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信息与计算科学-最佳投资问题论文 - 图文 

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摘要 本文是关于最佳投资问题提出的一些讨论。 关键词 本利金额 最优解 数学模型 线性规划

Optimal Investment problem

Abstract The following article will give some discussion about the optimal investment

problem distribution.

Key words capital interest amount optimal solution mathematical model Linear








关键词:本利金额 最优解 数学模型 线性规划



The following article will give some discussion about the optimal investment problem distribution.

According to the conditions given in the first question, there are four kinds of investment methods known as Project A, B, C and D. In order to solve the problem of the maximum amount of principal and interest at the end of the fifth year, we calculated the following conclusions: The investment of items B, C and D is 300000(the beginning of the first year to the beginning of the fourth year) , 800000(the beginning of the third year) , and the million is yuan (the beginning of the second year) , when other funds are invested in project a at the beginning of each year, the return at the end of the fifth year is the largest.

According to the condition of the problem, the mathematical model is established and the maximum amount of capital and profit can be obtained. This problem can also be solved using the Lingo Algorithm. The second problem according to the conditions given in the title, add a restricted condition risk index and in the end of the first year the capital and interest amount is not less than 3.2 million yuan to find the minimum risk index. In order to solve the minimum risk index problem at the end of the fifth year, it is calculated that the 2000000 funds invested in project a at the end of the fifth year are at the minimum risk index.

According to the condition of the problem, the mathematical model is established and the minimum risk index is obtained. This problem can also be solved using the Lingo Algorithm. The third question according to the condition which the topic gives, increases a 0 risk investment way (the topic does not give the deposit bank the Specific Risk Index, defaults to 0) , and find the minimum value of the risk index when the principal and interest amount reaches 3200000 yuan at the end of the fifth year. According to the condition of the problem, the mathematical model is established and the minimum risk index is obtained.

Keywords: capital interest amount, optimal solution, mathematical model, Lingo



目 录

1. 引言 ................................................................................ 5 2.问题提出及符号设置 ................................................................. 5 2.1 基本情况 ......................................................................... 5 2.2 相关信息 ........................................................................ 5 2.3 问题提出 ......................................................................... 6 2.3 符号设置 ......................................................................... 6 3.算法建立及求解 .............................................................. 6 3.1问题一 一—第五年年末本利金额最大值分配方案 ..................................... 6 3.1.1 问题分析及假设 .......................................................... 6 3.1.2 模型一的建立与求解 ...................................................... 7 3.1.3 模型一的结果 ............................................................ 9 3.2问题二 ——计算在一定条件下风险指数最小值 ....................................... 9

3.2.1 问题提出 ................................................................ 9 3.2.2 模型二的建立与求解 ..................................................... 10 3.2. 3 模型二的结果 ........................................................... 12 3.3问题三 ——增加一种投资方式时分配方案的变化 .................................... 12

3.3.1 问题提出 ............................................................... 12 3.3.2 模型三建立与求解 ....................................................... 13

3.3.3 模型三的结果 ........................................................... 15

4.进一步讨论实际问题 ......................................................... 15 4.1问题一 ——针对问题一本利金额最大值问题的讨论 .................................. 15 4.2问题二 ——针对问题二风险指数最小值问题的讨论 .................................. 17 4.3问题三 ——针对问题三增加投资方式后风险指数最小值问题的讨论 .................... 19 5.致谢 ...................................................................... 21 6.参考文献 ................................................................... 22 7.附录(lingo代码) .......................................................... 23





2. 问题提出及符号设置


某企业现有资金 200 万元,计划在今后五年内给 A、B、C、D 四个项目投资,根据有关情况的分析得知如下信息。 2.2相关信息 项目A(从第一年到第五年每年年初都可进行投资) 项目 B(从第一年到第四年每年年初都可进行投资,每年最大投资额不能超过 30 万元) 项目 C(若投资则必须在第三年年初投资最大投资额不能超过 80 万元) 项目 D(若投

第一年年末回收本利 110% 第二年年末回收本利 110% 第三年年末回收本利 110% 第四年年末回收本利 110% 第五年年末回收本利 110% 125% 125% 125% 125% 140% 4


信息与计算科学-最佳投资问题论文 - 图文 


