above it there is a mountain peak. On the right of it lies the “Sleeping Beauty” , who sleeps, facing and staring at the sky, as if she is also struck by the beautiful scenery.

“Na Hui Village”

There, we can see a village. People in this village are minorities. They have been living there for many years. As Chinese saying “Miao love mountains. Bu love water. Some live on the halfmountains. Others live at the foot of mountains. The village at the foot of the mountains is called “Na Hui village”. The president Hu Jin Tao came to spend the Spring Festival with the local people (Bu Yi) on February 8th, 2005.(Lunar calendar 30th). The family the president Hu Jin Tao had a meal with is now becoming a famous place which every visitor wants to visit. In this village you can have a wonderful meal and also stay. Oh, we have come to the first stop. Take photos if you like. Please, mind your step.

“Bronze Drum Square”



